HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 02 17 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, February 17, 1993
David Hopkins, Chainman, Present
Grace Anne Glavin, Vice Chainman, Present
David McLeod, Present
Tam Brown, Present
John Ferring, Present
David Alamina, Bldg.
Keith Brickl~er, Atty.
Greg Kern, City Planner
Leonard Kozlov, Engineer
Donald LeBlanc, L.D.C.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
The Approval of Minutes of February 03. 1993
Glavin moved to approve the minutes of January 20, 1993. Seconded by
Brown. Vote: all - aye. Motion carried.
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Classification Interpretation
This issue was tabled fram the previous meeting of February 03, 1993.
Kern stated that he had spoke with Tim Canon, Project Review Manager
at lX'A, regarding how rmny plans have mininun and TlBXinun dens i ty
limits. His answer was that one fourth to one fifth of the plans he
reviewed used minimum density associated with their land use
classifications. However, DCA is only concerned with the maximum
densities, they are not concerned with the enforcement of the minimum
densities. He recommended that if there were any changes, that a
fonmal amendment to the Camp Plan be made to make the interpretation
cl ear.
Glavin and Hopkins asked for clarification of why this issue has been
brought before the Board. Kern answered that the City is looking for
concurrence fram this Board to start the process of making an
amendment to the Camp Plan to eliminate the minimum density limits for
land use classifications. In addition, this provision would not
eliminate the review by this Board of any development. Discussion
ensued regarding the table and map of vacant property in the City with
their land use classifications. The acreage shown is gross acreage.
Kern noted that item LI) Parcel 15A should r~ad UOR for land use
classification not MOD. f)iscussion ensued regarding the advantages
and disadvantages to making an amenanent. Kern noted that if no
changes are made to the plan and a developer wants to build at a lower
density level than stated by the (~amp Plan, the amendment process to
revise the land use map will place the developer on hold for 6 to 9
months. The major advantage is that Camp Plan would be clear and
without ambiguity to reduce possibility of law suits due to
Glavin questioned the impact to the City of eliminating mininun
density. Hopkins stated that he felt that the intent of minimum
density would have been reserved for a certain property as part of an
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, February 17~ 19Yj
Page 1.
overall plan which fonnulated such revenue as taxes and he was
concerned that by el iminat ing the minirrun ciens i ty there would be a
reduction of income to the City. McLeod agreed with Hopkins on his
McLeod rroved to make a recarmendation to amend the COOl> Plan's land
use classifications by eliminating minimum density. Seconded by
Glavin. Vote: Ferring-aye; Brown-aye; Hopkins-nay; Glavin-aye; and
McLeod-aye. Motion carried.
Land Development ReRulations Review - Chapter 2
This issue was tabled fran the previous meeting of February 03, 1993.
Page 2-1 Section 2.02.01
Administrative Interpretations
McLeod pointed out the phrase "this rrodel" and questioned if perhaps
another name would be appropriate. LeBlanc and Kern conferred and
suggested "u:R" (Land Developnent Regulations).
McLeod questioned the need of verifying the existing Codes and
Regulations against this draft document to ensure that all areas are
covered. Kern answered that this process was already cOOl>leted in the
preparation of Chapter 2. The process for Chapter 2 alone took 12
hours and would not be possible in a public forum. He recarmended
that the aforanentioned process be performed prior to the meeting and
the inconsistencies brought forward for discussion.
Page 2-2 Section 2.03.031
Paragraph 1
Hopkins asked for clarification of the following: "Unless otherwise
specifically stated, a given land use may be allowed in rrore than one
(1) classification." Kern answered in land uses (i.e., parks within
recreation) may be allowed in more than one classification. Parks may
be in residential and carmercial land use classifications.
Paragraph 2
Glavin questioned if perhaps the phrase "accessory uses and
structures" to be reversed to maintain the same order as the section
outlined in Division L.04. Kern agreed to make that change.
Paragraph 3
Discussion ensued regarciing the PlanninR and
determining allowable uses. Ferring reminded
previous meeting a chanRe was made. Hopkins
the Board the best rewording of that phrase.
Zoning Board's role in
Hopkins that at the
asked Kern to return to
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, February 17, t~93
Page 3
Page 2-2 Section 2.03.032 Types of Uses
A. Residential 1.
Glavin questioned the location of the definition of accessory
apartments. Kern and Hopkins answered page 2-23.
Page 2-3 Section 2.03.032 Types of Uses
A. Residential 2.
Hopkins questioned this area and due to changes proposed to the table
in Section 2.03.051 recommended that this issue be revisited after the
revisions have been made.
Glavin questioned if housing type is defined. Kern answered that a
definition will be provided in Chapter t.
Page 2-3 Section 2.{}J.032 Types of Uses
B. Institutional
Glavin recommended the el imination of "halfway hous ing" and "and all
other similar institutional uses. Kern agreed.
Page 2-3 Section 2.03.032 Types of Uses
C. OUtdoor Recreational
Hopkins recommended the el iminat ion of "and all similar outdoor
recreat ional uses". Clav in recammended the elimination of "and
similar recreational or quasi-recreational activities inconsistent
wi th the allowable outdoor recreational uses described." Kern agreed
and reiterated that if a use is not listed under Outdoor Recreational
as pennitted then it would be brought before this Board.
Hopkins asked for clarification on conditional uses and marinas.
Bricklemyer pointed out that perhaps the bigger issue is what are the
conditional uses, how are they processed in general, and what are the
standards for approval and denial. Kern answered that it would be
covered in Chapter to. Glavin advised that if not already provided
that a listing of standards would be outlined which stated what would
came before this Board versus Board of Adjustment, etc. Kern answered
that Florida State Statute 163 does state the role of the Board as the
local planning agency.
Bricklemyer recannended that this issue of conrtitional uses be
revisited as a separate issup.. Hopkins asked for a rewording for the
last sentence and it will be revisited at the next mPeting.
Page 2-3 Section .l.03.0>2 Types of Uses
D. Professional Service and Office
Glavin questioned the use of the word "dispatching" to infer trucks.
Kern answered that the inference is to radios.
Planning and Zoning Hoard Minutes
Wednesday, ~ebruary 17, 19~j
Page 4
Page 2-4 Section 2.03.032
E. General Coomercial
Brown reiterated that the
Combination gasoLine sale
Typps of Uses
Board had previous I y agreed on It7 to chanRe.
and food marts. the square footage to 1.250.
Brickl~er and Hopkins suggested changing #19.
stands, to a conditional use and set specific stands.
he had been directed to report back to this ~ard
regarding this issue on how it was addressed in other
Roadside produce
Kern added that
on his findings
Ci ties.
Ovideo states it is a prohibited use and requires a special
exception pennit. The application is reviewed by the Board
of Adjustment, sent to Council for issuance. Casselberry
sets it up as a prohibited use and it needs a Board of
Adjustment variance which is the pennit.Longwood sets it
up as a pennitted use, but stated that they would like to
readdress this issue. In Longwood, it is acceptable in
every land use classification except a gas station. Site is
reviewed by PLanning and Zoning Board and same rpstrictions
may be applied.
Kern agreed to rename roadside produce stands with a
description and state that it is a conditional use.
Page 2-5 Section 2.03.032 Types of Uses
F. High Intensity Coomercial
Kern stated that in the previous meeting it was agreed to move 1t4
Taverns & Bars to General Coomercial. Discussion ensued regarding U8
outdoor arenas. Hopkins asked Kern to readdress the language and
structure for #8 and it wilL he revisited at the next meeting.
Page 2-5 Section 2.Uj.032
G. Public Safety/Utility
LeBLanc and Hopkins suggested
irrportant publ ic services" in
Types of Uses
deleting the phrase after
the first sentence.
"essential or
Glavin, Brickl~er, and Hopkins recoomended that the order of
Sections 2.03.04 and 2.03.03 be reversed tor better continuity.
Page 2-6 Section 2.03.032 Types of Uses
H. Industrial
Glavin recoomended elimi nat ing "landt i lis
collect ion and hand Ling centers."
and hazardous
Page 2-6 through 2-9 Section 2.03.041
Kern stated that the institutional
classifications can bp moditied to omit the
Glavin suggested further delineated of the
use classifications. i.e., non-conmercial
Rustic Residential
use in aiL appropriate
statAment in parentheses.
uses al Lowed wi thin Land
ou tdoor rpcrpa t i ona I and
Planning and Zoning ~ard Minutes
Wednesday, February 17. 1991
Page 5
ccmnercial outdoor recreational. Discussion ensued regarding a
revision to fonmat for this section. Hopkins asked Kern to review
Section 2.0'3.04 and it will be revisited at the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
~,-(-.IL @~\.-+<-,
()eanine Porter
Recording Secretary
18 February 1993