HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 10 20 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
October 20, 1993
The meeting was called to order by Chairman McLeod at 7:30 P.M.
David Hopkins, Present
Thomas Brown, Present
John Ferring, Present
David McLeod, Chairman, Present
Grace Ann Glavin, Vice-Chairman,
D. LeB 1 anc , Land Dev. Coord i nator
K. Bricklemyer, Attorney
Approval of Minutes of October 6. 1993:
Hopkins moved to approve the minutes of October 6, 1993. Seconded by Brown.
Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
Parcel 15, Tuscawilla - Conceptual Plan Review (that property north of CSX
Ra i 1 road and east of Howe 11 Creek):
McLeod said that he would like to remind the Board that this is a conceptual
plan review it is to allow the developer to bring his ideas to us before he
spends a lot of money.
LeBlanc stated that the Board has received the Staff comments regarding this
conceptual plan. These comments are expected during this review because it
is not a formal submission it is just an idea. Mr. Pearcy and Mr. Bines and
the engineering firm are present for the presentation.
LeBlanc asked the Board that if their thoughts are to recommend approval
that he be allowed to put this item on the Commission agenda for their first
meeting in November, before this Board approves the minutes.
Ferring said he would like to ask a question before the presentation. He
asked if the properties have been registered with the County and noted in
the County records. LeBlanc said that he could not answer that question for
certain, but that it has been in the Little Sentinel a couple of times and
,as early as last Monday. It was advertised that Mr. Yeager purchasing all
of Parcel 15 and Mr. Bines purchasing the other half.
Ferring stated that he has been advised that as of Monday there was nothing
on record in the County regarding this transfer of properties.
Mr. Bert Bines, President of FRC, stated that these properties are
absolutely recorded with the County. We closed at the end of August and he
assures that it has been recorded with the County.
Ferring mentioned to Bines that he should check with the County to find out
why it hasn't been registered yet.
Bines said that our purpose in this and we think this is a great opportunity
for us, is to present to you our preliminary plan to get your comments and
your concerns so we can address those and move forward so that we can do the
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
October 20, 1993
Page 2
same with the Commission. Then begin our engineering and 90 through the
more fonma1 process of approval so we can avoid engineering the site with a
site plan that we think is good only to find out that you don't like it.
Bines went on to say that this property is in the Tuscawilla PUD and is
zoned residential single family. It is approved for more units than we are
presenting. The property is along Vistawi11a Drive and is the portion of
Tract 15 which we purchased. Mr. Yeager purchased all of the property and
we purchased half from him. The portion we purchased is in the Camp. Plan
and zoned as single-family and is vested. On the west side of Vistawilla we
have planned this as 75' x 120' lot minimum and on the east side at 50' x
110' minimum which are the minimum standards according to the city
ordinances. We have spent a great deal of time trying to come up with a
site that at least offers some curves. We have already dealt with and have
final agreements and survey from the Anmy Corps of Engineers on the wetlands
and for all intents purposes, we believe from Water Management so we have
utilized those in our planning process.
Bines said he wanted to address the section of the north side of the
property. He explained that when DOT widens S.R. 434 they plan a major
retention facility very close to the property. There is an existing pond on
one side and wetland on two other sides where it almost takes away access to
this northern portion of the property from the rest of Yeagers property, so
with speaking with Yeager it would be logical for us to extend this and do
more single-family; the property is approximately 5 acres. That portion of
the property is currently zoned commercial, currently we would ask the City
to modify the existing agreement is with the City and the owner, to change
this from commercial to single-family; we could proceed with our engineering
based on that. We are asking your consideration to allow us to 90 forward
with that, we do recognize that if we go forward with that and for some
reason the City says no, we would proceed with that risk.
We would like to address any concerns you may have and address any issues so
we can 90 forward based on this plan. We did meet in great length with City
Staff and received comments from all of them. Most of the carments were
advising us of the various codes and regulations, others were addressed as
it relates to certain things that we should consider adjusting which we have
taken into account and this is the result of that. We recognize that we are
going to have to comply with all of the City's rules, regulations and
ordinances with going forward with the engineering and approvals.
McLeodasked if this project would be developed under the Tuscawilla PUD.
LeBlanc said that it is developed under the settlement agreement which is
the PUD, that was the vested rights that you gave them. They don't fall
under the Camp. Plan mandates, they fall into what was there during the
settlement agreement. LeBlanc also said for clarification, on the portion
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
October 20, 1993
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to the north, the five acres, we have looked at it very good and the
settlement agreement can be altered if both parties are in agreement by an
Ordinance, which the City Commission will have to approve. If during this
conceptual plan review you don't like it then he will have to take it out.
Glavin said she believes that in the Camp. Plan amendments presented by Mr.
Kern, that this parcel Tuscawilla Parcel 15 was in one of our amendments in
tenns of 3 units per acre. LeBlanc stated that the ORC report said "why did
you do that" because that is governed by a settlement agreement. Bines
added that the settlement agreement allows 416 units and our total is 289
Glavin asked LeBlanc about the ORC report. LeBlanc said there were comments
fran DCA. Glavin asked Bricklemyer if it was why did we address the
settlement agreement property in our Camp. Plan amendments because it wasn't
necessary. Bricklemyer said that is correct, if it is a vested project then
you don't need to amend the plan to make the plan to make the plan reflect
what is vested. I think the decision the Board made earlier was that it
would be nice that we have residential on the plan but it is vested for
commercial, let the plan say what really is going to be developed.
Glavin said that the Board had spend a lot of time on the Comp. Plan
amendment for that property, including public input and inquiring where Mr.
Kern came up with the suggestions and recommendations.
Glavin questioned the units per acre. LeBlanc said that according to the
settlement agreement the single-family residential had 104 acres and there
were 416 units allowed (gross acreage), with the acreage and units allowed
it just a little bit more than 4 units per acre. Now, on the same 104 acres
plus the other 5 acres on the north side of the property (109 acres), they
are building less than 300 units which brings you to less than 3 units per
Glavin stated that following the Board's meeting regarding Camp. Plan
amendments that she had significant public interest following that meeting
with regard to what the density was regarding this property; especially the
piece of property between Vistawilla and Howell Creek.
Bines stated that is not the issue here, the settlement clearly governs the
use of the property. It allows the owner to build 416 units if they can get
416 units on that property. What we are trying to do here is show the site
plan, and we meet the various requirements and regulations of developing the
piece of property, get cannents you have on our plan and hopefully go
forward to the Commission and fran there cannence engineering and go through
the formal process of approval.
Glavin-asked if the Board was given misinformation.
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October 20, 1993
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Discussion. McLeod said that the Board needs to look at this project for
what it is this evening and let it stand on its own.
Bines said that the only other thing he would like to bring up is at the
corner of the property they have property easements for signage and it would
be their proposal that this would be an entrance to Tuscawilla and the
project would be individual "vi 1 1 ages" which would be named. We do
recognize that there are screening, wall obligations, etc. depending upon
where the property but again that is all part of the City's regulations that
we will comply with.
Glavin asked if the developer plans any screening along the railroad tracks.
Bines said that they have no plans for anything along the railroad tracks
and actually "mother nature" has provided the best screening you can get, it
is very heavily wooded in that area.
Hopkins asked what was the land use designations and/or zoning abutting this
property. LeBlanc said on the south and west side is PUD, on the north side
is PUD and the land use designations on the south are multi-family and to
the north side is mixed use.
Ferring asked about on the eastern section if it is planned that the
building will stand alone. Bines said yes they will be single-family
detached. Ferring asked if there will be room to get side and rear
setbacks. Bines said yes, but again whatever we do, we know that we have to
keep within the required setbacks. LeBlanc said that there is nothing in
the Code that addresses what the setback must be in a PUD.
Ferring asked if Bines was familiar with the Staff's comments. Bines said
as he stated before that he has met with Staff and was followed up with a
memo and he has a copy of that.
Brown said that he has a question with the 50' fram the retention ponds, if
they go back 50' you will be taking away half of those properties. He
stated that he lives in a project in Tuscawilla and he has 9-12 feet behind
his property because the City approved for the developer to do that where it
calls for 50' and that bothers him. If the City approves what you have
there you are going to take away half of those properties in the western
sector around the one retention pond. LeBlanc said that the rear of the
building has to be 50' fram the mean high water line not the yard. Bines
said that he realizes that they have to be 50' and that is what they will
CO"Jl)ly with.
McLeod again stated that this is a conceptual plan, they will have to go
through all plans and plan reviews and this will be back in front of us
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Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
October 20, 1993
Page 5
Brown said the other problem he has is that the average hame has 2.5
automobiles; that is 722 cars you are feeding out of one exit. They will
came down Northern Way and onto Winter Springs Boulevard and asked if the
traffic situation been looked at by the City.
LeBlanc said that once again this is a vested project and by the time the
first hame is sold and by that time Vistawilla Drive will be opened and he
doesn't believe that there will be 722 vehicles on Northern Way. Bines said
that first of all the property is vested and the vesting says the roads are
sufficient for the development of this property. There is only 175 lots
which would not cause a large amount of traffic. Discussion.
Brown said that he was surprised when he reviewed this plan to see the
nUTber of hames and the small lot sizes and I know that the people of
Tuscawilla have that same feeling. Bines said in response to that statement
that it is surprising to hear that because the property has been vested and
approved for quite same time for approximately 400 units on 100 acres which
is 4 units per acre and is not a lot of land per house and we are lowering
that number of units.
Glavin said she has to came back with what she was saying before that she
doesn't feel this can be "brushed under the rug" in tenns of the public view
in what happened with our proposed Camp. Plan amendments right or wrong,
because it received a lot of notoriety in tenns in making that property 3
units per acre and asked how many units per acre are in the yellow area.
Bines said less than 3 units per acre in the overall parcel. Glavin said
that there has been a lot of public approval within Tuscawilla for what was
represented to us and said that she doesn't know how it was passed by the
Commission but this Board's recommendation was based upon a representation
that it was on the application a request of the predecessor of these folks
with regard to lowering that density. Whether or not Mr. Kern was right or
wrong or off base in terms of any of that I think it is time that the City
starts taking responsibility through the Commission as to what happens
because we have had a lot of mistakes over years and before I got involved
as to what Staff lTle"Ii:lers may have done or not done. We just can' t keep
building on mistakes and say to the public "Oh Well".
McLeod said that may be but he wants everybody to still continue to keep in
mind this is a vested rights parcel that supersedes the things that Staff
may have said in the past or whatever, it is a vested rights piece of
property that we are dealing with, they do have the right for 416 hames they
have down graded to 286 hames. The things that we need to be looking at is
in C01lll i ance wi th what we_ are look i ng for in the area. We ta 1 ked about the
parcel 15 in the early days, when it was first brought up, the outer banks
to be commercial - This Board said we wanted a buffer of residential hames
on the CSX railroad on the northern side, to buffer the present properties
of the people in Tuscawilla to help protect those property Planning and
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
October 20, 1993
Page 6
values. That is one of the things that you now have in front of you.
Glavin said that her point is that her understanding of the settlement
agreement is that which may have been vested in the settlement agreement can
be amended by agreement by the property owner and the City. If the
Tuscawilla people want to take an interpretation that upon the City
Commission's recommendation to the DCA that something be changed on the
Comp. Plan which changes the vesting in the settlement agreement, she does
not know. It was told to Glavin that it doesn't.
LeBlanc said that this project meets the 3 units per acre, it is less than 3
units per acre, it is 2.8 units per acre.
Ferring said
Ferring said
avai lable.
it is the configuration of the project that makes him
Bines said that there is no other way for the traffic to go.
that he would like to see if there are any other options
Ferring asked Bricklemyer that seeing as the vesting agreement calls that
they have the right to put that many unit on that property, how does the
configuration as to how they are going to put those units on that particular
property affect us. Bricklemyer said that they have to figure out as they
have done a development plan to present to the City. The City approves it
or denies it, if not they have to have some legitimate basis for denial. He
said that he was not sure based on the configuration of that property that
there are a whole lot of options in terms of how to get in and out.
Ferring said as Glavin stated that we cannot continue to build on our
mistakes. Whatever we do here, ( want to feel comfortable with it.
Bines said what we have done is ccme up with less density than the law said
we could do, we have come up with what we think is a good site plan given
the configuration of the property. We have avoided totally any direct
access onto Vistawilla Drive. Both the Police and Fire Departments have
both reviewed this and have absolutely no problems with it, there is no
logical reason there is a problem from a traffic stand point.
It was brought up again by McLeod that this is just a conceptual plan.
McLeod said that he thinks the developer is well aware of what restrictions
is going to fall upon the commitments that he is taking on, he realizes he
has, and the City is not mandating him at this point to do anything. This
is all just preliminary review from our Staff as a developer has brought a
piece of property before the Staff and said if I do these things, what do
you see that I Il1Jst carp 1 y to, and our Staff has out 1 i ned some of those
things. Another thing that we have here is a vested piece of property that
the people have the right to build on up to 416 units provided they can
prove that they fall within the PUD and the PUD ordinance and regulations.
They have down graded to 289 at this point and as they go through their
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Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
October 20, 1993
Page 7
preliminary and maybe with the final, they may even find that they loose
other pieces of lots, they may have to down grade due to water areas, marsh
areas and so forth.
Hopkins said that one of his concerns is and that is all it is a concern, is
with the roads. If the main entrance gets blocked off in an emergency
purpose and assistance is needed at the end, how is one to get .in there to
service the people conceptually speaking. And, what steps are being taken
to preserve the creek with the quality and nature of that type of
Bines said what ever the regulatory bodies require. It was stated that some
of the vegetation will be left, and st. Johns River Water Management does
not have any buffer requirements. Glavin mentioned that the creek rises and
floods at times, the bridge has collapsed. Bines said that he is not
proposing any development within that range.
Hopkins asked that the developer keep that into consideration as he develops
this plan for the good of the environnent. Glavin mentioned her concern on
how the creek would react with the development close by. Bines said that
they will take a special look at these concerns to make sure these are
Glavin said that she would like to address her concerns of the ingress and
egress again, and the comments from the Fire and Police Departments in terms
of public safety would be very critical. Shementioned that there is a
problem with crime along the railroad tracks.
LeBlanc stated that concerning the ingress and egress there may be two lanes
in and two lanes out. Bines said that they typically do that to entrances
because it makes for a nicer entrance for the community. We will make sure
that we address that.
Art Hoffmann, Mt. Laurel Drive, said that Country Club Village has 250 homes
with a single road for ingress and egress and that has existed without any
problem. Hoffmann also asked if there were any amenities planned for the
development. Bines said that there were none planned.
Brown said that he wants to clarify his stand. He said he does not have a
problem legally with what the developer has done, but the fact that he lives
in the Tennis Villas, said that he would recommend very highly representing
the people. If you look at the Tennis Villas it is finished off the way you
want to finish off your property along the creek, if you look across the
creek you see railroad pilings stacked about 12' to 20' high because of the
expensive homes in Bear Creek. We have wash-outs when the creek goes up to
15', it will fonm water beds which could be 15' inside the property lines
and we have gators. My view is the impact with this many homes you wi 11
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October 20, 1993
Page 8
have a real "people" problan (Tuscawi lla residents) problan with this issue.
McLeod said that he would like to take one more comment from each Board
Hopkins moved that this Board recommend to the City Commission approval of
this conceptual plan review and allow the developers to go on and to
continue to develop this project as presented this evening. Motion died due
to lack of a second.
Discussion. Glavin said her comment is toward the public safety with regard
to the ingress and egress. She stated that she thinks it might be important
in terms preliminary review to have written recommendations from the Fire
Chief and Police Chief with regards to their recommendations on public
safety. McLeod again stated this is conceptual and-the questions on public
safety will be addressed at a later date.
LeBlanc sated that the Fire and Police Departments did not have any problans
with this layout.
Brown stated that he would like to see the public invited when these
gentlanen present this. He said that he would be more comfortable with it,
to have the residents here. If the people were aware and the people were
here this evening to hear it and see it, this is how I would like to see
this handled. Bines said that any delays are costly to him.
LeBlanc stated that the idea of the conceptual plan is not stated in the
Code. Th i s does not have to be before the P&Z Board and does not have to 90
before the Commission. This is something that in the past developers have
expended a lot of money on engineering only to find out later that when it
went before the Commission that there were some things that weren't liked.
It is not that they did not meet Code, they then had to go back to the
"drawing board". All this does is that it gives the developer a feeling of
security that they can proceed with their plans. He again stated that a
conceptual plan is not in the Code, it gives you a first opportunity to
"visit" with it and then it comes before you a second time and at that time
it meets Code.
Bines stated that they are just trying to get concerns so they can address
than properly before the fonmal approval and the engineering plans are done.
Ferring moved to table this issue until the next meeting so this Board gets
further i nfonmat ion in writing, before we have to make any kind of
recommendation. Written comments on public safety, fire and traffic.
Seconded by Glavin. Discussion. Glavin said that certain things, even at
this stage, sean to came out about this project. Number one - about the
creek, number two - the access and shape of this property and number three-
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
October 20, 1993
Page 9
maybe the density. maybe the width of the railroad tracks. Vote: Ferring:
aye; Brown: aye; Hopkins: nay; Glavin: aye; McLeod: nay. Motion carried.
Hopkins asked if the developer is bound to come back in front of this Board.
Bricklemyer stated no. this is a voluntary process and they do not have to
come back in front of the Board.
Concurrency Mana~ement Ordinance - Discussion:
Bricklemyer said that he has incorporated the basic policy decisions into
the ordinance that the Board discussed at the last meeting. He said there
is one issue that is required that the Board does more work on it, he said
that he is not recommending that the Board take a position on it tonight. it
will need to come back one more time. The issue is with respect of
reservation on capacity and the fees that are paid for that reservation(this
is in section 8 & 9 of the ordinance). In those sections. the previous
draft had referenced the City's existing ordinance #509. which deals with
water and sewer. It makes references to how water and sewer is going to be
dealt with. With talking to LeBlanc with how that should be done, it is my
feeling that this Ordinance 509 should be superseded by this new Ordinance
and we ought to be able to illuminate the cross reference.
LeBlanc said that he talked to the utility Director and he said that this
would be a good time to incorporate Ordinance 509 and Chapter 19-102.
regarding fees and what ever needs to be done at that time. Brick 1 emyer
said that he will be getting together with the utility Director to discuss
this matter.
Bricklemyer said that he is going to go through this new draft with the
Board and point out the changes. The next draft the Board receives will be
a "red line" version of this draft. so the Board can see the changes.
Concurrency Management Ordinance - Article X. Concurrency Management.
Division 1. Generally.
Section 1. Purpose and Intent. Bricklemyer said that the purpose is to
make sure that we comply with the requirements of State Law and the Camp.
Plan and that is that no development orders can be issued unless we have
adequate public facilities to accommodate the impact of the development.
Bricklemyer mentioned that the Concurrency Facilities means Parks and
Section 2. Definitions. A. Certificate of Concurrency - this is if you
meet the test and pass concurrency. D. Final Development Order - this
means a Final Site Plan for non PUD residential developments. Final
Engineering Plans for residential PUDs and non residential developments; and
Planning and Zoning Board Meeting
October 20, 1993
Page 10
a Development Agreement and a Building Penmit.
F. Public Facilities Inventory this
concurrency facilities and what your capacity
and where you stand.
is your on-going inventory of
is and how much is reserved
Section 3. Development Subject to Concurrency Review. - Bricklemyer stated
that considerable amount of revision has been made, but it is pretty much
straight forward. It says that everything has to go through concurrency
review unless it is vested, it has a vested rights special use penmit or it
is exempt from transportation concurrency review, based on the Elms I I I
Bricklemyer said there is another exception that the Board did not discuss
the last time but is in the Statute, which is in the rule that protects the
City against a taking claim; it allows the city to make a detenmination that
a project can go forward or a portion of a project can go forward to insure
that a developer can't say that the City has taken all economic value of his
property and the City has to buy it because the City turned down the project
based on transportation concurrency. If that happens the City has a way to
avoid that by saying that if the Comp. Plan is in compliance (which it is)
the proposed development is consistent with the plan and the plan has a
financially feasible capital improvements element and that element would
provide for the facilities to accommodate this project; however, the City
admits that we haven't done what we said we were going to do in the capital
improvements element so it is the City's fault. The developer makes a
binding commitment to pay his fair share of the cost to provide those
facilities which gets into the impact fee exercise. If all of those things
are in place then the City can ignore the State's concurrency regulations
and allow this development to proceed at some minimal density/intensity in
order to avoid having to buy this developer's property.
Bricklemyer said that is basically the three exemptions, one exemption is
with respect to all concurrency facilities for vested projects, and the
other strictly to traffic and it is the de minimis exception or the taking
Bricklemyer stated that there are other transportation concurrency
exceptions in the new law that are not yet in this regulation because in
order to put them in this regulation you have to have guidelines in the
Camp. Plan. So, you have to go through a Camp. Plan amendment process first
to set up the standard to designate areas of urban renewal, the downtown
development district etc., which gives you the opportunity to do some other
Division 2. Concurrency Administration Section 4. Minirrun Requirements for
Concurrency - Bricklemyer said this basically deals with the standards to
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
October 25, 1993
Page 11
meet with concurrency and these standards are right out of the new rules
that are in process of being enacted, there are different standards for
potable water, solid waste, sewer and drainage, basically they have to be
there at the time the final development order is issued.
Bricklemyer said that Parks and Recreation the developer has one year after
the issuance of a certificate of occupancy before the necessary standard has
to be met. Discussion.
Bricklemyer said that in the transportation section you have 3 years after
issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the necessary facilities either
to be in place or under construction. Discussion on what happens if the
facilities are not in place one year after the certificate of occupancy.
The exception is that if the City does not do what it is suppose to do for
Capital Improvements in the 5 year plan, then the City cannot hold the
developer responsible because he may have relied on the City and also with
the County's Capital Improvements plan.
Bricklemyer said on page 9 and 10 of the draft ordinance, Section 10 - the
standard you have to meet in going through this concurrency review is what
the Camp. Plan says what the level of service has to be and that level of
service. is established for arterial and collector roads. The only thing you
are looking at is arterial and collector roads.
Bricklemyer said the first opportunity to pass concurrency is if the
improvement is scheduled in the City's Camp. Plan. The other two options
are: option 3 requires a binding executed agreement, option 4 requires an
agreement either pursuant to Chapter 163 or a DIR development order.
Section 5.
report on
f ac i 1 it i es .
Monitoring - this section states that you have to came up with a
or before June 30th to assess the status of each of the
Division 3. Concurrency Review and Capacity
deals with the application and review process.
- this section
Section 8. Certificate of Concurrency and Capacity Reservation - this
section states that a certificate is issued when the requirements of Section
4 is met. Discussion, A-2 is deleted.
Section 9. Capacity Reservation Fees - this section states the percentage
that will be paid for the number years to reserve the capacity. The Board
also changed the number of days from 90 to 15 days to remit the fees for
approval of a final development order.
Division 4. Level of Service Standards and Demand Determinations - this is
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
October 20, 1993
Page 12
basically out of the plan.
Section 10. Adopted Level of Service Standards this comes out of the
Camp. Plan directly.
Section 11. Methodology for Detenmining Demands on Concurrency Facilities-
this section is also taken from the Camp. Plan.
The Board added a fourth for the transportation concurrency review to state
adjacent roads.
Division 5. Appeals Section 12. Appeals Process - this just states the
process that must be gone through to appeal a denial of a certificate of
Proposed Ordinance No. 551 - Discussion (Reimbursement for meetin~s):
Discussion on the lowering of the reimbursement for meetings.
LeBlanc said that the Commission will be discussing this at their December
13th meeting and wanted input from all the Boards at that time.
Brown said that he feels that $25.00 per meeting should be kept.
Glavin said that either the Boards receive no monetary reimbursement or
leave it as it is.
Hopkins said in his opinion he feels that it doesn't matter if there is
payment or not.
Ferring said that he thinks it should be a minimum of $25.00 per meeting.
McLeod said he is not opposed to if a member does not show up then that
member does not get paid, and a minimum of $25.00 per meeting is a fair sum
as this Board deals with a great deal.
McLeod said that we will discuss this again before the Dec. 13th Commission
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo Hopkins
Deputy City Clerk
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