HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 03 17 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes e - Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Wednesday, March 17, 1993 BOARD f.Bt3fRS: David Hopkins, Olainmn, Absent Grace Anne Glavin, Vice Chainnm, Present Dav id McLeod, Present Tan Brown, Present John Ferring, Present CITY OFFICIALS: Greg Kern, Planner Leonard Kozlov, Engr. Donald LeBlanc, L.D.C. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. The APProval of Minutes of March 03. 1993 Brown rmved to approve the minutes of March 03, 1993. Seconded by Ferring with the following change: Last sentence should read: Ferr ing questioned if Hopkins knew the name of the finn that was previously selected by the COmmission and Hopkins stated that he did not know. . Kern answered that there were two finms selected by the COmmUssion, Solan & Associates for the basic planning, provisions, etc. and Environmental Management Systems for the Resource Protection provisions of the LORs. They were not contracted in January / February of 1992 due to the Camp Plan not being completed at that time. The minutes were tabled for approval due to not having a quorun to approve thEm. Preliminary Erudneerirut / Final Develoanent Plan - Hh:hland Lake LeBlanc stated that the staff comments were submitted to the Board for their review. All the comments will be addressed in Final Engineering and the developer has a copy the comments. The developer is present tonight for any questions that the Board may have. Ferring raised the question regarding the three way stop as requested by the Police Department. Kozlov answered that because this project is being phased the cul-de-sac design would have the stop sign and stop bar. Therefore it is the Police Department's recommendation that a three-way stop be established to compensate for the alignment of the stop bars and the cul-de-sac. Ferring asked if there would be any change with the commencement of Phase 2. Kozlov answered that there would be no changes. McLeod stated that perhaps if the cul-de-sac was redesigned that it might change, but Kozlov stated that the developer has no plans to do so at this time. >? 1 ,,",; ,T e e Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Wednesday, March 17, 1993 Page 2 Clavin stated that she recalled a question regarding the previous phasing issue. LeBlanc answered that it has been approved. Brown asked Kern to explain the five foot easement along Shephard Road. Kern explained that the Camp Plan provides for landscape easement along collector roads. The concern regards lots 27, 28, 14, and 13, as there was a good buffer where the stonnw-ater facility-perk pond will be, but there was no real buffer from the collector road at these lots. Ferring moved to recommend to the City COnnUssion PrelUninary Engineering / Final Developnent Plan for Highland Lake. Seconded by McLeod. Vote - all aye. Motion carried. LeBlanc requested and received concurrence from the Board to submit this plan to the COnnUssion prior to the approval of these nrlnutes. Land Develoament ReRulations Review - ChaPter 2 Kern explained the changes to this draft: A) Elinrlnation the sections 2.03.03 Allowable Use Types and 2.03.04 Uses Allowed Within Land Classifications and replaced then with Table 2.03.031 Pennissible Land Uses by Classification Page 2-5 after rev iewing fOmBts of Lm.s from Ci ty of Oviedo and Casselberry. Discussion ensued regarding the fOmBt and content of table. Kern explained to the Board that first he wanted policy set regarding the kind of land uses are acceptable, pernrltted or conditional. Then the Lm.s could be reviewed by a planning finn to ensure all necessary areas are addressed. Finally, a legal review would be done. McLeod recammended adding a legend to explain the P and C at the bottom and adding Residential and Non-Residential along the top. Ferring questioned the boxes that were blank, how they nrlght be interpreted. The Board discussed the following alternatives of shading, blackening, or inserting N/A in the blank boxes. The Board agreed with shading the blank boxes. Brown questioned the content of footnote 1 for convenience store. Kern answered that he is investigating the definition of such, since there is a conflict with a gas station if both provide the same services-retail and gas pumps. He explained that Tifton & Associates did a traffic study on convenience stores, and he would like to discuss this issue with then. Clavin questioned why there would be a distinction and Kern answered that the concern lies with the traffic generation of these types of locations. B) Table 2.03.051 Residential Density and Olrelling Unit Types and 2.03.054 Maxbnun Heights and Impervious Surface Ratio combined to 2.03.043 Maximum Development Intensity due to the elinrlnation of - ~-- --"~~'"""<'r.!.~,,1"'I",'.-r'.,::-'~-,,."'If~~I-.;"i.i."'"':'~"<_' , e - Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Wednesday, March 17, 1993 Page 3 Housing Types on Table 2.03.051 because it is incorporated in Table 2.03.031. Kozlov provided Kern with the two following changes to be implemented: C) Page 2-18 Fences and Walls (4) Concrete or IIBsonry should have the following added: Needs to be designed to withstand 100 mile per hour winds, the perimeter wall design needs to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. D) Page 2-19 Fences and Walls item I. Utility Easements (d) "use such public land by any citizen of the city." citizen need to be changed to a more appropriate term. paragraph The word Discussion ensued regarding the issue of utility easements, easements in general with regard to access, ownership and responsibilities. Glavin added that the change fran citizen to person or property owner needs to be addressed in paragraph (b) as well. The Board agreed that Kern needs to be readdress this section regarding Utility Easements and the Board agreed to include a statement that the owner of the easement is included in discussion. One of the Building Inspectors, David Alamdna, pointed out to Kern the following concern: E) Page 2-20 Accessory Apartments regarding "principal structure". wording and the Board agreed readdressed. item 2 needs some clarification Glavin and Kern discussed the that this section needs to be Brown questioned Page 2-21 Section 2.04.022 Harne Occupations itemG regarding parking. Kern answered that parking standards would be addressed in Chapter 6. Glavin inquired about the preamble section of Hane Occupations "A home occupation is any use conducted entirely within a dwelling and carried on by an occupant thereof",if it should read "occupant" or "resident". Discussion ensued regarding the preamble and paragraph C. In conclusion the Board agreed to change the prearmle section fran "occupant" to "family manber" . Glavin moved to have the following change incorporated into the section on Home occupations: "Hare occupations shall be conducted by a and that there shall be no employees other the family residing on the premise." family resident than manbers of Seconded by Brown. Vote - all, aye. Motion carried. e e , Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Wednesday, March 17, 1993 Page 4 McLeod and Glavin requested Kern, with guidance fran the City Attorney, to address a provision stating that this document does not override any laws incorporated in a homeowners covenant. Kern stated that after the policies are set within these LDRs, he intends to have this document reviewed by a Land Use Attorney, and will address this issue. Ferring asked Kern to investigate the Conservation Easement issue with regards to Fencing and questioned Home Occupation section F "No home occupation shall occupy rmre than twenty (20) percent of the first floor area of the residence". Ferring discussed professional offices. Kern explained that with regard to the second issue, professional offices can be established in residential area but not as part of a residence. Kern stated that LDRs' Chapter 4 on Concurrency Management System has gone to the City Attorney for review and will be adopted as a separate City Ordinance by the City COmmission and will not be brought before this Board. This section was originally drafted as a separate ordinance and needs to be implemented y the City prior to the rest of the LDRs. Kern explained that this chapter elaborates on the Capital Improvement section of the Camp Plan and has little bearing on the planning ramifications to the LDRs. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~ Recording Secretary 19 March 1993