HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 01 06 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
January 6, 1993
David Hopkins. Chairman
Grace Ann Glavin. vice Chairman
David McLeod
John Ferring
Martin Trencher
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Hopkins wanted it noted tor the record that this was Mr.
Trencher's third absence in a row not to mention various other
meetings in the past. Therefore this board needs to know what
Mr. Trencher's intentions are in regard to this board.
Discussion ensued reviewi ng whether a discussion wi.th Mr.
Trencher was required or if three absences without an excuse
automatically mandates your removal from the board, in addition
to whom would contact Mr. Trencher.
Mr. McLeod recommended that the commissioner or whoever seats he
represents could contact him and report back to the Planning and
Zoning Board Chairman. Mr. Hopkins stated that he would contact
Mr. Jonas to have him contact Mr. Trencher and report back his
Approval of Minutes of Qecember 16. 1992
Motion to approve minutes made by Ferring, seconded by McLeod.
Vote: McLeod, aye; Glavin. abstain; Hopkins, aye; Ferring. aye.
Motion carried.
Approval of Min~tes of D~cember 21. 1992
Several motions were made regarding the approval of these
minutes. Discussion ensued regarding a possible revision to the
procedures for recording minutes as presented by Glavin to omit
the discussion section to the minutes. However other board
members reminded Glavin that it there were any parts of the
minutes that she felt were not accurately reported that she could
have the tape of the meeting brought before tho board for revie...,
or ask that the minutes be amended to her satisfaction.
Motion to approve minutos of December 21st. 1992. excluding
paragraph 6 page 3 made by McLeod, seconded by Ferring. Vote:
Ferring, aye; Hopkins, aye; Glavin. nay; McLeod. aye. Motion
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, January 6, 1993
Page 2
~.onceptllal Plan, G'Ta.TI5=i Reserv~____.____._____.__....._._.______._____
LeBlanc: This p'ToJect was approved previously fo'T 10 lots with a
conce'Tn of the public safety issue of emergency vehicles being
able to t'Tansve'Tse the lots to the north that needed to be
redesigned. Now there a'Te 8 mO'Te lots and the streets have been
redesigned. It is for this 'Teason that this conceptual plan is
before you again, and also to ensure that when you see this plan
again during review that you are aware of the changes. other
issues of access off Tuscawilla and environmental issues will be
addressed when tinal engineering drawings are brought befo'Te us.
Motion to approve the Conceptual Plan of Grand Reserve and to be
sent to the Commission by Fer'Ting, seconded by Glavin; Vote:
McLeod, aye; Glavin, aye; Hopkins, aye; Ferring, aye. Motion
car'Tied with unde'Tstanding that this issue could be brought
before the Commissioners on January 18th without the Planning and
Zoning Baord app'Toving the minutes.
Vested Rights for Eagle_Ridge
Hopkins: We were provided with a letter from the City Manager
ve'Tifying that the conditions in the ordinance have been meet.
Glavin: In the package that we received on this issue I see a
fax cove'T sheet from Mr. Kern to Mr. 8ricklemyer regarding the
draft vested rights order. Is this Mr. Kern's draft or Mr.
B'Ticklemyer's draft? And who'Te there any comments from Mr.
Ke'Tn: Yes, this is my draft to Mr. Bricklemye'T and these were
his comments:
On page 2 under Order 1) adop.ted after Decembe'T . 12 should
read Decembel~lQ
On page 3 under 5) th~Eermlt shall ex..e.ire on Decemtler 12
should read [)es;;:ft..mb~L._!"Q.
Did Mr. Bricklemyer submit anything in writing to you?
Kern: No, he did not. In addition, I would like to note one
other change just brought to my attention:
On page 2 B4 t.2.._cQ..l!!Elete...the development off should read of
Discussion ensued on if the Planning and Zoning Board Chairman is
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, January 6, 1993
Page 3
the correct individllal to sign the order. It was concluded that
the Planning & Zoning Board Chairman should execute the order.
Motion was made by Glavin to issue the vested rights special llse
permit for Donald W. McIntosh Associates in according with their
application ot November 25, 1992, second by Ferring. Vote:
Ferring, aye; Hopkins, aye; Glavin, aye; McLeod, aye. Motion
The next meeting will be scheduled for January 20th at 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeanine Porter
Recording Secretary
NOTE: The electric tape(s) of all meetings are on permanent
record with the City Clerk's office.
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
January 6, 1993
David Hopkins, Chairman, present
Grace Anne Glavin, Vice Chairman, Present
David McLeod, Present
John Ferring, Present
Martin Trencher, Absent
G. Kern, City Planner
D. LeBlanc, L. D. C.
R. Rozansky, City Mgr.
F. Kruppenbacher, city Atty.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Hopkins wanted it noted for the record that this was Mr. Trencher's
third absence in a row not to mention various other meetings in the
past. Therefore this board needs to know what Mr. Trencher's intentions
are in regard to this board.
Diocuooion cnoucd rcvicying The Board discussed whether a diocuooion
with Ur. Trcncher Wgf~ required or if three absences without an excuse
automatically manda€'Ei:s HpMiI:I::::wi~niphj.i.l:t::i removal from the board, 4ft
addi tioR to and also Wlia...........w.oiira............corifact Mr. Trencher. Mr. McLeod
~~~~:~~n~~~ ;~~tr;~~r~o~:~~s~~n~~eH"!~~'!!i!~~n'!~'~!WI~!'18~!!i~~~~~
Mr. Hopkins stated that he would contact Mr. Jonas to have him contact
Mr. Trencher and report back his findings.
Approval of Minutes of December 16. 1992
Motion ro~gJ.t::::::PW::::::::E~g:m:;:ng to approve minutes , seconded by McLeod. Vote:
McLeod, ......a-ye.r.......CTaVIir;..........abstain; Hopkins, aye; Ferring, aye.
Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes of December 21. 1992
Several motions were made regarding the approval of these minutes.
Discussion ensued regarding a possible revision to the procedures for
recording minutes as presented by Glavin to omit the discussion section
to the minutes. However other board members reminded Glavin that if
there were any parts of the minutes that she felt were not accurately
reported that she could have the tape of the meeting brought before the
board for review or ask that the minutes be amended to her satisfaction.
Motion m~:agIi:::::::~y::::::iii::Mp@j.:gg to approve minutes of December 21st, 1992,
excludiric.f.pai.a:.lji.iiph....6......page 3 , seconded by Ferring. Vote: Ferring, aye;
Hopkins, aye; Glavin, nay; McLeod, aye. Motion carried.
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, January 6, 1993
Page 2
Conceptual Plan. Grand Reserve
LeBlanc: This project was approved previously for 10 lots with a
concern of the public safety issue of emergency vehicles being able to
transverse the lots to the north that needed to be redesigned. Now
there are '8 more lots and the streets have been redesigned. It is for
this reason that this conceptual plan is before you again, and also to
ensure that when you see this plan again during review that you are
aware of the changes. Other issues of access off Tuscawilla and
environmental issues will be addressed when final engineering drawings
are brought before us.
Motion m$BBUB.X@E@rtiiHg to approve the Conceptual Plan of Grand Reserve
and to B~Wsen€@to-tHeMcommission , seconded by Glavin; Vote: McLeod,
aye; Glavin, aye; Hopkins, aye; Ferring, aye. Motion carried with
understanding that this issue could be brought before the Commissioners
on January 18th without the Planning and Zoning Board approving the
Vested Rights for Eagle Ridqe
Hopkins: We were provided with a letter from the City Manager verifying
that the conditions in the ordinance have been meet.
Glavin: In the package that we received on this issue I see a fax
cover sheet from Mr. Kern to Mr. Bricklemyer regarding the draft vested
rights order. Is this Mr. Kern's draft or Mr. Bricklemyer's draft? And
where there any comments from Mr. Bricklemyer?
Kern: Yes, this is my draft to Mr. Bricklemyer and these were his
On page 2 under Order 1) adopted after December 12 should read
December 10
On page 3 under 5) this permit shall expire on December 12 should
read December 10
Did Mr. Bricklemyer submit anything in writing to you?
Kern: No, he did not. In addition, I would like to note one other
change just brought to my attention:
On page 2 B4 to complete the development off should read of
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
Wednesday, January 6, 1993
Page 3
Discus~ion. ~~S~~d ~n i: the. Plan~i~g andd zonin?:...:t~~.~E:~.,.::~~<~:.:!.:;~~.~:2:~:::::::t::!.".::~:e;
~ii,ii!!~!Hlt,y!~::,~\~~,:!:i,~:!~,\,~,~ ~ha~r t~~. PI':B:~\f:H~::I::::~::;;;g'~H'W~:::::r:::ti:~!'pa
Motion was made by Glavin to issue the vested rights special use permit
for Donald W. McIntosh Associates in according with their application of
November 25, 1992, second by Ferring. Vote: Ferring, aye; Hopkins, aye;
Glavin, aye; McLeod, aye. Motion carried.
The next meeting will be scheduled for January 20th at 7:30 P.M.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Recording Secretary
January 25, 1993
NOTE: The electric tape(s) of all meetings are on permanent record
with the city Clerk's office~