HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 10 21 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES OCTOBER 21, 1992 AMENDED The meeting was called to order at 1:40 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS: David Hopkins, Chairman Grace Ann Glavin, Vice Chairman David McLeod John P'erring Martin Trencher Present Present Present Present Absence Approval of Minutes of Auaust 5, 1992 Glavin moved to approve the minutes of August 5, 1992. Seconded by McLeod. Vote: Ferring: aye: Hopkins: aye: Glavin: aye: and McLeod: aye. Motion carried. Approval of Minutes of September 30, 1992 Ferring moved to. approve the minutes of September 30, 1992. Seconded by Glavin. Vote: McLeod: aye: Glavin: aye; Hopkins: abstain; and Ferring: aye. Hiahland Villaae Conceptual Plan The staff has decided to reinstate a policy of bringing before the board conceptual plans of developments prior to the engineering plans to aid the developer in preparation of site without costly reworking of drawings. LeBlanc introduced this topic by stating that the original plans were approved in concept but for legal reasons and a change in players the project had to be redesigned. Areas of concern by the city staff were as follows: cuI de sac not meeting the code requirements timing of the moving of the gas line development of Shepherd Road continuance of HacGregor Road through to Shepherd Tonight the developer will explain what he has done to meet these concern and is seeking approval to commence this project. Presentation was made by David Allen of Commonwealth Engineering and Mr. DeMarco the new developer/builder for this proposed development in order to resolve the issues at hand. In regards to the two entrances onto Shephard Road, the developer and engineer felt that one entrance was sufficient and would be off of MacGregor Road. In addition the section that would have a cuI de sac would be the end of Street A at the opposite end of Shepherd Road. Planning and Zoning Board october 21, 1992 Page 2 Ferring: Mr. Allen, was Mr. DeMarco advised of the feelings of this board, commissioners, and public regarding this area where a cuI de sac is being proposed? Allen: Yes, he was; along with other issues. Ferring: Has there been any change in the existence of the gas lines? Allen: No, sir there has not. DeMacro: We surveyed the people living in Highland Village 1 & 2, and a large number of the respondances stated that they did not want to see MacGregor Road turned into a through road. We were aware of the City's plans to make Shepherd Road continue through to Edgemon along with other concerns of the city, but we felt by building a cuI de sac we would discourage some of the traffic from Shepherd Road out through MacGregor. The other major consideration is to allow us to develop this property in phases. The reasons are as follows: due to our size as a developer ,being small, and that this would be a large project for us to do; and that we already have a development underway in Deland, we are requesting that we proceed with this project in phases to assist us in our conservative financial management using equity versus debt. Phase I would be comprised of building 7 lots, 2 of them being models; and we would forego at that time installation of the sewer lift station. Phase II would comprise of finishing the cuI de sac, building the retention area, and building the sewer lift station to be completed at the end of next year if we could start now. Phase III would comprise of completing the roads to include Shepherd Road to be completed at the end of 1994. The movement of the gas pipeline would take place during Phase II and be re-routed to Shepherd Road. Rozansky: It is the city's position to move the gas line as soon as possible prior to development of this property. Discussion LeBlanc: As the city Engineer has stated to the developer and his engineer, each phase must be able to meet code on its own. Phase I does not meet code in regards to the cuI de sac. Ferring: I feel that the movement of the gas line should be complied prior to the construction of this development. Planning and Zoning Board October 21, 1992 Page 3 Hopkins: If phasing was not permitted on this project, would this development since occur? DeMarco: If I had to do this project as one phase it would occur in 1994. McLeod: What do you know what the costs would be by phases? DeMarco: Phase I would cost approximately $ 80,000 Phase II would cost approximately $300,000 Phase III would cost approximately $120,000 Movement of gas line approximately $ 35,000 McLeod: I would recommend the following reconfiguration to assist you in meeting your goal of conservative financial management. Phase I would become Phase I & III and Phase II would remain by itself. By doing so the gas line would be moved prior to the construction of homes so the city stated as their perterred plan. Discussion. Motion made by Glavin and seconded by McLeod to table this conceptual pI an for consideration by staff and developer wi th regards to phasing and the staff's concerns. Vote: all members: aye Board & Staff Communications All issues regarding Comprehensive/Strategic Plan and Land Use Regulations will be brought before the board from the office of the City Planner. All issues regarding Annexation and Development will be brought before the board from the office of the Land Use Coordinator. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ Wa';"ine Man.n Recording Secretary