HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 01 20 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
planning and Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, January 20, 1993
e..Q~RQ J1.EtlBE.I3,S ~
David Hopkins. Chairman. Pres~nt
Grace Anne Glavin, vice chairman, Present
David McLeod, Present
Martin Trencher. Absent
John Ferring, Absent
Donald ~eBlanc, L.D.C.
Greg Kern, City planner
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Hopkins stated that Mr. Trencher will no longer be serving on this
board. Commissioner Jonas is in the process of appointing anoth~r
board member.
Motion was made by Glavin to move the approval of the December 21st
and January 6th minutes to the end of the agenda so that the Planning
and Zoning Board could deal with the applicants for annexation first.
Seconded by McLeod. Vote: all - aye. Motion carried.
Annexation Request-Proposed High School Site between City Hall and CSX
fi~i 1 road ~___,
LeBlanc explained the property's location and noted that part of the
area is already in the City. He referred to a memorandum showing the
property's location. The Joyce property which has already been
annexed into the City has a truss plant and an old saw mill. Overall.
the staft had no problem with the annexation.
Hopkins asked about the City's ability to render services
location. LeBlanc st.ated that the city could accommodate
their request with addition capacity.
to this
them with
McLeod questioned the type of land llse for the adjacent properties to
the north and LeBlanc stated there was the Park and severa!
residential lots, at least 300 teet aWAY from this property. In
addition. all of the residental properties are in the County's
Glavin asked it the applicant tor the annexatJ0n was the School Board
of Seminole County. LeBlanc stated that the School Board is the aqent
for the Buttons and Chase Property.
Hopkins asked if the railroad would be a concern for this site. Ms.
Diane Kramer. Facilities Planner, Seminole County School Board
responded that the railroad would not be a major problem for ~hem but
they knew they could not have any facilities on the other side of the
tracks. Therefore, we intend to use ~hat area for our stormwater
management. lhere is a possibility that the railway would be
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
WedneSday, January 20, 1993
Page 2
abandoned in the future but the Schoo! Board would deal with the
railroad as it exists now.
McLeod asked if the SChOOL Board will pay any taxes to the City on
this property. Ms. Kramer answered that they will not pay taxes
because they are a public body but they would be providing a necessary
public service to the City of Winter Springs. The School Board feels
that this property would spur on plans for the New Town Center in
accordance with City Hall and the new Park.
Hopkins noted that there had been some discussion through the media
that the need tor an additional high SChool was still being
determined. Ms. Kramer answered that the School Board will evaluate
tor another five months the feasibility of implementing year-round
education at t.he high school level. Areas of consideration i.nclude
the feasibility of year-round education and maximum usage of their
facilities. The determination has not been made to convert to year-
round education and there are still questions regarding the need for
an additional high school.
Glavin asked Mr. LeBlanc for the advantages of annexation of
property into the City. LeBlanc answered that primarily,this
would need the services of the City like water and sewer,
secondly, that this site would spur on growth in this area.
McLeod questioned who would pay tor the cost to expand the sower
system to accommodate this location. LeBla~c stated that the
developer would pay for this expansion of services, not the City. MS.
Kramer added that the School Board does Intend to extend the sewer
lines to the properly and they llnderstand that they would pay tor
this. According to the State, betore this property can be acqllired.
the School Board must have written agreements trom the prOVider of the
services, which have been agreed upon by the City.
Hopkins added that a fundamental benefit of this proposal would be
that the residents of Winter Springs would have a local high SChOOl
instead of going out of the City.
Motion was made by Glavin that the application of the SchOOl Board of
Seminole County in behalf of certain property owners, Crescent Viow
Enterprises, Ltd., Mr. Chase, and Mr. Ervine Jerold and Martha Mercer
Button for annexation of certain parcels of real property into the
City of Winter Springs pursuant to drawing attached to November 6,
1992 lettor to Mr. Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator be
annexed into the City and be approved with the attachment of the hand-
outs provided by the Land Development Coordinator as permanent record
to the minutes as to accurately reflect this board's ruling with
regard to annexation. In addition, Glavin moved that the presentation
may be made to the City Commission wbYLand Development Coordinator
wi thout approval by the Board of these roi mites. Seconded by McLeod.
Vote: all - aye. Motion carried.
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, January 20, 1993
Page 3
Lang Development. Regulations Re~.li.ew
Kern discussed with the Board a time table for review of the new
proposed land Development Regulations(LDRs) that would be comfortable
for both board members and staff. Kern explained the methodology for
review via a matrix for comparison of different documents: The
exjsting Codes, the Comprehensive Plan and the new LDRs. Kern further
explained that Chapters 2 through 4 of the new LDRs would be easier to
review than Chapters 5 and 6 when discussing the meeting dates. In
conclusion the board and staff Agreed to try the follOloJing method: put
Land Development Regulation Review on the agenda for the first and
third Wednesday of the month wit.h the addition of the third Thursday
of the month as needod~ and the first review meeting will be on
February 3rd to discuss Chapter 2.
fte.E.LQ~L?-...L...QL....t. he Amenq~sL Mi. nutes oLJ)e9.91!!tLeT:..... 2-1....1-..1.992 ............_..._...._.._..._........_
Motion was made by Glavin to approve the amended minutes of December
21. 1992 with the following changes:
1) Page 1 under Board Members
that "Gl'ace enn Glavin" be changed to "Grace ~J:'".9.
2)a Page 1 adjacent to the Board Members
that there be a section for the City Officials which
wOllld detail those staff members in attendance at each
b In General
that any members of the public or any applicant who are
making presentations to the Board be listed by name and
title in the minutes
3) Page 1 under Public Hearing and Determination of Vested
Rights tor Eagle Ridge
that mention ot Mr. McIntosh be expanded to state his
full name and title and state that he was the applic8nt
for Vested Rights for Eaqln Ridge.
4 ) Page 3 Paragraph 1 under Pub.l ic Heal" i ng and [.etenni n~t ion of
Vested Rights for Eagle Ridge
that "this project has ffi.~~.1.;... all the st!Wd.@J".9. ot the
ordinanco" be changed to "this project has m~.t. all the
st,;JiIldards of the ordi nancl~" .
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, January 20, 1993
Page 4
5) Page 3 Paragraph 5 under PUblic Hoarlng and Determination of
Vested Rights for Eagle Ridge
that after review or the tape, the board member's name
who made thIS motion be added as part ot thlS statement
6) Page 3 Bottom
that the date the minutes were prepared be added below
the Recording Secretary signature
Seconded by McLeod; Vote: all - aye. Motion carried.
8Eproval of the Ame.rii=led.t1.inutesof Januart:...6. 1993
Hopkins stated to the Board that they were provided thiS evening with
amended minutes of January 6, 1993 with the only change being the
addition of the City Officials names who were in attendance.
Motion was made by McLeod to approve the amended minutes of January 6,
1993 with the fallowing changes:
1 ) Page 1 Paragraph 2
that "discussion With Mr. Trencher ~ required or iT
thr ee absences... automi't t i ca 11 y ma nda tes t.Q!Jr. r emova 1
from the board, in addi t i on to whom would contact Mr.
Trencher." be changed to "discussion with Mr. Trencher
"Iere required or if th~'ee absences.. .automatically
mandates bis removal from the board, in addition to "Jho
would contact Mr. Trencher."
2) Page 1 Paragraph 3
that "that the commissioner or I,.Jhoevor seats h.Q.
rePli~!lll:t3i" be changed to "that the comrrllssione)- ~ho
h~5.:j 8E..e.Qi nted Mr. T)'encber.."
3) Under Approval of Minutes of December 16, 1992
that "MotIon
changed to
to approve minutes !JlS!QSL._hY-Eer,LiD.9." be
"Motion made by Ferring to approve the
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, January 20. 1993
Page 5
minutes of December 16. 1992"
4) Under Approval of Minutes of December 21. 1992
that "Motion to approve minutes of December 21, 1992,
excludi ng paragraph 6 page :3 ftI.adSL.Q.Lt~J9L~Qg." be changed
to "t1otion r!@q~...p.Y-._J1g!:.!,!Q.d. to approve minut.8s of
December 21. 1992. excluding paragraph 6 page 3"
5) Under Conceptual Plan. Grand Reserve
that "Motion to approve the Conceptual Plan of Grand
Reserve and to be sent to the Commission t2x- Ferx.i.n.9" be
changed to "t1otion 1)J.~ge J2Y__.f_~n:.in9. to approve the
Conceptual Plan of Grand Reserve and to be sent to the
6 ) Page 3 Paragraph 1
t ha t. "J.t......"'!.fl.5..f:.Q.D..9 ill <i.QQ t ha t the P J. ann i ng & l 0 n i ng 80a r d
ChaIrman should execut.8 the order" be changed to "hity.
at!=.9 r n~Y.-,__ f..r.~ rt!L.!S I lJee~Dl2!?9.be "(...L-._jJ?~.!) e(;;L~JLQE..Lll i o.D. t ha t
the Planning & Zoning Board Chairman should execute the
or der "
Seconded by Glavin; Vote: all - ave. Motion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted.
eanine Porter
Recording Secretary
January 25. 1993
NOTE: The electric tape(s) of all meetings are on permanent record
with the CIty Clerk's office.