HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 03 01 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES MARCH 1, 1995 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairperson Hoffmann at 7:05 P.M. 2. Attendance: Grace Anne Glavin, Chairperson, Absent Art Hoffmann, Vice-Chairperson, Present Gene Lein, Present Carl Stephens, Jr., Present David Hopkins, Present Donald R. Leblanc, Land Management Specialist Fred Goodrow, AICP - Berryman & Henigar 3. Consideration of the Januii!"Y_l~ 1995 Meeting Minutes: Mr. Lein moved to accept the minutes as submitted. Seconded by Mr. Hopkins. Vote: All Aye; motion carried. JOYCE REZO~I~G Vice-Chairperson Hoffmann asked Mr. LeBlanc the status pertaining to the Joyce Rezoning. Mr. LeBlanc explained that the attorney for the Joyce property is demanding the Ci ty rezone the property because a contract fell through and they were not satisfied with six (6) per acre owned. They want the property rezoned to R-3 which the County and the neighbors are against. Mr. LeBlanc said the first reading was held Monday evening, February 27, 1995. The second reading and public hearing will be held on March 27,1995. They wanted the ordinance this past Monday evening, but the procedure is, the ordinance gets introduced, and then a public hearing must be called. Because a fifteen day notice must be given to the public, the second reading cannot be held until the following month. 4. Land Development Regulations: Fred Goodrow of Berryman & Henigar was present to give an overview of the proposed Land Development Regulations which was discussed at a joint meeting wi th the commission and the Planning & Zoning Board. Mr. Goodrow said, as he understood from the joint meeting, his basic purpose for attending the Planning and Zoning Board meeting was to make sure that everyone was going in the right direction as far the Planning and Zoning Board was concerned. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES MARCH 1, 1995 PAGE 2 Mr. Goodrow said the Comp Plan/Code of ordinances Matrix given the Board was done in the early stages of the original effort to write a Land Development Regulations. When they developed the first version of the Unified Land Development Code, as it was called, the first three col umns were done by Berryman and Henigar and the fourth column was added on by the City staff. Mr. Goodrow said he would like to disregard the last column because the directions from the joint meeting is to go back and wri te regulations that amend the existing codes in order to bring those regulations into compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. He explained that the extreme left hand column was a list of cri teria that cities regul ate. The second col umn shows what criteria was not addressed by the Comprehensive Plan although they are addressed in the Code of ordinances. Mr. Goodrow suggested going through the pages, and in those places where the Comp Plan does not address any of those particular criteria, now would be the time for the Board to discuss what they feel should be addressed or not. When this gets re-written we want to take into account any issues someone might think ought to be included as well as the Comprehensive Planning Policy issues. Mr. Goodrow cautioned that some could be rather detailed and could create a larger issue than the Board would want to get into at the present. Mr. Goodrow explained what the following initials symbolized ln the second column of the Comp Plan/Code of Ordinances Matrix: TCE - Traffic Circulation Element (policy found in the Traffic Circulation element of the Comp Plan) IC Intergovernmental Coordination Element ROSE - Recreation and Open Space CE - Conservation Element FLU - Future Land Use Element PW - Public Works Element CIE - Capital Improvement Element SO - Stormwater Drainage SS - Sanitary Sewer HE - Housing Element PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES MARCH 1, 1995 PAGE 3 Mr. Goodrow informed the Board that he would be available to discuss the schedule. He explained that he did not negotiate the schedule with the City Manager as yet, but since Mr. Govoruhk had distributed the schedule to the Board, he assumed the City Manager didn't have any comments on it at the present. Mr. Hoffmann explained that the Planning and Zoning Board meetings were held the first and third Wednesdays of the month. He mentioned that in the second month of the schedule, there were three meetings which would have to be worked out. Mr. Goodrow said given the Comp PI an cri teria and the Code of Ordinances, he wants to see what we have and don't have already covering those policies and start writing. Mr. LeBlanc expl ained that once Mr. Goodrow starts wri ting and sending copies, the Board can begin holding their meetings. Someone from staff can be present for comments to return to Mr. Goodrow. Mr. Goodrow explained that the document would look I egis lati ve change format wi th strike-throuqhs and all underlined. like a chanqes, Mr. Hopkins questioned the highlighting of particular policies in the second column of the Comp Plan/Code of Ordinances Matrix. Mr. Goodrow explained that when he received the copy from staff, he went through and highlighted the items that were done. Mr. LeBlanc informed Mr. Goodrow of a "height restriction" change which was listed in RI-AA Zoning where the height restriction had gone from twenty-five (25) feet to thirty-five (35) feet. Mr. LeBlanc said another item which is in the process of being changed is "Stormwater Management". Mr. Hoffmann mentioned that an updated "Sign" ordinance didn't exist. Mr. LeBlanc explained a moratorium was put on "Billboards" for SlX months, and a moratorium on "Adult Entertainment". Mr. Goodrow understood that his responsibilities are to change the existing regulations and make them consistent with the Comprehensive Plan policies; anything beyond that, he and the Board would have to discuss. He reiterated that if there are any items that do not have Comp plan policies that the Board thinks should be addressed, they need to be discussed. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES MARCH 1, 1995 PAGE 4 The Board discussed the importance of time in completing the Land Development Regulations in order to be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and DCA. At a later date, any comprehensive plan amendments can be done if necessary to change the LOR's. Mr. Hopkins stressed his concern regarding issues that might not be addressed. Mr. LeBlanc assured the Board that they can go back and make amendments to the comp plan to change the LOR's, but the main goal at the present time is to get in compliance. The Board discussed what type of procedure to follow on reviewing the LOR's completed by Mr. Goodrow, i.e., by page, chapter, etc. Mr. LeBlanc suggested proceeding chapter by chapter and NOT page by page. Mr. Hopkins suggested, Mr. Goodrow completes review. and the Board concurred, after which time a chapter, he send it to the Board for The Board discussed the importance of input from Development Code Technical Committee and stressed committee should be given copies of what Mr. Goodrow Mr. LeBlanc stated that the committee will get copies public meetings. the Land that the generates. during the Mr. Hopkins asked Mr. Goodrow what the penalties would be if the LOR's were not brought into compliance within a certain time frame. Mr. Goodrow explained there were no penalties for not getting the LOR's done on time; however, the down side was that the City was very vulnerable to suits that cannot be won because of the City not following state Statutes. Discussion regarding the involvement of the LDC Technical Advisory Committee and the order in which they should receive, if any, draft copies from Berryman and Henigar; before or after the Planning and Zoning Board. Vice-Chairperson Hoffmann asked Mr. Goodrow how soon he thought he could have any draft copies for the Board to review. Mr. Goodrow explained to the Board that presently it would be difficult to give them a time frame; however, when the Board receives the first copy from him, they can then determine/judge the time frame and hold/schedule meetings accordingly. Discussion of Meetinq Dates. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING MINUTES MARCH I, 1995 PAGE 5 5. Adiournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, ~~~~UU~ /-S~irl~. Frankhouser, - Administrative Secretary Prepared March 13, 1995 This document is a summary of the Planning and Zoning Board actions at this meeting. The audiotapes of all meetings are maintained in the permanent records of the City of Winter Springs.