HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 03 03 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes -- - " Planninp, and Zoning I-\oard Minutp.1': Wedne~day, March en, 199 "3 ~~s.;_ David Hopkins, Chainman, Pre~pnt Grace ^nnp Glavin, VlcP <:hai nman. Abspnt David McLeod. Abspnt Tan I-\rown, Prpsent John ~erring, Present <.: l T( . OFF I <.: I ALS.:. Dona ld Lpl-\I anc, LoD.C. Thp JTlP.etinp, was called to order at 7:30 P.M~ It)~_ AP.p.r9.Y~t_o.tM.llutt;!s otJ:~bruary_J.?1. 1993.. . ~errinK rmved to approvp. the minutp.s of February 17. 1993. Seconded bv Brown. VotP.: all - ayp.. Motion carried. ~QIJ~~p!'lt;lU.l~,,__-=-__.Jusc~~itla_. <;9t,Jrt1;rY_J~_1 ub _~ i 1l_1;~nanc~_~u i.Lq !J)!L _____._ ~~Lo~!l U on. LeBlanc stated that this project did not rp.quirp. revip.w at this timp by the Planning and Zoning Board, howevp.r, to kp.ep the Board fully aware of the plans thp. staff is rp.viewing, espp.cially in the ~). it was decided by staff to bring this project before the Board. Lel-Hanc explained that Mr. Jim Mikes, owner of the Tuscawilla Country Club, is fully aware of the State requirement to rerove the underground tanks, and would like to build the new facility prior to the rATlOval of thpsp. underground tanks in order to continue his day- to-day operations of the golf course. Hopkins questioned why the location is being changp.d? Mikes answp.rE'd that thp. currp.nt location of thp. maintp.nance bui Iding was p.stabl ished in 1973 whp.n the course was opened. It was built as a metal building and has sincp. rustrd at the base, thereforr it would bp necessary in the next year or two to rpplace this structurp anyway. There exists a second issup rrgardin~ the IIndprground tanks. Sincp. 19H7 Statp law states that thp. tanks npprl to be registered-in usp or not in usp. Gu I fs t ream. the fOnnPr ownpr of thp p,o 1 f (~oursp. nevpr rp~ i 1': tpred 'he tank~. therpfore Il;R di rpC':tp.d that the t~nk~ hp rpgi stp.red and rnnlvpd bpcausp. they arp. abandoned. He agreed to lh i sand signed em agref'JllP.nt with 11I"j{ to rmlove the tanks. The rf'l11Ova I can on I y occur hv rmnving the ma;ori ty of the struct.urf'. In rpviewing i t.s prespnt location the maintenance facility would bp bettpr ~uitpd in anothpr location further away fran t.he crepk which is rmre stratpp,lc in nature. The npw loC':ation t.hat is beinp, proposed is SOO feet away. Moving fran thp north side of the crf'ek to the 1':outh 1':ide; and fr<m thf' east side of the Florida Power easement to the west side. In addition, this new ~ite wil I have paved accp.ss off of Greenbriar and I*' ~ J Planning and Zoning Hoard Minutes Wr,dnesday. March () 3, 1993 Page 2 Northern Way which wi II Crf'!ate a "driveway". rerring asked about the st.aff cmments 'regardin~ this project.. LeHlanc repl ied that Mikes is aware of the dmnges and they wi 11 he addressed in the final engineering. LeBlanc statpd that Mikes has agrped t.o incorporate the changes into the final engineering. Brown stated that his only concern was with rp~ards to the easPment with Florida Power, however. after reading the staff cmments, all the concerns were addressed and answered. Hopkins questioned what the tanks contained and their condition. Mikes answered that they are old and antiquated with no provision for contairment. A contract has been I'>aid with a cOTl>any to rmDve the tanks at a cost of $25,000. In addition, the new above ground tankl'> will be containing unleaded and diesel fuel with prOVISion for containment and will meet all existing Code & State requirements. Ferring asked if the tanks had been flushed out. Mikes anl'>wered that they are been flul'>hed out twice due to environmental studies at the time of acquisition and refinancing. In addition, Mikes stated that during the envirorTl1P.ntal studies no leakage or contamination was detected. Mikes reiterated t,hat all the changes that the City is requesting will be incorporated.' The widening of the path around the coursp ns requested by the Pol ice l)epartJT1(~nt is our int>Ortance to Mr. Mikf>s to 'insure proper seclJr i ty of the courSf>. Hopkins stated that eVf>n though this pro;f>ct was only being prf>sentf'd was infonmtional purposes, it. was grpntly appreciated. The Hoard had no probtf'lll with this project and statp.d that l.eHlanc could prf>l'>f>nt it to the Ci ty <:armiss ioner on March Und. '99~ wi thout approval of the minutf>l'>. 9th~LJ~~~~~_._____. -----.--...-...--------------.- LeBlanc briefly disclosed with the Board three plans that are being rev iewed hy staff: Walgreen DrllRl'>tOrt~ at Edgnron Avenue &. S.R. 434 Ritf> Aici Drugstore between Fairfax &. Of>von on S.R. 434 Metal &. Alltn Recycle on S.R. 419 Hopkins explained to the Hoarci at topic which wns disclJssed with City Planner rf'garding ttu.. prpparalion of the I.and l)evf'loJXJlPnt RegulationI'> (I.ffil'>). He stated that when thf> C.OTl>rf>hensive Plan (COTl> Plan) was - Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Wednesday, March 03, \993 PaRe 3 ,-\ being cOO'l>i led, a consul ting firm was being considered to do the SM1P. for the l1~s, in order to have a finished product to bring before the Board. Therefore, it is being considered, due to Bonrd not having sufficient level of expertise. Perring questioned if a firm has been selected and Hopkins stntp.d that hf' did not know. The n1P.eting was adjourned at 8 P.M. Respectfully submitted. kttn.'-f',c. ~~'t (J~anine Porter Recording Secretary 05 March \ 993 -. ~ --. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Wednesday, March 03, 1993 PMEr-IE) BOARD ~ERS: David Hopkins, Chainman, Present Grace Anne Glavin, Vice Chairman, Absent Dav id McLeod, Absent Tom Brown, Present John Ferring, Present CITY ;OF'FICIALS: Donald LeBlanc, L.D.C. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. The Approval of Minutes of February 17. 1993 Ferring moved to approve the minutes of February 17, 1993. Seconded by Brown. Vote: all - aye. Motion carried. ~'::oJ}~Qtual Plan - Tuscawi llaS:ourJJ_D:_..r:.L!.ttLMaintf~nal:lf_t._ Bui ldiDlL-__ &'JS'~a t ion LeBlanc stated that this projc.:.t did not "equire review at this tlme by the Planning and :ol\lng 30an:, howe''(~i. to keep th~ Board tully llk'\f(; .)f the plans the: staJf LS revieWIng. (;specially .in the PLD, it ""as decided by staff to bring this project before the Board. LeBlanc explained that Mr. Jim Mikes, owner of the Tuscawilla Country Club, is fully aware of the State requirement to remove the underground tanks, and would like to build the new facility prior to the ranoval of these underground tanks in order to continue his day- to-day operations of the golf course. Hopkins questioned why the location is being changed? Mikes answered that the current location of the maintenance building was establ ished in 1973 when the course was opened. It was bui 1:t as a metal bui Iding and has since rusted at the base, therefore it would be neGessary in the next year or two to replace this structure anyway. There exists a second issue regarding the underground tanks. Since.1987 State law states that the tanks need to be registered-in use or not in use. Gulfstre~, the fonner owner of the golf course, never registered the tanks, therefore OER directed that the tanks be registered and rermved because they are abandoned. He agreed :to this and signed an agreement with DER to remove the tanks. The remoyal can only occur by removing the majority of the structure. In reviewing its present location the maintenance facility would be better suited in another location further away from the creek which is more strategic in nature. The new location that is being proposed is 500 feet away. ~~ving from the north side of the creek to the south side; and from the east side of the Florida Power easement to the west side. In addition, this new site will have paved access off of Greenbriar and ,...... ,........ , Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Wednesday, March 03, 1993 PM8'IE) Page 2 Northern Way which will create a "driveway". Ferring asked about the staff comments regarding this project. LeBlanc replied that Mikes is aware of the changes and they will be addressed in the final engineering. LeBlanc stated that Mikes has agreed to incorporate the changes into the final engineering. Brown stated that his only concern was with regards to the easement with Florida Power, however, after reading the staff comments, all the concerns were addressed and answered. Hopkins questioned what the tanks contained and their condition. Mikes answered that they are old and antiquated with no provision for containment. A contract has been said with a company to remove the tanks at a cost of $25,000. In addition, the new above ground tanks will be containing unleaded and diesel fuel with provision for containment and will meet all existing Code & State requirements. Ferring asked if the tanks had oeen flushed out. Mikes answered that they are been flushed out twice due to environmental studies at the time of acquisition and refinancing. In addition, Mikes stated that during the environmental studies no leakage or contamination was detected. Mikes reiterated that all the changes that the City is requesting will be incorporated. The widening of the path around the course as requested by the Police Department is our importance to Mr. Mikes to insure proper security of the course. Hopkins stated that even though this project was only being presented was infonnational purposes, it was greatly appreciated. The Board had no problan with this project and stated that LeBlanc could present it to the City Commissioner on March 22nd, 1993 without approval of the minutes. Other Issues LeBlanc briefly disclosed with the Board three plans that are being reviewed by staff: Walgreen Drugstore at Edgemon Avenue & S.R. 434 Rite Aid Drugstore between Fairfax & Devon on S.R. 434 Metal & Auto Recycle on S.R. 419 Hopkins explained to the Board at topic which was discussed with City Planner regarding the preparation of the Land Development Regulations 't ~ -, --.. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Wednesday, March 03, 1993 PM8'IE) Page 3 (LI:Rs). He stated that when the Caq>rehensive Plan (Caq> Plan) was being caq>iled, a consulting finn was being considered to do the same for the LI:Rs, in order to have a finished product to bring before the Board. Therefore, it is being considered, due to Board not having sufficient level of expertise. Ferring questioned if Hopkins knew the name of the firm that was previously selected by the Cannission and Hopkins stated that he did not know. The meeting was adjourned at 8 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~~ Recording Secretary 05 March 1993 08 Apri 1 1993