HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 07 17 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
July 17, 1991
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.
David Hopkins, Chairman, Present
David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Present
John Horan, Absent
Martin Trencher, Present
John Ferring, Present
J. Koch, Dir. Adm. / Compo Planning
D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator
Approval of Minutes of Mav 15. 1991.
Trencher moved to approve the minutes of May 15, 1991.
Vote: All aye.
Seconded by Ferring.
Reversal of items 5 and 6 on tonight's agenda regarding the discussion of
affordable housing and the review of land use designations of undeveloped
properties in Tuscawilla.
Trencher moved to reverse agenda items 5 and 6 for discussion purposes. Seconded
by Ferring. Vote: All aye.
Review of Land Use Desionation of Undeveloped Properties in Tuscawilla.
Hopkins noted that there is a settlement agreement involved regarding the land
use of undeveloped properties in Tuscawilla. The City Commission has directed
the Board to review the zoning issue. Hopkins stated that a Public Hearing be
scheduled so everyone has the right to be advised of this meeting, followed by
possibly several workshops. A final Public Hearing will then be scheduled.
Ferring asked if City Attorney Kruppenbacher was requested to be present at this
meeting. Hopkins said he was not so directed. Ferring noted that since
Kruppenbacher has given direction to have this issue brought before the P&Z Board
again, it would be proper for him to be hereto provide guidance.
McLeod stated the Board needs time to review the basic Settlement Agreement and
also inquired about the date of the Agreement. It was noted the date was
September 11, 1990. Hopkins agreed with McLeod's suggestion regarding review
of said document. McLeod also stated that the Board had been requested
previously to review Tuscawilla and he wanted to know what has changed since that
earlier review. Hopkins said the basic direction from the Commission is the same
as before, however, the Board's final recommendation t9 the Commission came in
May of 1989, prior to the Settlement Agreement. Since two years have passed
since the Board's last review, the Commission has requested they review the issue
Ferring stated that he would like to review all the information which has come
forth since the Board's last review, including information the City Attorney as
alluded to. Koch replied that there were no limitations as to the
recommendations of the Board in terms of suggesting what an ideal planning
solution would be. The City Attorney then would advise what could be done along
with any associated risks.
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July 17, 1991
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Trencher proposed a format to proceed through this review procedure along with
obtaining several informational items. 1) Create a list of all pertinent
related issues; 2) Hear from the community and measure their desires through
Public Hearings and resident surveys; 3) Hear from all interested development
parties and landowners who would be affected by any changes; 4) Seek independent
legal counsel to review the Agreement and its potential standing in rezoning the
PUD; 5) If that opinion renders that the Agreement is not effective in judging
the rezoning issue, several proposals should then be developed through workshop
meetings and Public Hearings regarding alternative uses of the properties.
Hopkins noted that this may involve an analysis which is too indepth for the
purposes of an advisory council such as the P&Z Board. Legal opinions should
be left to the Commission and the City Attorney. Ferring said prior to obtaining
an independent counsel, we should seek direction from the City Attorney to see
if this is an advisable course.
McLeod again questioned the purpose of the Board's discussing this issue at this
time. Hopkins stated that the Board would like an opinion from the City Attorney
regarding the applicability of the Agreement in this issue.
Paul Partyka, 684 Oswego Ct., City Commissioner, spoke to the Board regarding
the request of the Commission. The Commission and Kruppenbacher previously
stated the City can administratively review anything. The Board's job is to look
at the PUD in terms of a Land Use Plan. Then the Board makes recommendations
to the Commission, who will note any legal concerns and make their decision.
Partyka continued that over the past two years, several changes have occurred
within the PUD: 1) The whole "settlement area" has been settled; 2) The golf
course question regarding the location of a motel or apartments; 3) More homes
are being built making the entire PUD more residential in nature; 4) Several
pieces of land were subject to some kind of decision. The idea is to have the
Board review the current situation and see what can be suggested to make the area
residential land use. Hopkins asked Partyka if the Agreement affects all the
undeveloped properties in the PUD. Partyka said he didn't think so, but he
couldn't say for certain.
Ferring stated that Koch previously said she would not change from PUD at this
point, but would reinforce the City Ordinances to fully protect the residents'
desires. Partyka noted that Koch stated she would redesignate pieces of land
to something else..
McLeod asked if the Board is to look at the entire PUD or just undeveloped
parcels in regards to rezoning. Partyka stated the Board is to review the entire
PUD. The issue should be to come up with an ideal land use review for the PUD.
Hopkins noted there was no need at this time for legal opinions as the Board is
only looking at land use planning issues.
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July 17, 1991
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Moti Khemlani, 605 Morgan St., president of the Tuscawilla Homeowners
Association, addressed the Board. Khemlani quoted Kruppenbacher stating legal
and planning issues should not be mixed. Khemlani advised the Board to look only
at the planning issues. Hopkins stated that the general public is not to provide
direction to the Board. Khemlani said he has several serious problems with the
PUD designation. It doesn' t protect the residents and has cost the City
unnecessary money. Khemlani used the example of the developer stating he had
a vested right to build a shopping center, contrary to the beliefs of the
residents. The residents want protection from commercialization of any parcel
within the PUD. Hopkins asked if the commercial land use designation within the
PUD is a threat to the residents. Khemlani affirmed this and further stated
that the golf course should remain a golf course, with no more residential
Hopkins asked Koch whether there was any residential property under the golf
course designation. Koch stated that according to the current PUD map, the only
open area on the golf course property is labeled "Golf Cottages" and is
approximately 2.5 acres. Trencher noted the current land designation map for
the PUD is not the 1971 map, but is the one currently before the Board. Trencher
asked Khemlani if the residents have come up with alternative uses for the
questioned property, other than "not commercial". Khemlani responded he would
like to hold a workshop with residents and the Board to forward the residents'
concerns and ideas. He further stated the City Attorney has given the Board the
right to review all land use designations of the PUD, except those parcels which
were mediated in the Settlement. Trencher noted that the remaining commercial
properties are the ones which were mediated. Khemlani said we should look at
the overall PUD, but don't change the mediated parcels now. McLeod wanted to
know if the homeowners were represented and allowed input in the Settlement.
LeBlanc replied that the Commissioners and developers were in separate rooms with
the mediator going back and forth between rooms. There was no direct homeowner
representation. McLeod invited the Homeowners Association to come forward with
a written document stating the desires of the residents, presented to the Board
in a proposed recommendation format. Khemlani replied he wants a workshop with
the city planners to assist in the development of the residents' proposal.
Ferring wanted to know if there was anyone present at tonight' s meeting in
opposition to the general discussion. Glenn Marvin indicated his opposition.
Trencher noted that when the issue of paving roads in the Ranchlands came up
three years ago, all the land owners in the Ranchlands were polled. He wanted
to know if such a mechanism should be used to get a more diverse opinion, as the
Homeowners Association may not speak for the entire Tuscawilla population.
Khemlani replied that voting is used for selecting Commissioners, not a poll,
and such a poll should not be used to measure residents' opinions on this issue.
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July 17, 1991
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Hopkins stated that a Public Hearing should be held first, to allow residents
with differing opinions to voice their concerns prior to a workshop. The
workshop would then incorporate all the opinions raised. The Hearing .prior to
the workshop would allow all residents, developers and property owners the
ability to voice their opinions.
Helen Day, 1040 Berkdale Trail, asked the Board for its definition of a Public
Hearing. Hopkins noted that the Public Hearing he wishes to hold will be
advertised in the newspaper and will afford persons not travelling through
Tuscawilla on a daily basis an opportunity to voice their opinion.
Koch stated the current PUD map has nothing to do with property owned by Mr.
Mikes (owner of the golf course). The map addresses disagreements between Winter
Springs Joint Venture and the City only. Further, the Agreement is inclusive
of all remaining undeveloped property, so everything not yet developed may be
changed only by agreement between the two parties and sanctioned by the court.
LeBlanc noted that the Board cannot rezone property, only the Commission may do
Joseph Genova, resident, stated the Settlement was not court ordered. The
mediator happened to be a judge, his court was not involved. The Agreement was
mediated, not arbitrated, and thus was only a recommendation. Genova felt the
10 acres surrounding the 7-11 shopping center was a "smoke screen" for the 100
acres the development really wanted.
Hal Hamrick, 1389 Ayerswood Ct., stated he didn't understand the PUD concept,
and many may have the same problem. Hopkins suggested he contact the Land
Development Coordinator, the Homeowners Association, or the City Planner for a
full explanation and review of the PUD. Trencher noted that the terminology
regarding undeveloped, unbuilt property is often confusing. He asked if a map
be developed showing the 13 parcels in question, those parcels which are approved
for housing, etc. to show the development and designations.
Khemlani asked that the Public Hearing and workshop be scheduled as early as
possible to move the process along. A discussion ensued regarding the scheduling
Virginia Herndon, resident, stated that she agreed with the board that the
workshop should include the opinions of others who do not belong to the
Homeowners Association. The workshop should be announced in the newspaper as
well as the Public Hearing. LeBlanc noted that the Public Hearing is still
necessary as the workshop cannot render an advisement to the City Commission.
Khemlani noted that he would be able to post signs at all locations to Tuscawilla
advertising the workshop, so he needs little preparation time to announce the
meeting. Koch stated that all meetings, including workshops, are open to the
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July 17, 1991
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general public. LeBlanc added that once the workshop is scheduled, Elaine
Bennett, reporter for the Sentinel, be contacted to write a brief article.
McLeod stated that there may be a need for a second workshop after the first
workshop and Public Hearing to iron out concerns raised. Hopkins agreed, noting
the first workshop should be held as soon as possible to bring out the residents'
opinions. Hopkins asked the Board if the workshop can be held next Wednesday
night. It was agreed it should be presented as a motion.
Tuscawilla PUD review workshop.
McLeod made a motion to hold a workshop on July 24, 1991 at 7:30 to review the
Tuscawilla PUD. Seconded by Trencher. Vote: All aye.
provision of Affordable Housina in Winter Sprinas
Koch forwarded to the Board information on affordable housing in Florida and in
Seminole County. She noted that the Seminole report lists various options on
providing affordable housing. Further, the Board received copies of a listing
of average assessed home values under $100,000 in the City. Koch noted that
approximately 30% of the homes in the City are over $100,000, thus we have a good
amount of affordable housing. We need to review older neighborhoods with
affordable housing and look at ways to renovate to ensure the area remains
suitable, including the parking of vehicles and exterior maintenance. The other
area involves revising land development codes to increase the stock of affordable
housing by providing concessions and easing restrictions thus making it less
expensive to develop land. The Board needs to recommend the best way to proceed.
Ferring noted that one of the reports indicates that only 13% of municipal
employees can afford to purchase their own home. He also questioned the accuracy
of the assessed values in the City's listing. Koch replied those values are the
only source of home values. The figures are for the assessed value as of April
1990. New values may not be ready till the end of the year.
Koch noted that the material is only an informational item to keep the Board
current. She suggested that a workshop be held at some point in the future which
includes developers, who can describe ways their development costs can be cut.
Further, banks may be invited as they have been requested to reinvest in their
local communities. Also, the Chamber of Commerce has a committee looking for
land developers interested in funding through their contacts (bring together
land owners and banks to improve or develop property).
Koch reviewed the progress on the middle school - the School Board is in their
site plan currently, and are looking to get their permits by August. The future
road to abut that property was assisted by the surtax which passed. The School
Board must build a driveway from the property to the road. The City projects
will be built in late 1995.
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July 17, 1991
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Koch reviewed the status of the Comprehensive Plan. The DCA is currently
reviewing the plan and has 90 days to forward their comments to the City (90 days
after they begin their review). The Board will get copies of the Plan. Koch
stated there are two areas of substantive change in the plan. First, regarding
Tuscawilla, a statement was added to the Land Use Element noting they may be
vested due to certain prior commitments. Second, in Conservation, we have a
provision to preserve 10\ of uplands and native habitation.
Hopkins stated he wanted the annual election of officers for the Board to be
included on the agenda for the next general meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Gregory Kern, Recording Secretary
Planning & Zoning Board