HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 10 03 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes October 3, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS David Hopkins, Chairman, Present John Langelotti, Present John Torcaso, Present David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Present John Horan, Present CITY OFFICIALS; J. Koch, Dir. Adm./Comp. Plarming Mary Muse, Code Inspector WJRKSHOP Special Workshop Meeting to Receive Comments for Inclusion in the Developnent of the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan from residents and Property OWners of Area of the Original Village of North Orlando: North Orlando TCMnSite, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 8th Additions, Lori Arm Acres, Fairfax Quads, Garden Club Apts. and PinewJOd Terrace. Hopkins stated that the Board is developing the Comprehensive Land Plan. He mentioned some of the projects that are about to becane reality such as the Solid Waste Program, the SUper Park, the Senior Center, and the eastern leg of the Beltway. He mentioned that the outcane of this will be growth with which we have to deal. He said that currently we are calling residents of the neighborhoods in to get their input. He invited anyone who wished, to come and give their input. Hopkins introduced Jacqueline Koch, our technical advisor, and Mary Muse, the Code Inspector who is visiting the meeting tonight. Carol Ludrick, 11 North First Court, asked how many years it WJUld be before we have the Bypass Expressway. Koch said they hope to have the 434 section of it canpleted in 1993. Ms. Ludrick asked about the traffic situation. Horan said we have no Gu.ucrol over what the Seminole County Expressway does - over the timing, the configuration of the road, where it ties in. Also, we have no control over when 434 and 419 are improved. We do have control over the interior roads within our City that can be utilized to take traffic off of 419 and 434. He said we're devising a Comprehensive Plan that will serve as a blueprint for our growth over the next five years. We've adopted the idea that we have to have an internal way of moving traffic around our City. We're going to have a IIloopll system. Koch pointed out where the III00pll system will be. Discussion. Ms. Rusty Lenholf, 208 Bennett Street, asked if vacant land is going to be used for the loop road right-of-way or is housing going to be involved in these plans. Hopkins said that is why the roads should be built as soon as possible, in order to affect the least number of people possible. Koch said that impact fees on future growth will pay for the roads. She said no existing housing will be disrupted. We will just connect with the roads we already have in developed areas. ",-. -- p.reog Dll1:UOZ pue .6u-pn.ret d .&m=\.a.I~as .6unUo::>aH ' suPPO}I 0.6.rew ~~ 'pa=\.=\.Twqns AIrnJ=\.~adS8H "W'd 9t:6 =\.e pau.morpe .6uI=\.aatU attL 'UOTSsn::>STG 'I~TUlPa=\. =\.el{=\. aq =\.OU PInClM =\.uawa~.IOJu:iI apcY.) at:(=\. =\.'eQ=\' pauTerdxa SUPldoH 'pa=\.dope a.IaM S=\.UauIa.IrnDa.I uon:::>adsuTa.I Jl' '~=\.a ' asnOlt sTtt JO azl's at:(=\. se lpns saT=\. H~It.npa=\. at:(=\. =\.noqe pau.Ia~uo~ SeM aH 'a>{ods' =\.aa.I=\.S PT^ea En ' .Iat:(sT8: uea 'paS~STP SeM uoT=\.ea.I~a.I .IoJ pue IDtIeMapTS .IoJ A4. Tssa~ attL 's=\.uapIsa.I at:(=\. spuaJJo q~l'ttM qse.I=\. =\.no .6un=\.nd pue ul' .6ul'^OW sassaul'snq :+noqe paul'erauo~ oSIe at:(S 'tEt JO .6uTUaPl'M at:(:+ 0:+ anp pDOlt.IoqqDTau .Iaq ul' ~T JJe.I:+ JO :+unOUle aq:+ :+noqe paul'eIduD~ aqS 'a>{ods':+.:moo :+S.IT8: q:+.ION tE ' nrafua.Ie.!l 'SW 'uol'SSl'unno:::> at:(:+ 0:+ uonepuatllWO~.I at:(:+ ID{eUI 0:+ p.zeog aq:+ JO snsuasuo~ e seM a.Iaq:+ :+ raJ aq Pl'es SUPldoH 'tual{:+ 0:+ :>yeads awo~ 0:+ S.Iauol'ssTUD1Io:J rel':+ua:+od pue rEnpl'^ TPUl' :+sanDa.I pue S.IauMOaWOq JO dno.zo pau.Ia~uo~ e se azpmfuo Aaq:+ :+et..I:+ pa:+safifus SUPldO}I 'UOl'Ssn::>STO 'a^T:+eT:+TuT UMO s=\.l' :+e suol':+erol'^ :+noqe J3ul'q=\.auIOS op 0:+ patqeua aq A4.l':J at:(:+ :+et..I:+ :+~,1,1a at:(:+ 0:+ uOTssTUD1IO:J aq:+ 0:+ paptIatllWO~a.I aq ~Hod at:(:+ ul' a.6ueq~ e :+et..I:+ pa:+safifus su~dOH 'suoT=\.e:+T~ a:+el':+Tul' :+.usaop A4.l':J attL ':+ul'erauo~ e ID{eUI 0:+ seq uazl':+T~ e ~Hod :+uasa.Id .Iapun :+-eq:+ paul'erdxa q:)()}I 'UMO:+ ,10 pua :+-eq:+ :+e pa:+.Ie:+S :+ao .IO:+~adsuI apo:J at:(:+ 'asnw 'SW :+-eq:+ pa:+safifus SUPldoH 'uonel'~ssv S.IaUMOaUIOH e ~et..I :+ I uop Aaq:+ :+el{:+ sl' sutarqo.zd aq:+ ,10 auo :+el{:+ =\. raJ at:( PTes aH 'a.Iaq:+ suerqo.Id ~el{ op Aat:(:+ :+el{:+ =\.~e,1 aq:+ 0:+ pa:+sa:+:+e aH 'S.IeaA 9~ .Io,1 pDOlt.IoqqoTau s. JIDqUarj 'SW uT pa^H seq at:( Pl'BS aH 'a>{ods uewzroH :>t~nq:J JaTq:J a.IT8: 'UOl'=\.~adSUl'a.I ,10 PUPl awos :+uauIardiuT ~ aM sadOlt at:( PTes aH 'ape:J A4.T:J at:(:+ Ul' IIsaq~=\.l'rOll Aue a:+eul'wl'Ia ~ aM padOlt aq PIes SUl'}{dO}I 'pDOlt.IoqqOl'au .Iaq JO UOne.Iol'.Ia:+ap aq:+ :+noqe pau.Ia~uo~ osre SeM aqS '.Ia:+ua~ .6uTddOlts A4.aua aq:+ a:+e.IauaBa.I O=\. auop aq PIno~ .6uTtt:+Aue ,1T ~se nDqUarj 'SW ~ aJ3ed 066t 'f; .Iaqo:+~ p.zeoa .6ul'UOZ pue .6ul'Ulter d