HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 04 19 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes
April 19, 1995
1. Call to Order:
Meeting called to order by Chairperson Hoffmann at 7:00 P.M.
2. Attendance:
Art Hoffmann, Chairperson, Present
Carl Stephens, Jr., Present
Gene Lein, Present
William Fernandez, Present
David Hopkins, Present
Thomas Grimms, Community Development Coord.
3. Consideration of tbe A~ril 5, 1995 Meetina Minutes:
Meeting minutes of April 5, 1995 not completed; tabled for
approval until the May 3, 1995 meeting.
Cbairperson Hoffmann summarized the meeting of April 5, 1995, and
reported that the conceptual plan for Arrowhead Units 3, 4, and 5
was brought before the Board for consideration. It was reviewed
and turned over to the Commission with recommendations.
Discussion continued on the draft of the Land Development Code by
which the Board went page by page through the changes made by Mr.
Goodrow. Chairperson Hoffmann explained the highlighted or shaded
areas represented information added by Mr. Goodrow, and all
deletions contained strikeouts.
The Board ended discussion of the Code at the beginning of Chapter
4. Election of Cbair~erson and Vice-Cbair~erson:
Mr. Hopkins advised the Board that according to the r~oberts Rules
of Order", the current Vice-Chairperson automatically takes over
the posi tion of Chairperson until July, when at such time the
annual election is held.
The Board concurred to table elections until their regularly
scheduled time in July.
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes - April 19, 1995
Page 2
5. Continued Discussion of the Draft of the Land Development Codes
Section 9-221(a) Sidewalks:
Mr. Grimms referred to Chapter 9, page 554 of the existing Code
and stated that the (4) foot width was somewhat narrow, and many
jurisdictions have a width of (5) feet.
Mr. Hoffmann suggested that this particular item be reviewed by the
Building Department.
Section 12 12-65 (Stoppinql Standinql parkinq):
Mr. Lein, also referring to the existing Code, section 12-65
located on page 741, questioned the parking regulations.
As many times as it had been expl ained to him, and as many times as
he has tried to explain it to others, he explained that no one
really seems to understand it.
Mr. Lein explained that
reads. . . fIno person shall
roadway... He stated how
section be more explicit.
section 12-65(1)(a), which in part
stop, stand or park a vehicle on any
vague this area was, and suggested this
Chairperson Hoffmann suggested forwarding this section to the
Police Department for review.
Discussion with regard to parking situations.
Chairperson Hoffmann asked if everyone was in receipt of Fire Chief
Lallathin's memorandum dated April 13, 1995 concerning changes to
the Code.
Among other items, Chief Lallathin's memorandum refers to Chapter
7, Section 7-80 which is already being utilized in the current
Chairperson Hoffmann reported that this Section is now, Section 7-
The word Fire Marshall should be changed to reflect only one "L",
and where the Ci ty commissi on is referred to as, the "Ci ty
Counci 1 ", shoul d be changed to read, "Ci ty Commissi on".
Planning and Zoning Board
Heeting Hinutes - April 19, 1995
Page 3
Chairperson Hoffmann directed the Board's attention to the attached
Ordinance forwarded by the Fire Chief.
Ordinance No. 579 was adopted by the City Commission which amends
Subsection 7-46(b) and refl ects the revised "Fire Preventi on
Codes". The following are the revised Codes in Ordinance No. 579:
1. State Fire Marshal's Rules and Regulations, Title 4A
Florida Administrative Code, 1990 Edition.
2. Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCCI)
Standard Fire Prevention Code, 1994 Edition.
3. National Fire Protection Association, Life Safety Code 101,
1991 Edition.
Chairperson Hoffmann stated that these revised Codes must be
forwarded to Mr. Goodrow.
Hr. Grimms communicated the need for an operational definition for
the wording, "substantially chanqed" in section 20-7. Vested
Rights, fourth line down.
Chairperson Hoffmann commented that because the entire paragraph on
vested rights is a legal section, it should be referred to the City
Attorney, and agreed that the wording, "substantially chanqed" be
Hr. Hopkins agreed that the section on "Vested Rights" be forwarded
to the Ci ty attorney also for the fact that the Ci ty had an
ordinance on "Vested Rights", and shoul d be in accordance wi th the
current ordinance.
The Board also questioned why paragraph (d) was eliminated from the
"Vested Rights" secti on on page 585 of the current Code.
Hr. Fernandez indicated a grammatical error at the end of line 2,
Section 20-7. Vested Rights. The word, OF should be changed to
show the word OR.
CHAPTER 20 ZONING Section 20-2. Basis for requlations and
requirements herein set forth.
Hr. Grimms informed the Board that he was going to strengthen the
language in this section in terms of the relationship of zoning to
the comprehensive plan.
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Meeting Minutes - April 19, 1995
Page 4
After some discussion, everyone agreed to submit the question of
stronger language for this section to Mr. Goodrow.
SECTION 20-26.
Zoninq ordinances; alterations,
chanqes or
The following sentence (part of line 7 and part of line 8) added by
Mr. Goodrow was discussed;. . . "and, if the proposed chanqe is within
ONE MILE of the city limit, to the clerk of the adjacent
jurisdiction{s)... "
The Board concurred that the wording, ONE MILE should be changed to
Mr. Fernandez questioned the posting of notices in
conspicuous places throughout the city, and suggested
appropriate that a notice be placed on the property.
it be
The Board agreed to submit a change to Section 20-26, adding that
one of the conspicuous places for posting of notices be, Iron the
SECTION 20-101. Division of city.:
The Board discussed the changes to this section regarding their
districts and areas of square footage.
A minimum living area of 1,600 Scl. ft. was added in connection with
the R-1AAA Sinqle-family dwellinq district.
Mr. Fernandez questioned why the City had a large area on the map
zoned Planned Uni t Development (PUD), but was not incl uded in
Section 20-101?
After some discussion, the Board agreed to add to Section 20-101,
the district or zoning category of "Planned Unit Development"
( PUD ) .
SECTION 20-121. Desiqnation:
In the first
sentence, it
be repl aced
was suggested that the word,
Planning and Zoning Board
Heeting Hinutes - April ~9, ~995
Page 5
Under the same section, 20-121, Hr. Stephens commented that Rustic
Residential and R-1AAA is NOT the same zoning category and must be
changed. Rl-AAA is already defined as 20,000 square foot lots.
After further discussion, Hr. Lein suggested, and the Board
concurred that Sections 20-121 through 20-181, pages 20-4 and 20-5
be sent back to Mr. Goodrow for review, and change so as to agree
with the comprehensive plan.
The word INORDINATELY will be replaced by the words, THAT ARE.
SECTION 20-107--10-~20:
Hr. Grimms noticed that there were no rules in the current Code for
determining zoning boundaries should there be any question. He
suggested the Board consider adding that as a new section 20-107.
,- Discussion. Mr. Grimms also pointed out that the scale on the map
shows one (1) inch to 500, and should be one (1) inch to 400 as
indicated as a requirement in the City's Code. This scale is shown
on page 12-05(b) (Official Zoning Map Description).
Chairperson Hotfmann asked Mr. Grimms to determine whether that was
an error on the map, or if not, change to reflect, (1) inch to 500.
In reference to determining zoning boundaries, Mr. Hoffmann asked
Mr. Grimms to submit to Mr. Goodrow, Rules for Determininq
Boundari es .
SECTION 20-~05. Mininq and mineral extractions:
In the first sentence the words, AND MINERAL is to be deleted and
Referring to the Comprehensive Plan, the Board noted that in the
section of designations, an RU needed to be designated as RC-l.
Mr. Stephens suggested Mr. Goodrow refer to page 17, item (b) of
the Comp Plan where it states,... "existing residential developments
with lots of at least one acre are assigned a new classification,
Rustic Residential."
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Meeting Minutes - April 19, 1995
Page 6
Mr. Grimms read the statement on page 16, to the top of page 17 of
the Comprehensive Plan which read, . .. "also since there is no intent
to extend the municipal boundaries outward to the west, south and
east in order to develop new residential areas...".
He suggested dropping this from the Comprehensive Plan if the City
has any plans for annexations. Although stated under this
classification, his experience with DCA has shown that they are
expansive in their review practices. Mr. Grimms said he wouldn't
be surprised if this would be delved into, and used in DCA's logic
for raising objection for annexation for the city.
SECTION 20-164. Buildinq Heiqht Restrictions:
This section was noted by Mr. LeBlanc in his memo of April 5, 1995,
and given to Mr. Goodrow regarding the change of height restriction
to thirty-five (35) feet.
The Board asked that Mr. Goodrow show in the Code where the
residential moderate and medium densities are located.
SECTION 20-318. Minimum development standards and requirements:
(f) Buffers.
The Board would like an explanation as to why "buffers" were
deleted in this section, and unless addressed somewhere else, DOES
SECTION 20-352. Intent and purpose of district:
Define "Mixed Use".
Chairperson Hoffmann suggested as an example, wording it to say,
"These designations appear in the Comprehensi ve PI an", and then put
as a section in the Code.
SECTION 20-354. Site development standards:
Regarding sub-paragraph (9), DEFINE PARKING FOR SINGLE-FAMILY
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes - April 19, 1995
Page 7
SEcrION 20-355. Procedure for approval:
Sub-paragraph (3) is to read as to110ws:
staff review. It shall be the duty of the staff to review the
preliminary development plan and submit their written
recommendation. rhe applicant shall be invi ted to attend this
meeting. rhe staff shall consists of the ci ty engineer, fire
chief, police chief, and any other pertinent department heads or
consultants designated by the City Manager.
SECTION 20-381. Procedure for approval of a Planned Unit
Sub-paragraph (3) is to read as to110ws:
staff review. It shall be the duty of the staff to review the
master plan and submi t their wri tten recommendation to the ci ty
manager with copies to the Planning and Zoning Board. The
applicant shall be invited to attend this meeting. rhe staff shall
consists of the city engineer, fire chief, police chief, and any
other pertinent department heads or consultants designated by the
City Manager.
Sub-paragraph (9) is to read as to110ws:
staff review. It shall be the duty of the staff to review the
final subdivision plan and submit their written comments relative
to code compliance to the city manager with copies to the Planning
and Zoning Board. The applicant shall be invited to this meeting.
rhe staff, for the purpose of this paragraph, shall include the
Community Development Coordinator, city engineer, fire chief,
police chief, and any other pertinent department heads or
consultants designated by the City Manager.
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes - April 19, 1995
Page 8
SECTION 20-380. Site development standards.
The Board discussed net residential acreage as noted in the current
Code versus gross residential acreage per the Comprehensive Plan.
The Board agreed that net residential acreaqe should remain.
6. Adjournment:
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Admini rative Secretary
Prepared May 9, 1995
This document is a summary of the Planning and Zoning Board actions
at this meeting. The audiotapes of all meetings are maintained in
the permanent records of the Ci ty of Winter Springs.