HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 06 27 Planning and Zoning Board Special Minutes Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes Special Workshop June 27, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. ~QM.~!L~ERS : David Hopkins, Chairman, On Leave John Langelotti, Present John Torcaso, Absent David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Present John Horan, Present CITY -9FFIc;Jl~LS : R. Rozansky, City Manager J. Koch, Dir. Adm.jComp. Plarming G. Whitsett, Recreation Director Special Workshop on City Parks and Recreation Facilities. a. Developnent of a Major Recreational Facility on the 56 Acre Property Acquired by the City for a Park in North Central Area of Winter Springs Between Lake Jesup and SR 434. b. Neighborhood Park Improvements to Provide Recreational Facilities Close to _~2_tL~~g~Ilg2J_~~~.'L9J__~he_Ci~. McLeod stated that a member of the park consul tant architectural firm is present. The meeting will be held open and at any point questions may be asked. Koch stated that the City has hired the firm of Glatting, Lopez, Kercher, Anglin, to design and oversee the developnent of this major park. The project manager, David Barth, is present and will give a presentation on the initial work on the park and explain on how the City will proceed in acquiring input into the developnent of the conceptual design of the park. McLeod stated that Mr. Barth has copies of the telephone survey to hand out for the residents present also to fill out. This basic survey will be conducted by telephone and will help in planning the park. Barth went over the process that will be utilized in designing the park. He stated that the team working on this project is made up of his firm, an archi tectural firm, a civil engineering firm, and an environmental specialist. The process is started by looking at the big picture of the si te and the program, what is going to be developed on the site. The next step is to list what facilities are wanted on the site, the needs of the conununi ty etc. This then generated a scheme and alternatives to be considered on a preliminary master plan. A decision as to what will be built first, or phasing, and the costs of the development, are subsequently considered. m, ,.--- T ~ --. 'Dll'pPro at{l apnIJuT PInOM t{JTtIM ' sa.:rJ1? a1\q Ol aa.lt{l lnoql? pall?:+S.:mB'] 'sTt{:+ .:roJ papaau aq PTnOM sa.:rJl? AUl?ll1 MOt{ pa')lSl? OSIl? poarpw ' S:+ Inpl? li.q ){aaM aq:+ fuT.:mP A TQ1?C\o.:rd PUB ua.:rpEt{J Aq pua){aaM li..:ra1\a :+Sl?aI :+l? pa:+l?:+S.lEa'] 'pasn aq san THJl?J asaq:+ PInOM ua:+Jo MOt{ pa~Sl? poarpw '.:ra:+1?M paau osp:! PInOM Aat{J, ':+uaurlrnba PUB sdumC a.:rOlS 0:+ fuTPHnq JO :+.:rOS awos PUB ' sas.:rOt{ aql a.:rnJas 0:+ .:ra:+Tat{s l? 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Sl? a:+ IS at{:+ fuTzfi.Tl?UE ' ssaJo.:rd at{:+ JO fuIuuI.6aq at{:+ :+e a.:re aM awn sIt{:+ :+V l aBl?d 0661 ' L(, aun.r dot{~.:rOM Il?padS p.:rBOg OuIUOZ PUB fuIUUEId Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes Special Workshop June 27, 1990 Page 3 McLeod asked how many PeOple would use this facility at one time. Lear stated that the number would be limited but did not give a precise count. Lear also stated that the arena would not need any paving; they would like clay or Fi- bar. Lear also stated that she has approached 4-H and they seem very excited about having a facility in this area. There was question parks in the Ci ty . working wi th the personnel needed. on the personnel to handle the super park and the other Whi tsett stated that he and the City Manager have been State and are working together to determine the number Barth stated that the super park will most likely get started sometime within the next year. Horan asked if the ballfields would be ready for the spring. Barth stated that it depends on how fast the process moves with City approval. Rozansky stated that the City wants to have the ballparks ready for February. The City is plarming to do the entire park with City funds together with grants. Gretchen Hide, Orange Avenue resident, asked what else is plarmed beside ball parks. Horan stated that ballfields aren I t the main theme of the park, but there are so many children from Winter Springs playing ball this will help so they won I t have to go outside the City to play in their leagues. Hide also asked how many ball fields are planned. Barth stated that this will be determined by the telephone survey. Hide also asked if the park will have any impact on Lake Jesup. Barth stated that there will be very little impact from the park to Lake Jesup. Hide asked about a boat ramp and swimming pool. Barth stated that to have a boat ramp this would infringe on wetlands. Whether there a {XXll on this site depends on the final approved concept. Sheldon Sage, Orange Avenue resident, asked about Lake Jesup. McLeod stated that the consultant firm has an environmentalist working on this subject. McLeod stated that the City will support the residents to help clean up Lake Jesup along with the State. Rod Jager, Orange Avenue resident, stated his concern about traffic on Orange Avenue. He asked about buffering of the ball fields to protect the residents on Orange Avenue. Jager also stated his concern about drainage. McLeod assured that the City would take care of any problems concerning drainage if they occur. ,,-.. ....... "ea.n? at[l OlUr 001"UIO:J ," :Jla ' S::)..:n:? SP tpnS ' san 1"H:JBJ TEU01"::).Ba.l:Ja.l a::).l?J\ r.ld JO Al1"T1"q1"ssod s1" a.laql S1"ql SP q:Jns ~.lEd B qlTM ll?ll:l pe::).B::).S qlXPH "SaTlT^Tl:JB TEUOnBa.l:Ja.l JO sadAl .laqlo azATBlB:J PTnoM ~.lBd aql .laqlaqM ' Al TO aql JO .lalua:J at[l JO ea.n? .lapTM at[l OOTU.la:Juo:J slqfinoql sTq lnoqB ql.lBg ~SP q:Jo)l "pueT paBueq:::)trn at[l qfino.lql ~Tl?M a.mlEU OOT^l?ll: pauopuaw aBBs ":Jla ' sal T~ ooTAU .loJ asn Ol auoAUB .loJ aTqBHl?J\B aq PTno:J q:JT1.lM PTau uado UB pue 4.lado.ld ~.lEd at[l uo Tood B .loJ paau al{l pauopuaw OSIB swIaH "~.lro al{l uT SltreTd JO sadAl pue saT:Jads 5oTBlB:J ol dTal{ Ol .laaltrnT~ Ol pBI6 aq PTnOM AlaT:Jos at[l pue Ala1":Jos ltIeTd a^pBN BpT.lOr.!T al{l JO .IaqUlaUl B s1" at[ ll?ll:l pelBlS aH " Ba.lB al{l JO lBl Tql?ll: TB.InlEU al{l aZTseqdUlCl 0::). ~.lEd al{l JO suop:Jas a^1"ssro JO asn at[l aas Ol a:>tH prnOM at[ ll?ll:l pelBlS 'SOOT.ldS .IaluTM at[l JO lUapTsa.l 'o:JUO.log a:>tTW "pOotpoqq6Tau .lTat[::). q.InlSTP 0::). lOU SP os anua^v aOOB.lO JO sluapTsa.l aql JO a.lB:J ~l PTnOM Al T:J at.{l ::).l?ll:l ::).uapuuo:J Sl?M at.{s ll?ll:::). pelBlS osrB at.{S ":>t.lm at.{::). OluT a:JUB.llua aq::). lnoqB peU.la:Juo:J Sl?M lnq 'sas.loq .loJ ea.n? tre .loJ l.loddns .lal{ pelBlS ' soopdS .laluTM JO luaPTsa.l ' SWraH laUB[' "Ba.lB at.{l q.Inls1"P Ol a.lTsap ou sT a.lat.tJ, "TB.InlEU a){eT aql ptrno.n? Ba.n? at.{l daa}{ ol sT lUalUT at.{l ll?ll:l pelBlS ^:>tSUBZOH "ea.lB aql pue ~r at.{l JO 4nBaq attl aas UB:J :JHqnd aql os ~.lEd at.{l ::).noqB peH:J'Xa sT aqs ll?ll:l palBlS at[S " Ba.lB OOTptrnO.l.mS aql pue a:>J:eT aql a^.Iasa.ld Ol paW.loJ Sl?M lP1"qM ' a:J.loJ:>tSPl dnsa[' ~ al{l JO OOTlaaill at[l Ol lSTTBluawuo.lT^ua al{l Ol U01"lBlT^UT tre pepua::).xa .lB~ "pooq.loqq6Tau .l1"at[l u1" :>t.lro al{l Aq pe:panB PTnOM oqM auOAUB WO.lJ lndu"j: SlUl?M pt.re auoA.Ia^a UlO.IJ SluautlllO:J Ol uado s1" p.reog at.{l ll?ll:l peU"j:.:n:?T:J poi3'PW "AltrnO:J al{l UlO.IJ am lUasa.ld slUapTsa.l al{l JO lSOUl l'et..{l pauoTluaw tre.lOH "STq::). o::).u"j: OOT:>tOOT aq rTIM ::).s"j:TBluawuO.lT^ua al{l lBt.{l pelBlS qlXPH "ea.IB aql ur 8p.ITq at[l pue '){.lro at[l JO fitlTll{6TT lnoqB peu.la:Juo:J Sl?M A.IB8 "lUaUlUO.lT^Ua al{l UTBlUTB\lI Ol sAl?M o::).uT ooT:>tOOr aq rEM lSHBlUaUlUO.lT^ua pue ltrel rnsuo:J al{l ll?ll:l palB::).S ~:JW "a'){eT aql pue aJHPEM oop:JaJJB Ba.n? al{l uT saBueq:J lnoqB U.la:Juo:J .lat.{ palBlS osrB A.IB8 " AlT.In:JaS aq prnOM a.laql lBt.{l pue 'peuTW.lalap uaaq laA lOU a^l?ll: saUlp al{l ll?ll:::). palBlS llasl TtJM "aq prnOM a.laql Al T.In:JaS JO PUT:>t ll?ll:M pue '){.lm at[l ,10 samn OOTSOP pue ooTuado at[l lnoqB U.la:Juo:J .lal{ pelBlS ' luapTsa.l anua^v aOOB.IO ' A.IB8 l{ltlH V afiBd 0661 ' U, atrn[' dOl{~.lOM TBpadS salnuTW p.lEOg ooTuOZ pue OuTuueTd Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Special Workshop June 27, 1990 Page 5 McLeod mentioned that the Board is working on the Comprehensive Plan and considering areas in neighborhoods for satellite parks which would be designed for that particular neighborhood's needs. McLeod thanked everyone for attending and mentioned the possibility of a special workshop with the residents of Orange Avenue to address potential annexation at a future date. Koch stated that she would check with the City Manager and the City Attorney. Rozansky stated that he would be glad to talk with anyone interested in annexation into the City. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, " '"-jdactcJ 9/~h~~~ Margo Ff'opkins, Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning Board T