HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 05 05 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
Planning and Zoning ,Board Minutes
Wednesday, May 05, 1993
David Hopkins, Olaiman, Present
Crace Anne Clavin, Vice Chaiman, Present
Dav id McLeod, Present
Tan Brown, Present
John Ferring, Present
Cceg Kern, Planner
Donald LeBlanc,' L.D.C.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
The APProval of Minutes of APril 07. 1993
Brown rmved to approve the minutes of Apr i I 07, 1993; seconded by
Ferring. Vote: McLeod-absent, Clavin-abstain(not present at that
meeting), Hopkins-aye, Brown-aye, and Ferring-aye. Motion carried.
Year 1 y APProval of ZoninR MaP
LeBlanc explained that in accordance with Section 20.102(C) of the
Ci ty Code, the Zoning Map is to be reviewed by Planning & Zoning Board
in May and the City Carmissioner in June. There have been two
amendnents in the last twelve rmnths, one being the Sprague annexation
(Ordinance 530) and the other being the School Board annexation
(Ordinance 543).
Hopkins asked what type of Land Use these properties are being annexed
in at. LeBlanc answered that the Sprague property is classi f ied as
industrial and the School Board property as commercial. Hopkins also
asked the irq:>act of the l....ms(Land Developnent Regulations) on these
properties and LeBlanc answered that in the Workshop Mr. Kern wi 11
explain that the Land Use Classifications proposed to be amended will
match the existing zoning classification.
Clavin rmved that the Zoning Map as presented by Mr. LeBlanc with two
annexations be reccmnended by the Planning & Zoning Board to the City
Carmission for approval; seconded by Ferring. Vote: Ferring-aye,
Brown-aye, Hopkins-aye, Clavin-aye, McLeod-absent. Motion carried.
LeBlanc stated that for the Board's information the Site Plans for
Rite Aid and Walgreens have been approved by staff. The Site Plan for
419 Recycling is still being reviewed by staff.
Planning & Zoning Workshop
Hopkins closed the Planning & Zoning Board and opened the Workshop on
COmprehensive Plan Amendments.
Planning & Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday t May 5 t 1993
Page 2
Kern reiterated the dates as outlined is his memo to the Board
regarding workshops and public hearings. He did point out that the
Planning & Zoning Board Public Hearing tentatively scheduled for June
2nd, 1993 is not a requirement by the State but he felt this public
hearing would be appropriate for public input at the Planning & Zoning
Board level. In addi tion he stated that the adoption date listed in
the memo of Novermer 22nd lIBY be obtainable sooner. Kern continued by
explaining the Index Table and how he would classify the components of
the packages for the Board's review this evening as follows:
Classifications Document
Policy Changes Comprehensive Plan Amendments
Modifications to the Policies
Annexa t ions 1 ) Shasteen annexation
2) Sprague annexation
3) Bergstresser & Voska
4) Pettit annexation
10) High School annexation
Adninistrative Internal 5) Allen Keen/Spring Land
(by the City) 6) Richard Parker
7) Schrimsher
9) Various parcels in Town Center
11) Joyce
12) Bear Creek Estates
13) Winter Springs Unit 3
Adninistrative External 8) FL Country Clubs
(not by the City) 14) Parcels ISt61,80,1~
15) Parcel 51
Kern explained that the internal admUnistrative type amendments were
considered inconsistencies or errors in prior classifications in the
Camp Plan after these proposals were review by staff. He continued to
explain that the external administrative type amendments are the
result of outside requests i.e., developer or land owners making
requests of the City to amended the Camp Plan for their property.
Hopkins wanted the record to reflect that McLeod did arrived at 7:45
Clavin questioned the content of item 8) FL Country Clubs to Kern and
he responded that this item(a settlement agreement) is in litigation
and will be brought before the City COmnUssion on Monday, May 10th.
Clavin questioned whether the review of this item by the Board at this
time was appropriate. Kern explained his intent in having this item
on the listing and that it could be removed at any tUne before the
adoption, but removing it fran the list would cause this project to
have to wait until next year for Comp Plan Amendments. Discussion
Planning & Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, May .5, 1993
Page 3
ensued among the Board members, consensus was arrived at that this
item would be tabled to the next workshop meeting with further
infonnation provided fran the COmmission meeting and other sources at
tha t time.
Carprehensive Plan lmencinents - Modifications to the Policies
Policy TCE(Traffic Circulation Element) F.~.
Hopkins asked for an explanation of a collector road. Kern explained
that roads have 3 functional classifications for level of service-
local, collector, and arterial. Local roads serve individual lots or
parcels; collectors roads collect trips fran the local roads and route
them to other collector roads or arterial roads; and arterial roads
are designed for higher speed & volumes that move traffic through an
area, and are not intended to provide property access.
Kern explained the changes to this policy and. the theory/background to
this change. Discussion ensued regarding traffic circulation elements
as they relate to collector roads in the City's future development,
nBinly the "Loop" in the Ranchlands area. Glavin asked if the
definitions of local, collector, and arterial roads are located
somewhere else in the Camp Plan and Kern stated that they are found
in Volume 1 (Data & Analysis) of the Camp Plan. In conclusion. the
Board accepted the amendment as presented.
Policy TCE(Traffic Circulation Element) 0.1.
Kern explained the changes to this policy and the theory/background to
this change. In conclusion. the Board accepted the amendment as
Policy FUJE(Future Land Use Element) 4.A.3.
Kern explained the changes to this policy and the theory/background to
this change. Discussion ensued regarding the City's jurisdiction over
CSX and FOOT on this property. In conclusion, Glavin suggested and
the Board directed Kern to research the background of this item
further to provide them with more infonnation of it's original intent.
In addition Ferring suggested that the issue of abandonment of the
railroad should be researched to obtain written comments fran CSX and
the Board agreed. Questions were raised by McLeod & Cammissioner
Langellotti, fran the audience, on how it was addressed with the
Partnership 434(Eagle Ridge) & Super Park which are adjacent to this
property. Brown also suggested checking with the City of Oviedo on
the abandonment issue in regards to a portion of Mitchell Hammock Road
which crosses the railroad, the Duda by-pass to Red Bug Road. This
item was tabled to the next workshop meeting.
Planning & Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, May 5, 1993
Page 4
Policy FUUE(Future Land Use Element) B.9.
This item was tabled to the next workshop meetinR for the same reasons
as the above item.
Policy FUUE(Future Land Use Element) 3.A.I through 3.A.7.
Kern explained the changes to this policy and the theory/background to
this change. Hopkins questioned the deletion of minimum density au
per acre and asked for further explanation. Discussion ensued and in
conclusion McLeod explained the interpretation as follows:
Rustic Residential has assigned maximum density of 1.0 au per
acre, the next step is Lower Density Residential which has an
assigned maximum density of 3.5 au per acre. By definition if
the au per acre is under 1.1 it is rustic residential thus
setting a minimum for lower density residential of 1.1.
In conclusion. the Board accepted the amendment as presented.
NBI Policy TCE(Traffic Circulation Element) C.8.
Kern explained the changes to this policy and the theory/background to
this change. In conclusion. the Board accepted the amendment as
Policy FWE(Future Land Use Element) 3.C.1.
Kern explained the changes to this policy and the theory/background to
this change. McLeod pointed out that the first statement should read
Impervious Surface Ratio and Fioor-Area-Ratios Maximum Height: 1n
conclusion. the Board accepted the amendment with the noted chanRes.
I) Shasteen annexation
Kern explained that even though this property was annexed into the
City it was not given a Land Use Classification. At this time it is
the staff's recommendation to classify this property as Lower Density
Res idential. The Board ~reed with the staff's recannendation on this
land use classification.
2) Sprague annexation
Kern explained that even though this property was annexed into the
City it was not given a Land Use Classification. At this time it is
the staff's recannendation to classify this property as Industrial.
Hopkins asked about the adjacent property to the south, how it is
classified. Kern stated that the property is classified as
Industrial. The Board ~reed with the staff's recannendation on this
land use classification.
- -;;C:'i;,5.'~:'~:"~f,,>
Planning & Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, May 5, 1993
Page 5
3) Bergstresser & Voska annexation
Kern noted that the existing land use classification as stated on the
index table is incorrect and should read Industrial. He asked to
table this item to the next workshop meetinR so that further research
could be compiled.
4) Pettit annexation
The Board members discussed what is located on the property at present
and that the change for land use classification would be to
Commercial. Kern asked to table this item to the next workshop
meetin<< so that further research could be compiled.
5) Allen Keen/Spring Land
Kern stated that this property was originally coded as Mixed Use, the
amendment is to change it to Commercial, and the existing zoning is C-
1. Development plans were submitted to the city in February 1992 for
a Commercial use. Kern explained that this area was classified as
Mixed Use by the fonmer planner with the intent of a Town Center for
the City. Glavin asked for the definition of Mixed Use. Kern
explained that it allows anything fram residential to commercial to
industr ial, wi th a nmdnun of 5()c;\ non residential, mininun of 2()c;\ open
space, and 5~ space for easements, roadways, etc. Mixed Use was
designed for larger acreage. Discussion ensued regarding whether the
variance granted on Apr 11 2, 1992 for wet bottam ponds and for an
extension for the site plan approval to be valid for 6 months after
the FOOT realigns Wagner's curve was still in force. LeAnn Crove,
broker for Donald W. Intosh & Associates, in the audience, stated that
the FOOT realign of Wagner's curve has not occurred, just the City's
realignment of Wagner's curve. Kern stated that there is sane
ambiguity regarding this issue of the City's realignment versus FOOT's
realignment and if questioned by the developer there would have to be
determination nade. However, the Board had no problem wi th the
proposed classification of Cannercial because Mixed Use would be hard
to adhere to with this property. In conclusion. the Board accepted
the amendment as presented.
6) Richard Parker
Kern stated that this property was originally coded as Mixed Use, the
amendment is to change it to Commercial, and the existing zoning is C-
1 and RU on the back side. Kern stated his conversations with Mr.
Parker regarding this property and their discussions regarding the
land use classification. Glavin questioned if the city should be
changing the land use for this property without a fornal application
showing an intent. Kern explained that he told Mr. Parker that he was
submitting the change as administrative changes due to the abandonment
of the Town Center concept which was used to make the classification
Planning & Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, May 5, 1993
Page 6
of Mixed Use and Mr. Palmer was in caq>lete agreement. Kern further
explained that in meetings with staff regarding the Town center issue,
they all agreed that the concept was wrong to be appl ied to such
SI1Bll(under 25 acres) areas. The staff suggested changing the Land
Use classification to match the Zoning classifications. Kern asked if
an application fran the property owner could be prepared and included
as part of this proposal. The Board agreed with Kern's request and
tabled this item to the next workshop meetinA:.
7) Schr imsher Caq>ani es
Kern explained that this property was originally coded as Rustic
Res idential , the amendnent is to change it to Cannercial. Kern wrote
to Schrimsher Properties, and they responded that "Our plans for this
property have not changed and rErlBin consistent with uses pennitted in
a C-l Neighborhood Cannercial District. Your letter is the first I've
ever heard of any portion of our property being designated for
residential purposes. We believe such a designation would be
inappropriate and incaq>atible with the commercial uses planned for
our property." The Board aR:reed with the staff's recannendation on
this land use classification.
8) FL Country Clubs
The Board previously agreed to tabled this item to the next workshop
9) Various parcels in Town Center
The Board previously agreed to
meetinR since it falls under
Parker property.
tabled this item to the next workshop
the sane concept as item 6) Richard
The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M.
Respectfully submUtted,
6 May 1993
Planning and Zoning ,Board Minutes
Wednesday, May 05, 1993
David Hopkins, Chainman, Present
Crace Anne Clavin, Vice Chainman, Present
David McLeod, Present
Tan Brown, Present
John Ferring, Present
Greg Kern, Planner
Donald LeBlanc,' L.D.C.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
The APProval of Minutes of ADr i I 07. 1993
Brown rmved to approve the minutes of April 07, 1993; seconded by
Fer-ring. Vote: McLeod-absent, Clavin-abstain(not present at that
meeting), Hopkins-aye, Brown-aye, and Ferring-aye. Motion carried.
Year I y APProval of ZoninA: MaD
LeBlanc explained that in accordance with Section 20.102(C) of the
City Code, the Zoning Map is to be reviewed by Planning & Zoning Board
in May and the City Carmissioner in June. There have been two
amendnents in the last twelve rmnths, one being the Sprague annexation
(Ordinance 530) and the other being the School Board annexation
(Ordinance 543).
Hopkins asked what type of Land Use these properties are being annexed
in at. LeBlanc answered that the Sprague property is classi f ied as
industrial and the School Board property as cannercial. Hopkins also
asked the impact of the UDRs(Land Development Regulations) on these
properties and LeBlanc answered that in the Workshop Mr. Kern wi 11
explain that the Land Use Classifications proposed to be amended will
match the existing zoning classification.
Clavin rmved that the Zoning Map as presented by Mr. LeBlanc with two
annexations be recarmended by the Planning & Zoning Board to the Ci ty
Carmission for approval; seconded by Ferring. Vote: Ferring-aye,
Brown-aye, Hopkins-aye, Clavin-aye, McLeod-absent. Motion carried.
LeBlanc stated that for the Board's infonnation the Site Plans for
Rite Aid and Walgreens have been approved by staff. The Site Plan for
419 Recycling is still being reviewed by staff.
Planning & Zoning Workshop
Hopkins closed the Planning & Zoning Board and opened the Workshop on
COmprehensive Plan Amendments.
Planning & Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, May .5, 1993
Page 2
Kern reiterated the dates as outlined is his memo to the Board
regarding workshops and public hearings. He did point out that the
Planning & Zoning Board Public Hearing tentatively scheduled for June
2nd, 1993 is not a requirement by the State but he felt this public
hearing would be appropriate for public input at the Planning & Zoning
Board level. In addition he stated that the adoption date listed in
the memo of Novermer 22nd may be obtainable sooner. Kern continued by
explaining the Index Table and how he would classify the components of
the packages for the Board's review this evening as follows:
Classifications Document
Policy Olanges Carl>rehensi ve Plan Pmendnents
Modifications to the Policies
Annexa t ions 1 ) Shasteen annexation
2) Sprague annexation
3) Bergstresser & Voska
4) Pettit annexation
10) High School annexation
Adninistrative Internal .5) Allen Keen/Spring Land
(by the City) 6) Richard Parker
7) Schr imsher
9) Various parcels in Town Center
11) Joyce
12) Bear Creek Estates
13) Winter Springs Unit 3
Adninistrative External 8) FL Country Clubs
(not by the City) 14) Parcels 1.5,61,80,14C
1.5) Parcel 51
Kern explained that the internal administrative type amendments were
considered inconsistencies or errors in prior classifications in the
Carl> Plan after these proposals were review by staff. He continued to
explain that the external administrative type amendments are the
result of outside requests i.e., developer or land owners making
requests of the City to amended the Carl> Plan for their property.
Hopkins wanted the record to reflect that McLeod did arrived at 7:4.5
Clavin questioned the content of item 8) FL Country Clubs to Kern and
he responded that this item(a settlement agreement) is in litigation
and will be brought before the City COmmission on Monday, May 10th.
Clavin questioned whether the review of this item by the Board at this
time was appropriate. Kern explained his intent in having this item
on the listing and that it could be rerooved at any time before the
adoption, but removing it fran the list would cause this project to
have to wai t until next year for Carl> Plan hnendments. Discussion
Planning & Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, May 5, 1993
Page 3
ensued among the Board members, consensus was arrived at that this
item would be tabled to the next workshop meeting with further
infonnation provided fran the Commission meeting and other sources at
that time.
Carprehensi ve Plan .amendnents - Modii ications to the Policies
Policy lCE(Traffic Circulation Element) F.~.
Hopkins asked for an explanation of a collector road. Kern explained
that roads have 3 functional classifications for level of service-
local, collector, and arterial. Local roads serve individual lots or
parcels; collectors roads collect trips fran the local roads and route
them to other collector roads or arterial roads; and arterial roads
are designed for higher speed & volumes that move traffic through an
area, and are not intended to provide property access.
Kern explained the changes to this policy and. the theory/background to
this change. Discussion ensued regarding traffic circulation elements
as they relate to collector roads in the City's future development,
mainly the "Loop" in the Ranchlands area. Clavin asked if the
definitions of local, collector, and arterial roads are located
somewhere else in the Camp Plan and Kern stated that they are found
in Volume 1 (Data & Analysis) of the Camp Plan. In conclusion. the
Board accepted the amendnent as presented.
Policy lCE(Traffic Circulation Element) 0.1.
Kern explained the changes to this policy and the theory/background to
this change. In conclusion. the Board accepted the amendment as
Policy FUJE.(Future Land Use Element) 4.A.3.
Kern explained the changes to this policy and the theory/background to
this change. Discussion ensued regarding the City's jurisdiction over
CSX and FOOT on this property. In conclusion, Clavin suggested and
the Board directed Kern to research the background of this item
further to provide them with more infonnation of it's original intent.
In addition Ferring suggested that the issue of abandonment of the
railroad should be researched to obtain written comments fran CSX and
the Board agreed. Questions were raised by McLeod & Cammissioner
Langellotti, fran the audience, on how it was addressed with the
Partnership 434(Eagle Ridge) & Super Park which are adjacent to this
property. Brown also suggested checking with the City of Oviedo on
the abandonment issue in regards to a portion of Mitchell Hammock Road
which crosses the railroad, the Duda by-pass to Red Bug Road. This
item was tabled to the next workshop meeting.
Planning & Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, May 5, 1993
Page 4
Policy FUUE(Future Land Use Element) 8.9.
This item was tabled to the next workshop meetinR for the same reasons
as the above item.
Policy FWE(Future Land Use Element) 3.A.I through 3.A. 7.
Kern explained the changes to this policy and the theory/background to
this change. Hopkins questioned the deletion of minimum density DU
per acre and asked for further explanation. Discussion ensued and in
conclusion Mcleod explained the interpretation as follows:
Rustic Residential has assigned maximum density of 1.0 DU per
acre, the next step is Lower Density Residential which has an
assigned maximum density of 3.5 DU per acre. By definition if
the DU per acre is under 1.1 it is rustic residential thus
setting a minimum for lower density residential of 1.1.
In conclusion. the Board accepted the ~t as presented.
N8I Policy TCE(Traffic Circulation Element) C.8.
Kern explained the changes to this policy and the theory/background to
this change. In conclusion. the Board accepted the amendment as
Policy FUUE(Future Land Use Element) 3.C.I.
Kern explained the changes to this policy and the theory/background to
this change. Mcleod pointed out that the first statement should read
Irq:>ervious Surface Ratio and Fioor-Af'ea-Ratios Maxirrun Height: In.
conclusion, the Board accepted the amendment with the noted chanRes.
I) Shasteen annexation
Kern explained that even though this property was annexed into the
City it was not given a land Use Classification. At this tUne it is
the staff's recammendation to classify this property as Lower Density
Residential. The Board aRreed with the staff's recannendation on this
land use classification.
2) Sprague annexation
Kern explained that even though this property was annexed into the
City it was not given a land Use Classification. At this tUne it is
the staff's recannendation to classify this property as Industrial.
Hopkins asked about the adjacent property to the south, how it is
classified, Kern stated that the property is classified as
Industrial. The Board aRreed with the staff's recannendation on this
land use classification.
, .
Planning & Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, May .5, 1993
3) Bergstresser & Voska annexation
Kern noted that the existing land use classification as stated on the
index table is incorrect and should read Industrial. He asked to
table this item to the next workshop meetinR so that further research
could be compiled.
4) Pettit annexation
The Board members discussed what is located on the property at present
and that the change for land use classification would be to
Commercial. Kern asked to table this item to the next workshop
meeting so that further research could be compiled.
.5) Allen Keen/Spring Land
Kern stated that this property was originally coded as Mixed Use, the
amendment is to change it to Commercial, and the existing zoning is C-
1. Development plans were submdtted to the city in February 1992 for
a Commercial use. Kern explained that this area was classified as
Mixed Use by the former planner with the intent of a Town Center for
the City. Clavin asked for the definition of Mixed Use. Kern
explained that it allows anything fran residential to commercial to
industr ial, wi th a maxinun of .5()c;\ non residential, mininun of 2()c;\ open
space, and .5~ space for easements, roadways, etc. Mixed Use was
designed for larger acreage. Discussion ensued regarding whether the
variance granted on April 2, 1992 for wet bot tan ponds and for an
extension for the site plan approval to be valid for 6 months after
the FOOT realigns Wagner's curve was still in force. LeAnn Crove,
broker for Donald W. Intosh & Associates, in the audience, stated that
the FOOT realign of Wagner's curve has not occurred, just the City's
realignment of Wagner's curve. Kern stated that there is same
ambiguity regarding this issue of the City's realignment versus FOOT's
realignment and if questioned by the developer there would have to be
determination IIBde. However, the Board had no problem with the
proposed classification of Commercial because Mixed Use would be hard
to adhere to with this property. In conclusion. the Board accepted
the amendment as presented.
6) Richard Parker
Kern stated that this property was originally coded as Mixed Use, the
amendment is to change it to Commercial, and the existing zoning is C-
1 and RU on the back side. Kern stated his conversations with Mr.
Parker regarding this property and their discussions regarding the
land use classification. Clavin questioned if the city should be
changing the land use for this property without a fOrIlBl application
showing an intent. Kern explained that he told Mr. Parker that he was
submitting the change as administrative changes due to the abandonment
of the Town Center concept which was used to make the classification
Planning & Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday t May 5 t 1993
Page 6
of Mixed Use and Mr. Palmer was in ca11>lete agreement. Kern further
explained that in meetings with staff regarding the Town Center issue,
they all agreed that the concept was wrong to be applied to such
sma.ll(under 25 acres) areas. The staff suggested changing the Land
Use classification to match the Zoning classifications. Kern asked if
an application fram the property owner could be prepared and included
as part of this proposal. The Board agreed with Kern's request and
tabled this item to the next workshop meetinR.
7) Schrimsher Car1>anies
Kern explained that this property was originally coded as Rustic
Res ident ial t the amendnent is to change it to Carmercial. Kern wrote
to Schrimsher Properties, and they responded that "Our plans for this
property have not changed and remain consistent with uses pe~tted in
a C-l Neighborhood Commercial District. Your letter is the first I've
ever heard of any portion of our property being designated for
residential purposes. We believe such a designation would be
inappropriate and inCaJ1>atible with the commercial uses planned for
our property." The Board CUtreed with the staff's recommendation on
this land use classification.
8) FL Country Clubs
The Board previously agreed to tabled this item to the next workshop
meetinR .
9) Various parcels in Town Center
The Board previously agreed to
meetinR since it falls under
Parker property.
tabled this item to the next workshop
the same concept as item 6) Richard
The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M.
Respectfully submUtted,
6 May 1993