HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 08 22 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
August 22, 1990
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M.
David Hopkins, Chairman, Present
301m Langelotti, Present
301m Torcaso, Present
David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Present
301m Horan, Present
3. Koch, Dir.Adm. /Comp.Planning
Special Workshop Meeting to Receive Comments for Inclusion in the
Developnent of the Winter Springs, Comprehensive Plan from Residents and
Property OWners of the Tuscawilla POD - East of Howell Creek Including
Tuscawilla Units 3, 7, 11, 11-A, 11-b, 12, 13, 14-A, 14-B, and Bear Creek
Estates, Carrington Woods, Glen Eagle, Woodstream, Greenbriar, Fairway
Oaks, Bentley Green, and Braewick:
Hopkins stated that the Board has been holding these neighborhood meetings to
help in the developnent the Comprehensive Plan, which plans the growth of the
City for the next five years and in long term for the next twenty years. He
stated that there are a number of projects which will affect the City in the
future such as the nuda project, Senior Center, SUper Park, SOlid Waste
recycling, and most of all the Expressway, which will create an enormous amount
of traffic through our City.
The Board is recommending a new collector road system. This will help
alleviate the traffic in the City and help residents get around the City in a
better manner.
Hopkins read a portion fran the Florida Grarth Management Doctrine explaining
concurrency. He stated that concurrency is the requirement to have facilities
available at the same time as the impact of developnent. He stated that even
if the City stopped growth, the surrounding cities will be adding traffic to
the roads in our City. The City needs to be able to adequately serve all new
McLeod stated that if any other residents of the City are present they can
speak as this meeting is not limited to Tuscawilla residents I conunents.
Horan stated that the Board is an advisory l::xxly and will reccmnend to the
Canmission our findings for the new Canprehensi ve Plan.
Torcaso mentioned that the Board has had a meeting with a member of the School
Board and are taking into consideration the intended new schools in our
Comprehensive Plan.
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
August 22, 1990
Page 2
Langelotti stated that the Board is emphasizing the need for new roadways.
Dave Herk, resident on Northern Way, stated his concern about growth and the
deteriorating condition of the neighborhood in which he lives. He stated that
the fourth and fifth fairway of the golf course are becoming a dumping ground.
He also stated his opposition to the request to build banes on the golf course.
The Board told Mr. Herk that any request to change open space property \Olld
have to cane before the Plarming and Zoning Board for an amendment to the
Master Plan.
Koch mentioned that the City Attorney has revie\Ed. the matter of building
additional banes there and had announced he \Olld give his opinion on this
issue at the next Ccmnission meeting.
McLeod mentioned that the residents could contact the Code Enforcement Officer
about the unkept property. He also suggested taking pictures of the property
to give to the Code Enforcement Officer.
Horan also mentioned Sections 13-1, 13-3 of the City Code which states the
property armer must keep property tidy or be cited to the Ccxie Enforcement
Board for violation.
M:>ti Khemlani, resident of M:>rgan Street, asked if this was the first meeting
for the residents of Tuscawilla.
McLeod stated that before the meetings for the Comprehensive Plan the Board had
met with the residents when the Board was reviewing the land use, in Tuscawilla.
Khemlani stated that he has been in contact with the City Attorney and the golf
course armer and that the haneowners are against the developnent of homes on
golf course property.
Koch stated that the City Attorney will state his findings at the next
Canm1ssion meeting and this is not the purpose of the meeting tonight.
Horan stated that the Board will incorporate into the Comprehensive Plan that
the City Code provisions such as upkeep, building codes, site developnent
codes, etc. be strictly enforced.
Koch mentioned that if there is a specific problem that does not pertain to the
Canprehensive Plan, the Board and Staff will make sure the proper City staff
member is made aware of the problem.
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Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
August 22, 1990
Page 3
Charles Princita, resident of Braewick, asked about the placement of schools.
He stated he was concerned that there would be a school built adjacent to the
Braewick su1::xiivision. McLeod stated that a law was recently passed which
states that schools boards have to comply with the local Comprehensive Plan.
Koch stated that the original master plan of the POD included three elementary
school sites wi thin the PUD. The issue is whether it is or is not consistent
with the Tuscawilla PUD.
Horan pointed out the areas that the School Board is looking at for elementary
schools, a middle school and a high school. He pointed out that the areas were
in general and not specific.
Rae Loris, resident on Treon Trace, stated her concern that if a school was
buil t in the Tuscawilla PUD, this would cause a lot of traffic in the
McLeod stated that when the Board had a meeting with the City's traffic
consul tant, he stated that a school would not generate more traffic in the
subdivision. The consultant stated that the traffic would be generated mainly
by the residents in Tuscawilla itself.
Dell Healey, resident of Tuscawilla, stated her concern that if a school was
built in Tuscawilla, there would be garbage trucks and food service trucks for
the facility coming in and out of the subdivision.
Noreen Wilson, resident of Shetland Avenue, stated her concern of the traffic
on Shetland Avenue at the comer of Citrus. She stated that she was concerned
about the children waiting for the bus in the area with all the traffic.
There was discussion on this issue. The Board suggested that the residents
cane before the City Conunission and request sidewalks, and to coordinate with
the County for traffic control.
Martha Pulse, resident of Northern Way, mentioned that she read in the paper
that Citrus Avenue would be extended from Lake Drive through Tuscawllla onto
the Expressway.
The Board told her that this was not in the planning for the roads in the City.
.Jim Matthews, resident on Seneca Boulevard, mentioned his concerns for a sound
1::uffer al~ Tuscawilla Un! t 14-B when the Expressway is built.
Camnissioner Hoffmarm stated that the Expressway Authority will put trees as
1::uffers adjacent to residential areas. He also stated that the Expressway will
not be any closer than 500 feet to the residential area of Tuscawilla.
Matthews stated that this would be a good time to plan a buffer to preserve the
quali ty of life in that area before the Expressway is built.
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Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes
August 22, 1990
Page 4
Torcaso mentioned to Mr. Matthews to came before the City Conmission with his
concem about the noise buffer.
Horan stated that one element of the Canprehensive Plan is intergovernmental
coordination and the Board will be addressing this issue of coordination with
other local governments, as the portion of the Expressway that is Mr. Matthews
concem is not in the City lim! ts .
Khemlani asked the status of a traffic study that would justify the opening of
Tuscora and Vistawilla Drives onto SR 434. Hopkins stated that the status of
those roads is not an issue of this meeting since those two roads are in the
master plan of the Tuscawilla POD. Koch stated that she is not aware of a
traffic study for that issue.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
ResPectfully Subni tted,
Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary
P larming and Zoning Board