HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 09 05 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes ----. . .Y e e- Planning and Zoning Board Minutes September 5, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS: David Hopkins, Chairman, Present John Langelotti, Present John Torcaso, Present David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Absent John Horan, Present CITY OFFICIAL: J. Koch, Dir .Adm. /Comp. Planning Approval of Minutes of August 15, 1990: Langelotti moved to approve the minutes of August 15, 1990. Torcaso. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Seconded by Approval of Minutes of August 22, 1990: Horan moved to approve the minutes of August 22, 1990. Seconded by Langelotti. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. WJRKSHOP Special Workshop Meeting to Receive Comments for Inclusion in the Developnent of the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan from Residents and Property OWners of The. Highlands and Wildwood - Planned Unit Develo~ts Hopkins stated _ the Board will take into consideration any input the residents have for the developnent of the Comprehensive Plan~ He stated that there are projects ongoing that have an effect on our City - the super park, senior center, solid waste program and most important growth, and with growth canes traffic. The new Expressway coming through will create excess traffic within our City. SR 434 is not scheduled to be widened until several years after the completion of the Expressway. The Board has come to a consensus to develop a loop collector road system wi thin Winter Springs to help residents get in and out and around our City. Hopkins stated that the Planning and Zoning Board is a recommendary 1::xXly and the final decision will come fran the Conunission. Hopkins stated that these meetings are designed to help the Board in the developnent of the Comprehensive Plan. There are many elements involved, covering just about every aspect concerning the quality of life the residents enjoy. Hopkins introduced the Board members and Staff member to the residents. " Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes September 5, 1990 Page 2 Phil Kulbes, resident of The Highlands, stated that the citizens of the Highlands are concerned that Shepard Road will be extended through the neighborhocxi to Edgemon Avenue. In 1971 the master plan of the Highlands did shcM Shepard Road extended through to Edgemon Avenue, but he stated since that time no improvements on the extension of Shepard Road have been. started and no plans for the developnentof that area, road or the infrastructure have been submitted to the Staff or Plarming and Zoning Board or the City Commission for review and carmnent. He said he thinks master plans are a guide to what a developer would like to have and the City approves the master plans so as to have guidelines as what is going to go into a particular area. He stated that he wanted to caution everyone that master plans can be amended; he said these plans can be recommended for change by the Plarming and Zoning Board and can be changed by the City Carmnission. A case in point is the shopping center that was to be put in Tuscawilla. The developer had already put in the infrastructure and the road network and yet it was disapproved and changed to residential. Another case in point is the stable and pasture area in Tuscawilla; it was designed for a stable for the residents use, and nobody wanted horses, so it was changed to single family residential. Kulbes stated that there is no real reason to extend Shepard Road fran where it deadends now at the City property line to Edgemon Avenue because it does not serve the residents of the Highlands. It w:Juld be a short cut from 17-92 to Edgemon Avenue then on to SR 419. Kulbes referred the Board to Sections 20.361 and 20.388 of the City Code. He said these sections have to do with time restrictions on approval. He read a portion of section 20.361: IIAfter an applicant has submitted a final subdivision plan for. all or a part of a PUD, the applicant shall within twelve months of the City Connnission approval complete substantial developnent in accordance wi th the final subdivision plan. II Kulbes stated that before any action can be taken you need to look at how the master plan is broken out into how many different subdivisions and if the suJ:xUvision has not been broken out and submitted then he thinks that this is a null and void subdivision tract and you don I t have to abide by the master plan any longer because it has been twenty years since it has been subni tted. Hopkins stated that he believes this is beyond the scope of the Comprehensive Plan. The City Code provides the proper procedure for the changing of the master developnent plan of a PUD, including an application to be subni tted by the property owners of the particular area. Kulbes stated that the developer can request a change in the master plan and can make an minor change that is consistent with the final developnent plan wi thout approval; if the request is a major change, the developer has to go e e . -~~t:;1i'.,::.' ."l'k1Gry-?,~j"(~!,~,,.~ ""::-c.l,,-~j-S01;..:mim.flr.61,_;. ... e - Planning and Zoning Board Minutes September 5, 1990 Page 3 through the whole process; to the Planning and Zoning Board and then to the Caronission for approval. However in the Comprehensive Plan Kulbes stated that when the Board plans that road, it has the right to ignore the roadway there because the developer hasn't done anything on it; the developer doesn't have vested rights there. . Koch s~ the master plan of the Highlands and the collector road system on the approved plan. The road system shows Sheoah Boulevard coming from SR 434 north to Shepard Road and shows Shepard continuing on down to Edgemon Avenue McGregor Road being extended to run into Shepard Road. She stated this is the original traffic circulation plan of the Highlands and is a loop designed for the residents to have three alternatives to travel in and out of the Highlands. The alignment of Shepard Road was moved over to the eastern bomldary when Units 7 and 8 were built. This was to create a buffer between the homes and the County property along SR 419. The only change that has been made to the master plan is the alignment of the road to the eastern bomldary so there are no homes backing up to what is industrial property in the County. Koch stated that this is the approved plan that has been in existence for twenty years that shows the loop continuing on to Edgemon Avenue with the connection of McGregor to Shepard Road. Hopkins stated that the Homeowners Association could contact the property owners to suggest they submi t an application for amendment to the Land Development Coordinator and take it through its due process. Kulbes stated that the Fire Chief has stated that the extension would give the Fire Department better response time to get to the Highlands area. He stated that he doesn I t feel the road extension would save much time. Hopkins stated that this is not the responsibility at this point in time of the Planning and Zoning Board to be addressing this issue without going through the proper procedure. Koch stated that when questions do come up which are not under the comprehensive Plan, we like to give the residents information as to what is the proper avenue to address the question and maybe what else is going on in the Ci ty that affects it, but as the Chairman said there is an avenue for an amendment to the master plan of a PUD. In this case the property owners of the remaining stretch of Shepard Road could come in and ask for an amendment to the master plan to alter that. That would cane to the Planning and Zoning Board and if the Planning and Zoning Board found it consistent with the master plan they could approve it; they could find it inconsistent and then it would go on to the City Conunission for a public hearing and further consideration. The City would call in the technical experts, who are the Police and Fire Chiefs and the City's traffic consultant. Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes September 5, 1990 Page 4 At the present time we are having a future traffic circulation study through the year 2010 which will look at the build out of the City and the construction of additional roads, and what the situation will be of traffic circulation for the citizens convenience as well and foremost for safety. When this study is finished it will be presented to the Plarming and Zoning Board and at that time it may be a good time for a representative of the Highlands to come and find out the facts. This study will have a lot of valid information on which to base sound decisions. Hopkins stated that the Board consists of citizens of Winter Springs, and the Board is not trying to oppose the residents. These meetings are for comments for consideration in the developnent of the Canprehensive Plan. He stated that the Board does not want to see a battle here tonight; the Board is trying to help not to hurt our communi. ty . The Board is concerned and is trying to plan for the future and needs everyone's help. We don't need to have arguments: we are not against you, we are one of you. Skip Drwnheller, resident of the Highlands, stated his concern about the speeding on Sheoah Boulevard. Horan asked. if Shepard Road is a collector road, and if there are any driveway cuts on it. Koch stated that there the road was designed as a collector road with no residential driveways. Horan gave the definition of a collector road for the residents. He .stated a collector road is designed to move traffic from interior roads out to arterial roads . Martha Olsen, resident of the Highlands, stated her concern over safety in the neighborhood if Shepard Road were to be extended. She asked. the Board to take into consideration traffic in the area for the residents and children. Mel Glickman, president of the Board of Directors of the Highlands HoInecMners Association, stated that the residents are against the extension of Shepard Road. Kelly Balagia, resident of the Highlands, stated her opinion on the Shepard Road extension: she is against the extension. Hopkins stated that the HoInecMners Association should approach the property owners and ask for an amendment to the master plan. The application is subni tted to the Land Developnent Coordinator and that is heM the process begins . Hopkins stated that this issue is beyorrl the scope of this Board at this time. e e " --;-...... ._~ ~.,... '_', \"",,,,,;~:,:i-:':~ ~_'<'...~."Wik",..~\ -.~~ . .. e e Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes September 5, 1990 Page 5 Horan stated that the Board presently is uPdating the Canprehensive Plan mandated by the State of Florida. 'nle Board recommends to the City Conmi.ssion then the Commission acts on the recommendation. 'nle Board merely sets goals and directives for the elements of the Plan and proposes the land use plan. As far as Shepard Road is concerned, the Board carmot focus on that issue until an application is in front of it. Patrick O'Neal, resident of the Highlands, stated his opposition to the extension of Shepard Road. Kulbes stated that the residents could come to the Plarming and Zoning Board meeting when this issue comes before them and show opposition and also to the Commission meeting when the matter comes before them. He stated that he guarantees that the issue would not pass. If no one shows any oPIXJSition to the issue, then it will pass. Horan quoted from Section 20-385 of the City Code, which states the process to go through for an amendment to a master plan. Hopkins again stated that the Shepard Road extension issue is not wi thin the scope of the meeting tonight. 'nle Board carmot start changing an approved developnent. That is not the purpose of the meeting tonight. Kim Noll, resident of Wildwood, stated that Wildwood has only one entrance and exi t and stated her concern that if Shepard Road were extended this would cause more traffic on the road in front of their subdivision. Hopkins stated that growth is putting a pinch on us all, and what the Board is trying to do is to plan for it and hopefully maintain our quality of life. Terri Donnelly, resident of the Highlands, asked about the Shepard Road extension. Hopkins mentioned concurrency and told the residents what concurrency means: the requirement that public facilities must be available to the residents at the same time as the impact of a new developnent. Donnelly ask if the City has any plans to develop the property fronting the proposed extension of Shepard Road. Koch stated that the land is developed as an effluent disposal facility and the Ci ty needs to keep it for that purpose. Hopkins stated that the invitation did not state the purpose of the meeting tonight was the discussion of the Shepard Road extension. 'nle invitation was to receive comments in the developnent of the Comprehensive Plan. 'nle Board is not looking at an individual developnent within a canmunity; that is beyond the scope of this Board at this time. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes September 5, 1990 Page 6 Hopkins stated that perhaps someone representing the homeowners association should bring this issue before Donald LeBlanc the City's Lard Developnent Coordinator, to seek an opinion from the City Attorney and find out if the residents can ask for an amendment. This is the proper way to attack this problem. Hopkins stated that he received two letters mentioning opposition to the Shepard Road extension, which will be su1:mitted for the record. Tony Walter, resident of the Highlands, stated two issues he thought concerned the Comprehensive Plan. One is fire safety - he suggested that access by road is not the only avenue to be taken: there can be emergency access and private road access. The other issue is traffic circulation - he would like the Board to consider that when an amendment is brought in to the Board regarding the PUD to keep in mind the opposition to the Shepard Road extension. Bill Corente, resident of the Highlands, stated his concern about the extension of Shepard Road. He also mentioned the county transfer station being put on SR 419. He was concerned about garbage truck traffic using the Shepard Road extension to get to the new transfer station. Horan mentioned that one element of the Canprehensive Plan is intergovernmental coordination and it is frustrating to the Board to try and plan for what the County might do inside our environs. Koch stated that regarding the question of truck traffic, there is no through truck traffic allowed in a residential area; there will be no increase in garbage trucks going through the neighborhood. Tony Walter asked that when the Board sets the policies for the Comprehensive Plan they prohibit cut-through traffic if and when Shepard Road is extended. Horan asked about the total build-out of the Highlands and Wild\\OOd. Koch stated that there will be 4000 to 4500 people when the two developnents are built out. Jim Eldger, resident of the Highlands, asked about the wastewater effluent disposal site owned by the City. Koch stated that there are ponds and spray fields on that site and nothing different will be built on the site as the City needs it for effluent disposal. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M. Respectfully SU1:mi tted, Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning Board . ~ e e ~~