HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 07 20 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
City of Winter Springs Florida
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes
July 20, 1994
1. Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman
2. Attendance:
Grace Anne Glavin, Chairman, Present
Carl Stephens, Jr., Present
Art Hoffmann, Present
David Hopkins, Absent
Gene Lein, Absent
Carl Gosline
Community Dev.Coord.
3. Approval of June 20, 1994 Meetinq Minutes:
After a brief discussion, the Planning and Zoning Board
preferred to refer to the meeting minutes as such, in lieu of
a meeting summary. Mr. Hoffmann moved to accept the minutes as
submitted for the meeting of June 15, 1994. It was seconded by
Mr. Stephens. The Board voted unanimously to approve; motion
4. Consideration of Final Enqineerinq/Development Plan for
Parcel 61 - Proiect #94-SUB-5 - referred from the City
A. Discussion:
Mr. Gosline explained, ordinarily the final plan would not come
back before the Planning and Zoning Board~ but in this case, the
City Commission felt it was important for the P & Z Board to review
the landscaping. Mr. Gosline said the Board did not receive a site
plan, as it was not yet completed.
Mr. Gosline explained Zoning Section of the Code contains a
provision that established a minimum lot depth of 110 feet.
Several of the lots in the proposed plan did not meet this minimum
requirement. The City Attorney has reviewed this matter to
determine whether it applied to projects in a Planned unit
Development (PUD) project.
Mr. Gosline stated that he was informed by the City Manager late
this afternoon that it is the City Attorney's interpretation this
provision of the City Code does not apply to projects within the
PUD Zoning category. The City Attorney will provide this
interpretation in writing in the near future.
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes
July 20, 1994
Page 2
Mr. Culp presented slides of the landscaping and wall design to the
Board. Chairman Glavin asked that a copy of the plan be given to
the Board to review, and requested that in the future, the Board be
given copies of plans beforehand.
Chairman Glavin said the Board was given a copy of a letter dated
July 13, 1994, addressed to the City Manager from Mr. James Mikes
stating in part, n.. .that the developer has opted to exclude the 50
foot strip f rom the planned area, and not improve it. I f this
parcel is not included in the development, and maintained by the
Homeowner's Association, it will become another Tuscawilla
Mr. Culp explained that the 50 foot piece of property had no use in
the res idential deve 1 opment; however, it wi 11 continue to be
maintained according to City Code and all City Ordinances. He also
said it will be desirable for someone along Colt Drive to own and
control this property. Colt Drive, (which is a private road), has
a drainage problem, and will eventually need a drainage outfall.
Chairman Glavin stated that the piece of property adjacent to the
7-11 Convenience store, is an eyesore as it is used by many people
as a place to park and eat lunch. She said the piece of property
should be made the responsibility of the Homeowners Association,
and a wall extended on this property.
Chairman Glavin made reference to a letter addressed to the City
Manager from Mr. Jim Cooper, Director of Land with the Pulte Home
Corporation; with regard to deeding the 50 foot piece of property,
she asked Mr. Cooper if the City had any interest in owning this
piece of property, or if they considered giving it to the City.
Mr. Cooper said it was one of the options, but didn't know if the
City wanted it.
Mr. Cooper said he had many conversations with Mr. Mikes who said
he would be willing to extend the wall at his expense, and maintain
the property, if Pulte Homes would give him a perpetual easement,
Mr. Culp said they
including it in this
suggested that it be
can address the Boards
development. Chairman
the responsibility of
concerns without
Glavin strongly
the Homeowners
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes
July 20, 1994
Page 3
Mr. Gos line exp 1 ained the Ci ty woul d net be concerned wi th who
owned the property, because it would have to be maintained
according te the City Code. The Site plan Review Board did not
include any consideration of that piece of property in their
evaluation because they were looking only at the lots, and what was
to be platted.
B. staff Recommendation:
The Staff recommends the Planning and Zoning Board recommend
approval of the final engineering/development plan for Parcel 61,
Project #94-SUB-5 subject to the following conditions:
1. The Deeds, Covenants and Restrictions are revised to
adequatel y meet the concerns expressed by the Ci ty Commission
at the preliminary plan hearing.
2. The Deeds, Covenants and Restrictions are approved by the
City Attorney prior to consideration by the site Plan Review
3. The Site Plan Review Board approve the final
engineering/development plan prior to submission to the City
C. Board Action:
Mr. Stephens moved that the Planning and Zoning Board approve the
revised Preliminary Plan for Parcel 61 as presented and subject to
the staff recommendation. It was seconded by Mr. Hoffmann. Vote:
Chairman Glavin - Nay; Mr. Hoffmann - Aye; Mr. Stephens - Jr.,
Aye. Motion for approval of the walls, landscaping, covenants and
restrictions as presented, fails to carry for lack of three votes
pursuant to Section 20-56 of the Cede.
In order to move forward, Mr. Culp asked for a new motion that may
place some reservations or restrictions on Pulte Homes with regard
to the maintenance of the 50 foot strip along Winter Springs
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes
July 20, 1994
Page 4
Mr. Culp requested a motion from the Planning and Zoning Board, to
approve the landscaping and walls for Tusca Oaks as submitted, and
as recommended by the Board of Adjustment, including a proposal for
a continuous hedge along the wet bottom pond. In addition, a
restriction be placed on the approval that pulte Homes, at such
point, has not conveyed the 50 foot parcel adjacent to the 7-11
Convenience store, will then deed that parcel to the Tusca Oaks
Homeowners Association with the responsibility for maintenance of
that parcel as common property for the homeowners association, and
that this project be moved forward.
Mr. Stephens so moved, it was seconded by Mr. Hoffmann. Vote:
Hoffmann - Aye; Chairman GI avin - Aye; Mr. Stephens -
Motion carried
5. Annual Election of Officers:
Chairman Glavin suggested that the election be tabled until such
time, all Board members are present. Board members present agreed.
6. Other Business:
434 Corridor Proiect:
Mr. Stephens read a 1 et ter addressed to Mayor Bush from the
Commerce and Industry Board with regard the State Road 434 Corridor
project. Mr. Stephens suggested the Planning and Zoning Board do
the same. Mr. Hoffmann agreed that the P & Z Board should be
involved. Mr. Stephens volunteered to serve on the project.
Mr. Hoffmann moved that the Planning and Zoning Board recommends
proceeding with the state Road 434 Corridor Project. It was
seconded by Mr. Stephens. The Board voted unanimously to approve.
Unified Land Development Code:
Mr. Stephens requested a status report on the review of the
proposed Land Development Code, (LDC). Mr. Gosline explained that
the comments from the advisory group were due by July 25, 1994.
Once all the comments were received, we would publish them and
provide copies to all interested parties as background for Planning
and Zoning discussions about how to proceed. Mr. Gosline said
these discussions would begin with the second meeting in August.
Planning and Zoning Board
Meeting Minutes
July 20, 1994
Page 5
Security Issue alonq the Railroad Track:
Chairman Glavin fel t there was some misstatements made by Mr.
Gosline with regard to the events of the last meeting with regard
to her comments. She felt the memo misstated what she had said at
the meeting, and was trying to shed a bad light on hersel f
personally to the police chief and city manager with regard to her
Chairman Glavin also stated when the Planning and Zoning Board's
recommendation was presented to the Commission, it was presented
inaccurately. Chairman Glavin said she would not suggest there be
a special officer assigned to the tracks.
7. Adiournment:
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Shirl y A. Frankhouser,
Administrative Secretary
Prepared August 5, 1994
This document is a summary of the minutes of the Planning and
Zoning Board actions at this meeting. Anyone wishing to obtain
more detailed information may contact the City Clerk to arrange to
listen to the audiotapes during normal business hours.