HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 06 20 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
June 20, 1990
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
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David Hopkins, Chairman, On Leave
John Langelotti, Present
John Torcaso, Present
David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Present
John Horan, Present
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J. Koch, Dir. Adm./Comp. Plarming
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Langelotti moved to approve the minutes of June 6, 1990. Seconded by Horan.
Discussion. McLeod stated that it was not mentioned in the minutes that the
Board discussed the benefits of annexation into the City by residents of Orange
Avenue. Langelotti wi thdrew his motion to approve and Horan wi thdrew his
second. It was determined that the approval of the minutes of June 6 be
postponed until the June 27 meeting so the minutes will reflect the question
and answers of the benefits of annexation.
McLeod asked if there was any other business to come before the Board. Koch
mentioned the special workshop meeting that will be held on June 27 with the
park consultant and this Board to receive comments on development of the major
park on Lake Jesup.
Koch also mentioned that there will be a meeting on Saturday, July 7, for
residents who cannot attend weeknight meetings to conunent on the super park.
McLeod mentioned an article that was in the Orlando Sentinel about the
possibili ty of a super train going through the City. Koch stated that the
railroad tracks are not autanatically abandoned; the authority has no funding
at this time. Koch stated that the main idea is to get the freight traffic out
of Orlando. The CSX tracks in Winter Springs would only be utilized for
commuter traffic if this proposal is implemented.
Horan mentioned that he has spoken with Richard Wells of the Seminole County
School Board, who was looking at sites in l'uscawilla for an elementary school
and was informed that Wells received a letter from the developer of Tuscawilla
stating that they are no longer interested in donating a site for a school. He
stated that Wells is negotiating with the bank which is handling the property
at the Braewick subdivision for an elementary school.
McLeod encouraged the residents to attend the special meeting on July 27, for
their input and information on the super park.
McLeod adjourned the regular meeting and opened the workshop.
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Plarming and Zoning Minutes
June 20, 1990
Page 3
McLeod said he would personally be against this because an area near any power
easement would not be safe for a play area because of the eddy currents.
Koch said there is about an acre of land at the corner of Bahama Road and
Edgemon Avenue that might be a good location for a playground.
Koch stated that the City Code was changed to require developers donate land
which is usable for active recreation with each subdivision.
David Brass, resident of Mt. Greenwood, stated that there are a lot of City
res iden ts who do not li ve in Mt. Greenwood but who use its recreational
facili ties. He suggested that maybe the City could negotiate to buy the
recreation facilities so they can be used by all City residents. He also
stated that the City should work together with the City of Casselberry to help
wi th traf f ic problems. He stressed opposition to any heavy canmercial
operations near Lake Jesup as this is environmentally sensitive land; he said
office/business would be fine but no heavy industrial for this area. He also
mentioned mandatory recycling and also wastewater distribution for lawns such
as Altamonte Springs has.
Brass mentioned that the private streets in Mt. Greenwood are in bad need of
repair and the developer won I t address the issue. He said that the City should
own all the streets so this would not occur.
Koch suggested he call and speak wi th the Ci ty Engineer and or the Land
Developnent Coordinator as it could be possible that the roads are still under
bond; if this is the case, the developer would be responsible for the
lnaintenance of these roads.
Langelotti stated he was against private roads to protect future homeowners.
There was discussion on mandatory homeowners associations.
James Wilson, South Hawthorn Circle, spoke about the deterioration of the City
-owned retention pond behind his home. He stated that there is odor coming
from the pond and it breeds mosqui tos and has a lot of algae. He also stated
that at one time the City of Casselberry was dumping into this retention pond.
He said he would like a solution to this problem.
George Markward, South Edgemon Avenue, stated that he wanted help to clean up
the Terraces. There are a large number of disabled vehicles parked allover
and he would like to see the neighborhood cleaned up.
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