HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 03 18 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
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March 18i 1992
The meeting was called to order at 7,30 p.m.
David Hopkins, Chairman, Present
David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Present
Grace Anne Glavin, Present
Martin Trencher, Present
John Ferring, Present
Don LeBlanc - Land Dev. COOrdinator
Aooroval of the Minutes of December 18. 1991
Ferring moved to approve the minutes of Dec-.ber 18, 1992. Seconded by Trencher.
Vote: all aye.
Chestnut Ridae - Review of Final Develooment Plan/PreliminarY Enaineerin9
Ferring questioned LeBlanc about the fencing adjacent to Pairway Oaks. LeBlanc
stated Fairway Oaks requested a fence separating the two developments. George
Garrett, P.E., project engineer, discussed the proposed brlckwall on Greenbriar
Lane and Northern Way as well as the wooden stockade fence behind lots 34 through
Glavin asked for elaboration on the drainage easement. LeBlanc e~plained the
original plans for the development had a different layout for the easement. The
new plans have reconfigured the lots which requires the abandonment of the old
(existing) easement and the dedication of a new easement. Garrett e~plained the
new easement will be along the back of the lots.
Dick Coniff, 1202 Royal oAk Drive, and "Bill Wing, 1224 Royal Oak Drive, spoke
on behalf of the Fairway Oaks Homeowners .ssociation. COniff presented a letter
to the Board dated July 5, 1990, which was originally presented to Mayor Grove,
regarding areas of concern. While three concerns were ~ressedin the letter,
only one remains unresolved, the issue of the wooden stockade fence along
Fairway Oaks. Coniff stated a brick wall should be continued. LeBlanc noted
that the responsibility for the maintenance of a fence would belonq to the
homeowners association of Chestnut Ridge. Further, the City does not require
a fence to be installed.
The Board continued discussion about the fence issue. Garrett stated he would
remain open to discussion regarding the type of fence or wall to be used.
Trencher asked about the plantinq of trees along the Northern Way R.O.W. LeBlanc
noted the city has no landscaping ordinance.
Trencher made a motion to recommend acceptance of the plan to the commission with
the following recommendations, 1) Developer will be asked to continue the
masonry type fence from lots 34 through 40, and 2) put trees along the outer
border of the fence along Greenbriar Land and Northern Way in a sLmilar fashion
as they appear in Glen Bagle. Seconded by Ferring. Vote, all aye.
Recommendation will be forwarded to the City COmmission.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gregory Kern, Recording Secretary
Planning , Zoning Board