HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 09 07 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
City of Winter Springs Florida
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes
September 7, 1994
1. Call to Order:
The meeting was called to'order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairperson
2. Attendance:
Grace Anne Glavin, Chairperson, Present
Art Hoffmann, Vice Chairperson, Present
Carl Stephens, Jr., Present
David Hopkins, Present
Gene Lein, Present
Carl D. Gosline, Community Development Coordinator, Present
3. Aporoval of Auqust 17, 1994 Meetinq Minutes:
Mr. Hoffmann moved to accept the minutes of August 17, 1994 as
presented. Seconded by Mr. Stephens. Vote: Mr. Hopkins _
Abstain due to absence from the August 17, 1994 meeting;
Chairperson Glavin - Aye; Mr. Hoffmann - Aye; Mr. Stephens
- Aye; Mr. Lein - Aye. Motion carried.
4. Annual Elections of Officers (Tabled from Auqust 17 meetinq)
Mr. Stephens nominated Grace Anne Glavin for Chairperson.
Seconded by Mr. Hopkins. Chairperson Glavin asked for
other nominations. Grace Anne Glavin was re-elected as
Chairperson as no other nominations were submitted.
Mr. Stephens nominated Art Hoffmann for Vice-Chairperson.
Seconded by Mr. Lein. Chai rperson Gl avin nominated Mr. Hopkins
for Vice-Chairperson. Nomination for Mr. Hopkins as Vice-
Chairperson failed for lack of a second. Mr. Hoffmann was
re-elected as Vice-Chairperson as no other nominations
5. Consideration of a Policy changing the meeting time and
apolication deadlines:
Mr. Gosline explained the Board had generally discussed
the need for rules of procedure at their last meeting. The
policies for consideration tonight were the first of several
installments on this regard.
Policy LPA-l
All future meetings of the Local Planning Agency/Planning and
Zoning Board, or it's successor agency, hereinafter known as
the Board, shall begin at 7:00 o'clock PM.
Mr. Lein moved to adopt Policy LPA-1. Seconded by Mr. Hopkins.
Vote was unanimous to adopt Policy LPA-l.
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes
September 7, .1994
Page 2
PolicY' LPA-2
The Board will meet on the first Wednesday of the month, unless
the Chairperson, or Vice-Chairperson determines no meeting is
necessary. The Chairperson,- or Vice-Chairperson may establish
additional meeting dates, known as special meetings, provided
reasonable notice is given to Board members.
Mr. Hoffmann moved to adopt Policy LPA-2. Seconded by Mr.
Stephens. Vote was unanimous to adopt Policy LPA-2.
PolicY' LPA-3
All applications requiring Board action, other than internal
administrative matters, or matters continued from a previous
meeting, shall be filed with the staff no later than thirty
(30) days prior to the meeting at which the applicant wishes
the matter to be considered. This policy shall be effective at
the November 2, 1994 meeting.
Mr. Hopkins moved to adopt Policy LPA-3. seconded by Mr.
Stephens. Vote was unanimous to adopt Policy LPA-3.
PolicY' LPA-4
All agendas for regular Board meetings shall be posted and
mailed at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled Board
meetings. Agendas for special meetings shall be posted and
mailed by such date as may be reasonable.
Mr. Hoffmann moved to adopt Policy LPA-4. Seconded by Mr.
Lein. Vote was unanimous to adopt Policy LPA-4.
6. Other Business:
Several Board members expressed concern that in the past many of
their recommendations were ignored, or changed, before reaching the
City Commission. Mr. Gosline stated that to his knowledge this
situation has not occurred in the last six months. It was the
consensus of the Board that the Rules of Procedure should include
some language to ensure thei r recommendations reach the ci ty
Commission in a timely manner.
New Access Road For Chelsea Parc:
The Board discussed the following motion made at the August 17,
1994 meeting: Mr. Stephens moved that the proposed access. for
Chelsea Parc be granted subiect to adding a left hand turn lane
in the median to allow safe access for cars turning into Chelsea
Parc including the Staff recommendations of page 2 of the document
dated August 11, 1994 be included in this motion.
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes
September 71 1994
Page 3
The Board wanted to make clear.their intention was to deny the new
access to Winter Springs Boulevard for Chelsea Parc III if there
was not to be a left hand turn lane cut into the median to allow
safe access.
Land Development Code Technical Committee Meetina:
Mr. Gosline informed the Board that the first meeting of the LDC
Technical Commi t tee establ ished a schedul e to provide for two
meetings a month for the rest of the year. The Technical
Committee's function is to make recommendations to the Planning and
Zoning Board regarding such matters as definitionsl project review
process and development standards.
Battle Ridqe:
Mr. Gos line inf ormed the Board of four (4) Community meetings
scheduled to be held at the South Seminole Christian Church.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M.
;hspec full Submitted,
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Shirle A. Frankhouser,
Administrative Secretary
Prepared September 14, 1994
BE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 5, 1994 - 7:00 P.M.
This document is a summary of the Planning and Zoning Board actions
at this meeting. Anyone wishing to obtain more detailed
information may contact the City Clerk to arrange to listen to the
audiotapes during normal business hours.