HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 06 15 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FLORIDA PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING SUMMARY JUNE 15, 1994 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Glavin. 2. Attendance: Grace Anne Glavin, Chairman, Present Carl Stephens, Jr., Present Tom Brown, Present Art Hoffmann, Present David Hopkins, Present Carl D. Gosline Community Dev. Coord. 3. Approval of the May 18, 1994 Meetinq Minutes: Chairman Glavin asked for questions, corrections, additions. Carl Stephens pointed out a typographical error after which Chairman Glavin asked for a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Hoffmann moved to approve the minutes, it was seconded by Mr. Stephens. Vote: Ms. Glavin, Aye; Mr. Stephens, Aye; Mr. Brown, Abstain due to absence from May 18 meeting; Mr. Hoffmann, Aye; Mr. Hopkins, Aye. 4. Approval of the May 23, 1994 Special Meetinq Minutes with Commission: Chairman Glavin asked for questions, corrections, additions. Mr. Hopkins moved to approve the minutes as submitted, it was seconded by Mr. Hoffmann. Vote was unanimous, motion carried. 5. Consideration of Preliminary Enqineerinq - Tuscawilla Parcel 15 Proiect #94-SUB-3. A. Discussion: In opening, Mr. Gosline stated that ParcellS is one of the parcels included in the Settlement Agreement. Mr. Gosline reported that ParcellS is two separate villages, one on either side of Vistawilla Drive, and that it has been recommended for approval by the Site Plan Review Board. Chairman Glavin asked Mr. Gosline if the Police Chief had any comments at the Site Plan Review Board Meeting on ParcellS with regard to the railroad tracks. Mr. Gosline explained that he did relay the Board's concerns with regard to the security around the tracks to the Police Chief and that the Police Chief said he would look into it. Mr. Hopkins asked for clarification of the concerns with regard to security around the railroad tracks. Chairman Glavin explained that some of the lots are not deep, and some of the Palmetto cover might have to come down due to construction. She went on to say that because of this development, the increase of juvenile and/or other perpetrators along the track, could access the backs of houses, and there was discussion as to the need for a wall. Planning and Zoning Board Meeting Summary June 15, 1994 Page 2 Mr. Stephens read from Mr. Gosline's review comments dated June 7, 1994 which stated that Parcel 15, although not the medium density residential range established in the Comprehensive Plan, it is the ci ty' s posi tion that any residential development which do not exceed the limits established in this Settlement Agreement, is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. There was some discussion as to urban densities and the Comprehensive plan amendment process. There was some discussion as to lots being eliminated. Chairman Glavin questioned the set of plans before the Board as to whether or not they were the most recent. Reinardo Malave, P.E. stated that he is the engineer of record. Mr. Malave said he had signed and sealed the plans, and attested to the fact that the set of plans before the Board are the true and correct set. Mr. Stephens questioned particular lots that were encroaching on the floodplain, and asked if that problem had been resolved. Mr. Kerry Godwin of Boyer-Singleton & Associates stated that the plan signed and sealed June 9,1994 before the Board reflects the corrected changes. There was some discussion wi th regard to setbacks and lot sizes. Mr. Hopkins asked if the project before them has met and satisfied any and all outstanding comments from the city engineer. Mr. Gosline answered, yes. B. staff Recommendation: The Staff unanimously agreed that Parcel 15, Project #94-SUB-3 be forwarded 'to Planning and Zoning Board with a recommendation of approval of the Preliminary Engineering/Development Plan as depicted in the plans signed and sealed on June 9, 1994. C. Board Action: Mr. Hopkins made a moti on that the Planning and Zoning Board recommend approval of Preliminary Engineering/Development Plan signed and sealed June 9, 1994 for Tuscawilla Parcel 15, Project #94-SUB-3 subject to the Police Chief, prior to the final engineering stage, developing a program to provide security to the homeowners. It was seconded by Mr. Brown. Chairman asked for discussion. After some discussion the vote went as follows: Mr. Stephens, Nay; Chairman Glavin, Aye; Mr. Brown, Aye; Mr. Hoffmann, Nay; Mr. Hopkins, Aye. Motion carried. Planning and Zoning Board Meeting Summary June 15, 1994 Page 3 6; Consideration of Preliminary Enaineerinq - Grand Reserve Proiect #94-SUB-4. A. Discussion: Mr. Gosline reported that this particular project received conceptual approval about a year ago. The Site Plan Review Board has recommended approval subject to a variance for a cul-de-sac which is in excess of eight hundred (800 Feet), and the other is a variance for a wet bottom pond. Both of these variances will come before the Board of Adjustment on July 7, 1994. Mr. Gosline stated that the Site Plan Review Board felt that all their issues had been resolved pursuant to Chapter 9. Mr. Brown asked whether the creek would be bridged and screened to keep children out. Mr. Starmer explained, currently, the design intent is to put in a box culvert. Mr. starmer stated that the Department of Environmental Regulations as well as st. John's Water River Management are currently reviewing the engineering details including safety conditions. It is typically a condition of approval to screen such crossings in some manner. Mr. Starmer explained that all the conservation area will be dedicated to the st. John's River Water Management Water District. Further, the City Code requires an additional buffer around wetlands which will also be granted. Easements for maintenance of the retention ponds will be granted to the City. B. Staff Recommendation: The Staff recommends the Preliminary Engineering/Development plans for Grand Reserve - Project #94-SUB-4 as signed and sealed June 7, 1994, be approved subject to approval of a variance for a wet bottom pond, and a variance to allow a cul-de-sac in excess of 800 feet. After some discussion with regard to the following: sizes of lots; setbacks; sidewalks; public or private streets; security gates, Chairman Glavin asked for a motion. Mr. Hoffmann moved for approval of the Preliminary Engineering/Development plans as signed and sealed on June 7, 1994 for Grand Reserve - Project #94-SUB-4 subject to receiving variances for the wet bottom pond, and the 1 ength of the cul-de-sac. I t was seconded by Mr. Hopkins. The vote is as follows: Mr. Stephens, Aye; Chairman Glavin, Aye; Mr. Brown, Aye; Mr. Hoffmann, Aye; Mr. Hopkins, Aye. Motion carried. Planning and Zoning Board Meeting Summary June 15, 1994 Page 4 7. other Business: Mr. Stephens had a question with regard to Parcel 15 as follows: "Can we motion to approve a project, and recorrunend to the COIT'.mission something done wi thout that recommendation being a requirement for their approval?" Chairman Glavin explained that, "everything we do is only a recommendation to the City Commission except the vested rights process. We are just an advisory board appointed by the City Commission, so whatever our motion is, passed and carried, it is supposed to be brought to the City Corrunission. The City Corrunission can reject it entirely or except it. They can delete any exceptions or recorrunendations. Chairman Glavin went on to say, "I think that when it is brought to City Corrunission, it is supposed to include our verbiage was with regard to our question and recommendation," Mr. Stephens understood, and stated, "I guess I would have felt more comfortable if we were just recommending that be looked into rather than making that requirement. That is what held me back from voting aye on that." Mr. Hopkins commented, "that was the intent of it, to prevent that project from going in if they can't spend enough time and money to study a visible way to eliminate that problem and concern." Mr. Hopkins continued by expressing the fact that the Board has asked the same question two or three times now and there must be a problem with it because they haven't responded. Mr. Gosline provided a status report regarding the review of the Land Development Code. The Ci ty has establ ished a techni ca 1 advisory committee consisting of engineers, developers, and city board members, including Chairman Glavin, to provide technical review comments. He hoped to be abl e to get into the formal adoption process by October 1, 1994. He further stated that one of the principal areas of concern is how to structure the development review process to allow meaningful public input in the process. One idea is to hold a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Board, and the City Commission at the conceptual stage of any project, The sites for these projects would be posted in manner similar to a rezoning and adjacent property owners would receive a direct mail notice. Under this approach, the applicant would provide a "blob" diagram depicting conservation areas, points of access, development area, and other similar general information. The Planning and Zoning Board's role would be to make a finding of consistency with the comprehensive plan's objectives and policies. Planning and Zoning Board Meeting Sununary June IS, 1994 Page 5 Upon City COITmission approval, the project ~s turned over to the technical staff for total compliance with all Code requirements. The project would not come back to the City Commission, except when approval of a plat is required. Chairman Glavin expressed concern that the Ci ty Commission was apparently unaware that the Code "had been taken away from them." Mr. Gosline responded that the record should clearly indicate the Code has not "been taken away from them." The staff simply suggested, and the Planning and Zoning Board accepted it, that the Board refrain from using meeting time to proofread the draft Code. He further stated that he hoped every Board member was diligently reviewing the draft and would provide comments to the staff as are all the Code review group members. Chairman Glavin continued to express concern that the City Commission should give the Board direction to "stop reviewing the Code." Mr. Gosline again stated for the record that the Code has not "been taken away from them", and he would appreciate the Chairman not characterize the Planning and Zoning Board's action in that fashion. He further stated that the Planning and Zoning Board, as the designated Local Planning Agency, has the statutory responsibility to prepare and recommend changes to land development regulations and the comprehensive plan to the City Commission. He also said that he could not recoITmend any land development changes until he was comfortable with something, but that the Planning and Zoning Board could recommend whatever they wished to the City Commission. Mr. Gosline said he would prepare a memo regarding a tentative schedule for completion of the Land Development Code. A copy of a status report for the Land Development Code project is included in the meeting materials package. The Mayor and City Commission have received this same information. Chairman Glavin made a motion that the Planning and Zoning Board requests of the City Commission, at the next available opportunity, direction wi th regard to continuing work on the Uni fied Land Development Code draft that we have been working on for a year and a half, or ceasing our work until staff can render further advisory. It was seconded by Mr. Hopkins. At this time, Mr. Hopkins stated that Chairman Glavin, in order to make a motion, must hand the gavel over. Chairman Glavin handed the gavel over to Mr. Hoffmann. Mr. Hoffmann asked for any questions or discussion. .After some further discussion Vice Chairman Hoffmann asked for a vote on the motion. The vote is as follows: Ms. Glavin, Aye; Mr. Hoffmann, Aye; Mr. Stephens, Aye; Mr. Hopkins, Aye; Mr. Brown, Aye. Motion carried. Planning and Zoning Board Meeting Summary June 15, 1994 Page 6 8. Adiournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, This document is a summary of the Planning and Zoning Board actions at this meeting. Anyone wishing to obtain more detailed information may contact the City Clerk to arrange to listen to the audiotapes during normal business hours.