HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 01 24 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
Special Workshop
Thursday, January 24, 1991
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M..
David Hopkins, Chairman, Present
David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Present
Martin Trencher, Present
John Ferring, Present
John Horan, Present
J. Koch, Oil'. Admin./Comp.
Workshop: Comprehensive Plan:
Attorney Lee Worsham spoke of meeting with Koch concerning the Comprehensive
Plan. He said they discussed the data already compiled. There is extensive
data on traffic studies, water and sewer studies, and various other studies
performed by the City. He said the Comprehensive Plan can be divided into two
general areas: The first aspect is the DIA - Data Inventory and Analysis. You
project what a vision of your community is going to be like in the future. The
law requires a compilation of a lot of data to try to figure out what you have
right now as a base line to figure out what your resources are gOing to need to
be, to be able to support the population and the City as you envision it.
He said the other part of the Comprehensive Plan is what we are looking at now,
and will be presenting to the Board right away. The best approach would be to
look at the Goals, Objectives and Policies now. He passed out the Comprehensive
Plan of the City of Miami Springs. He said in Goals, Objectives and Policies,
the Board will be setting down various conditions and time tables and performing
certain activities by the City.' This will require an evaluation of surrounding
government policies. The City will be making policy decisions that may mean
commi tment of money, such as addi tional staffing, programs, perhaps environmental
enforcement activities - things that we may not be dOing now and may not have
to unless we want to. He said that is what he suggests that the Board start off
with. He gave the Board a handout of Koch's Comprehensive writing. He said the
complete Goals, Objectives and Policies will be delivered to the Board on Monday
the 28th for land use elements, traffic circulation element, and housing element.
Out of these arise all of the other decisions and elements. On February 6, 1991,
there will be a Workshop on these three elements in their entirety. There will
also be a handout to the Board of the remaining Goals, Policies and Objectives
for the other elements that are required. You will have at that time, the "meat"
of the Comprehensive Plan. The data compilation and the writing that will be
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Planning and Zoning Board Meeting
Thursday, January 24, 1991
Page 3
itls vested, so they will be able to get permitted. Trencher asked whether on
the commercial property on 434, basically Gulfstream, there are certain
provisions in the settlement agreement that require them to do certain
beautification and other things provided we require people on the other side of
the highway to do the same. He asked if that becomes part of our plan. Koch
said we can set that as a priority for the whole stretch of 434. Attorney
Worsham suggested making that part of the land development regulations. He said
the land development has to be conslstant with the Plan. He said you want to
be pretty specific yet general enough to be flexible so that you can encompass
something you haven't thought of. .
There was discussion about completion of the Expressway.
it into our Plan that we have to monitor the situation.
to open it to 17-92 all at one time.
Koch said we can write
She said the plan is
Koch said the policy on Tuscawilla Road is that we can permit below LOS E within
three years of improvement.
Trencher mentioned that there is School Board property on Tuscawilla Road that
belongs to Gulfstream, and we have other ~acant property. He asked if because
the road doesnlt need a standard, we could not permit further activity there in
two or three years before the widening. Koch said yes. She said we're required
to take the School Board plans into consideration. She said the School Board
does plan to put a middle school on that property. Horan said there is a statute
that requires School Boards to comply with land regulations and municipalities.
Koch said itls her understanding that we had to comply with the level of service
of the jurisdiction that was over the road. So we have to deal with the County
on that. Trencher asked how much control we have on Tuscawilla Road between now
and the time it gets widened vis a vis being able to permit or not permit on
the basis of the road's capability to handle traffic. Koch said it's not just
the property on the road. She said if someone came in who was not going to
overtax 434 but it could be shown that it was going to overtax Tuscawilla Road,
then we're constrained by that requirement.
Koch pointed out on the collector road system map, that extending Shore Road from
434 to Lake Drive would augment the capacity of the State roads and the County
roads. We are taking some of the load off of Tuscawilla Road and some off of 434.
The leg from 434 to Tuscawilla Road will pick up some traffic from the school
and take it away from the intersection. Welre contributing capacity. Koch said
it will probably take us several years to get the money to do even one road.
She said we need to decide what number one is going to be. We have to make a
recommendation on th~t. Koch said we have a problem with emergency services.
Do we want to put our money first into making this road connection when we know
it will be five years before we have improvement. We need to decide which is
'pallTwqns ~IInJl~adsaM
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