HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 07 18 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
July 18, 1990
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M.
David Hopkins, Chairman, On Leave
John Langelotti, Present
John Torcaso, Present
David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Present
John Horan, Present
J. Koch, Dir.Adm./Comp. Planning
Approval of Amended ~nutes of J~ 6.L..!~90:
McLeod stated he would like to hold this until the end of the meeting so the
Board can listen to the end of the tape of this meeting.
Approval of Minutes of June 20..t..-!2.90:
Torcaso moved to approve the minutes of June 20, 1990. Seconded by Langelotti.
Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes of June 27, 1990:
Langelotti moved to approve the minutes of June 27, 1990. Seconded by Horan.
Torcaso abstained fram voting as he was not present at the meeting of June 27,
1990. Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
McLeod closed the regular meeting and opened the workshop.
Special Workshop Meeting to Receive Conunents for Inclusion in the Developnent
of the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan from Residents and Property Owners of
the-1.i19:.hlands and Wi:tgwood - Plal}ne~Lgni t J:2eve:t~I).:ts:
McLeod stated that all parties present are welcome to give input on any area of
the City. He stated that what we are doing at the present time will affect the
City in the next five years, and are looking at the City now and will plan for
the future growth of our City. He also mentioned that if there are any
problems in any area that the residents present are concerned about please
speak up and let the Board know.
Koch stated that the Board has had a series of meetings addressing each area
separately. This meeting is concerning two planned unit developnents which
make up the ma.jori ty of the northwestern portion of the City.
These two planned unit developnents have been under developnent since 1971.
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Planning and Zoning r '""'"-j Minutes
July 18, 1990
Page 3
Gennell asked for clarification on whether the undeveloped land ~uld be
subject to the existing association. Koch stated that she would ask the City
Attorney for clarification on this.
Gennell also asked about the property on the north side of Shepard Road, and if
this property could be acquired for a park. She stated that a park is needed
in this end of town as Wildwood's recreation is not adequate.
Koch stated that a lot of this property abuts Spring Hammock and is within the
100 year flood plane. The buildable area is zoned PUD and designated for
mu.l ti -family.
Kim Nolf, resident of Wildwood, stated the need for recreation for the children
of Wildwood. She also stated that there is a need for a recreation program for
the older children, as the City's program is for children ages six to twelve.
Linda Mase, resident of Wildwood, stated her concern for recreation in this end
of the City.
Philip Kulbes, resident of Highlands, stated that at the election of officers
in March, the homeowners of the Highlands voted to have no conunercial in the
Highlands, which includes the parcel Koch spoke about in the beginning of the
meeting. He also stated that he is against the opening of Shepard Road to
Edgemon Avenue. He stated that this would cause a lot of traffic that would
use this as a shortcut to S.R. 419. He stated that this extension is not
needed and the road would be very expensive to build. He also mentioned that
the road extension would cane under an environmental issue. He mentioned that
if Shepard Road would be extended to McGregor Road, this extension would not
serve as a shortcut through the Highlands, and ~uld only serve the residents
of the Highlands.
Kulbes mentioned that he discussed this issue with the Police Chief years ago,
and the Police Chief didn't like the extension of Shepard Road to Edgemon
Avenue because it would cause a shortcut through the area. He also stated that
the Fire Chief said that this extension ~uldn't save his people any time in
responding to emergencies.
Ed Kaplin, resident of Highlands, expressed his concern about the extension of
Shepard Road to Edgemon Avenue, stating it would reduce the residential nature
of the area and would endanger the children who live along this area.
Koch stated that the Shepard Road extension to Edgemon Avenue was approved when
the master plan of the Highlands was approved and to not build this extension
~uld require an amendment to the PUD master plan.
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0661 '81 ATnr
sa+nu~w p.;rnog fu~oz pue fupruerd
Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes
July 18, 1990
Page 5
Gary Burnell, resident of the Highlands, stated his concern about the traffic
Joann Maddie, resident of the Highlands, stated her concern of the extension of
Shepard Road.
Approval of Amended Minutes of June 6, 1990:
The Board listened to the tape of the end of
Horan moved to approve the minutes as amended.
All aye. f\Dtion carried.
the meeting of June 6, 1990.
Seconded by Langelotti. Vote:
The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
Respectfully SUl::mi tted,
Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary
P larming and Zoning Board