HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 01 30 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes -- ----- . ..--. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes January 30, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS David Hopkins, Chairman, Present David McLeod, Vice Chairman, Present Martin Trencher, Present John Horan, Present John Ferring, Present CITY OFFICIALS J. Koch, Dir. Admin. and Compo Planning WORKSHOP - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Board decided to have the future meetings at 7:30 P.M. rather than 7:00. The Board has received the Land Use Element, the Housing Element, and the Preface. Koch said that in working with land use, it's necessary to coordinate with all the other. She said she started on the topic of the natural environment as a setting. It is projected that to Red Bug and 17-92 and somewhat into Oviedo, there will be 30,000 housing units by the year 2010; 20,000 single Family, almost 10,000 MUlti-Family; about 84,000 people. This is based on the number of inhabitants the University of Florida study states there will be. There are projected to be 12,000 students, grades K-12. On the through traffic count, Koch said that the County's numbers in the existing study in 1988/89 were the same numbers that were proved invalid so the County traffic load in the existing model is in question. We have an exact count for the city, but they are still just working on their'projections that were not updated and validated. When we get the 1990 census we're going to go back and reexamine the model to see if we need to make adjustments. Koch reminded the Board that this will always mainly be a residential . center even after the widening of the roads and we have more commerce, etc.. She said Mr. Tipton is expecting to get a map tomorrow of the proposed road network. She said she would try to get one to the Board members before the end of the week. Koch showed on the map the different sections and possible uses for the wetlands. Attorney Worsham, who used to be Counsel for st. ,-... - Planning & Zoning Board Minutes January 30, 1991 Page 2 '- John's Water Management District, said that because land is classified as a wetland, does not mean it can't be developed. The doctrine of mitigation allows a developer frequently to develop in a wetland with the requirement of having to create additional wetlands somewhere else. Normally the mitigation ratio is to create a two acre wetland in order to replace one acre that is destroyed. But bear in mind Code of Engineers, Wetlands Permitting, Department of Environmental Regulation etc., and Water Management District that takes into account the wetland values. The overall philosophy of these agencies generally, is no net loss of wetlands or wetland functions. Because of existing regulations that already impact wetlands, you may not have to purchase wetlands because the other agencies may protect them adequately for your standards. However, the way to assure permanent preservation of the wetlands is to purchase them. Right now they're considered to be of nominal value for tax purposes because they're so hard to develop. Trencher asked if a wetlands like SChrimsher's, because of its size, is conducive to park activity. Koch said Schrimsher has already made that decision. She said it was very intensively surveyed. Hopkins asked if we could govern what is buildable and what is not, through zoning. Koch said we could remove them from future development by putting them under public ownership. She showed on the map the area deeded to the City. Attorney Worsham said when you have a wetlands that were once owned by a private developer, they may be sUbject to conditions regarding maintenance, clearing exotic species, maintaining water levels, etc.. There may be some "baggage" regarding owning the wetlands. Before you take on the title, make sure you're not getting a fiscal responsibility that you may not want at this point. Those wetlands may already be regulated and the protection of those wetlands may have a requirement of a permit. Discussion. McLeod said if we buy these wetlands, will the City will be required to respond to the st. John's Water Management. He said we may be better off to let them still own it with a lesser tax burden on them, but still tax them rather than acquire them and then have to put tax money into it. Koch pointed out the areas on the map that would be best designated Commercial or Industrial. Trencher asked what we can or cannot do on the Lake Jessup side that is designated a PUD. Koch said we can do anything we want to. She said that is what we have to decide. Trencher stated that anyone who wanted to develop on the north side of that property, would have to develop under the new PUD ordinance. .- ---.~ ,~. Planning & Zoning Board Minutes January 30, 1991 Page 3 Koch said the land use specifications are broad. We have to decide what the best overall use for that property would be. She said we can have a wide range of zoning. Attorney Worsham said you can look at each area based on your land use classification. By the land use designation that you choose for a particular piece of land, you're recognizing the different characteristics of that land by virtue of that exercise. Koch said she wants to look at what we want to have in these areas. She showed the areas on the map and what designations would be best for those areas. .Trencher said in terms of the settlement agreement we have with Gulfstream, discussions we've had and on the record, there would be a landscape beautification plan - a long term plan for that entire 434 section vis-a-vis Commercial. He asked if we are in a position to define what that is for both sides of the highway in the Comprehensive Plan. Koch said we need to do it allover town. That's why it becomes a general requirement. Trencher said in the PUD ordinance we used the step density approach with signif icant buffers. For Commercial, as you get further into the City from the Expressway, you want to lessen the impact of Commercial, i.e. vis a vis step density, such as putting an office building of four to six stories right at the Expresssway, but you wouldn't put that right by the wetlands. He asked if we have the kind of flexibility that says "as you develop this property and get closer and closer to the wetlands, the height limitations have to lower and the types of businesses have to differ". Koch said the question is do we want to dedicate Lake Shore to Commerce. We weren't looking at the whole thing. Koch explained the possibilities of the different areas on the map. She showed the part the ci ty has annexed. Hopkins stressed the protection of the Lake. Discussion. Horan asked if the idea about flex zoning, performance standards, and design standards is something we should articulate in the land use element. Koch said that could be very much encouraged in creati ve land uses. She asked if we could use that and set different standards for each one. Attorney Worsham said in the Miami Springs Plan they have done that. They set out a scheme to solve the problems they had with redesignating land uses in those areas. The City has a flexibility to address particular problems. He said even if you addressed one zoning classification or a planning classification for a particular area, you could always change that based on the problem. You can set up several different zones to address various land uses you would like to see in those areas. He said the philosophy that's being used is that it's better ~ / -.. Planning & Zoning Board Minutes January JO, 1991 Page 4 ---- .-... to have shopping opportunities for people not to have to drive across town. You would lower the traffic on the arterials if people didn't have to drive as far. You have to identify what you want to do with it and then apply the flexible zoning concept to it. He said you can set certain standards for the appearance of the gas stations etc.. You can accomplish whatever you want to do. Trencher said that in developing these three zones, the concept of town center, and redevelopment and revitalization, the problems we have in the "old town" with Piggly Wiggly, with building there, is that they are not architecturally compatible. He said we still don't have an architectural review board or design standards beyond the City Code. For instance we can't tell someone they have to use brick versus another material. He asked if we can put in those types of design standards. He said it would almost force other people in the area to come up to that standard. Horan said the problem in the "old town" area has been lax code enforcement. He said as we develop our zoning requirements, we can change the zoning so that as anyone comes in for a permit to occupy a particular building, that building will now have to be brought up to present zoning. Attorney Worsham said we will provide in the plan a blueprint for what will be the "meat on the bones" of what you intend to do later on with the land development regulations. It is with LOR that you can really get down to the fine elements of landscaping, architectural review, code enforcement, the standards that you want. You can set broad, general objectives. Then the LOR will carry that out. You want to figure out where you want to go and then draft your plan accordingly. Be thinking about your LOR and what you want them to do. This is a step you have to take in order to reach that final step. He said we have at least until September or October to keep working on the Plan. He said he feels that we can make the goal of April 1 for transmittal and have a reasonably saleable plan. The Plan has to go to the Department of Community Affairs. We have to have two Public Hearings that will be advertised and the Commission has to have one before that. March has to be left open for those Public Hearings. He said they are going to take what the Board has said and come up with a concept and the Board will review it. They will get a consensus from the Board, and then perhaps further refine it to be incorporated into the draft that's recommended to the Commission. Horan said we've spent a lot of time on the ideas and benefits of design standards and flex zoning. He feels that needs to be incorporated. He said there was a lot of input on code enforcement. In coordinating the land use objectives and policies and goals with the other objectives, policies and goals, he said he thinks that gets into _.< '.......... Planning & Zoning Board Minutes January JO, 1991 Page 5 ,,-~. intergovernmental coordination because there's so much in terms of land use and traffic that impacts on the City that is going to be caused by things that don't happen here. Trencher suggested Attorney Worsham's getting the material faxed from Koch before it gets to the Board. All agreed to this. McLeod suggested using the Miami Springs Comprehensive Plan as a guide. He cited Code Enforcement as one aspect that could be used in that Plan. Attorney Worsham said copies of the Comprehensive Plan should be available for the public to inspect. When the advertisement is made, it must state where copies can be obtained for public inspection. Trencher asked if it is appropriate for this body to give a working plan for the Commission that says "within this Plan we've identified the following legislative changes that need to be adopted". Attorney Worsham said he felt that would be an efficient way to do it. <~ Horan said he has five objectives that should be in the Plan that would conform to what the people have told us and discussions we've had. Attorney Worsham said the City is in the process of creating a Master Plan and development criteria for the entire civio commercial area. This has included Koch speaking with the land owners, the pUblic meetings, dialogue between City Staff, this Board, the C&I Board and the BOWS Board. Taking what they know and putting it into the Comprehensive Plan has been coordinated pretty well. Horan said winter springs has the east side of the city and the west side separated by an undeveloped center. He said he would like to see as a goal, the objective of uniting the two "cities" with a road system and a town center. Attorney Worhsham read about goals, objectives and pOlicies from the Department of Community Affairs' governing the content of Comprehensive Plans. He said goals means the long term end, objectives means the specific measurable intermediate end that is achievable and marks progress toward a goal. policy means the way in which programs and activities are conducted to achieve an identified goal. ~ .",... ......., ,. planning & zoning Board Minutes January 30, 1991 Page 6 '---" Koch said we've had a lot of requests for parks in places we didn't think we should build' parks; open land for ball fields in particular. On the southwest side of 434, (the Terraces, Foxmoor, Ranchlands) children don't have a place to go without crossing a five lane road. until we get twenty acres from Eagle Ridge, they won't have anything. The only way we're going to get it is to buy it. She asked the Board if they want to do that, and how they want to pay for it. We need to decide on a recommendation as to whether we want to do it or not. Discussion. It was agreed that that area does need a park. Discussion. The collector road system was discussed. designing it. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Koch said we're pre- Caroline McGinley 'r-- ~ ..-/