HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 06 06 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
June 6,1990
The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 P.M.
David Hopkins, Chairman, On Leave
John Langelotti, Present
John Torcaso, Present
David McLeod, Present
John Horan, Present
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J. Koch, Dir.Adm./Comp. Planning
~~QY9l of Minutes of ~y 16, 1990:
Langelotti moved to approve the minutes of May 16, 1990. Seconded by Torcaso.
Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
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Langelotti moved to approve the minutes of May 23, 1990. Seconded by Horan.
Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
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Koch reported that a workshop is set for June 20 to take input fram additional
neighborhoods in the southwest quadrant: the Terraces, Fcoonoor and Mount
Greenwood. She said she had reviewed with the traffic consultant the conunents
we have gotten from the other neighborhoods in that sector. The southwest
quadrant has some difficult traffic circulation problems, and we will need to
be more creative to come up with solutions for this area. Also this section is
most lacking in park facilities.
The Board has discussed many topics regarding the Tuscawilla area over the last
tv.o years and will wind up the neighborhood meetings with that area, after the
settlenent is finalized. In between, the Board will cover the northwest area-
the Highlands and Wildwood; the original townsite area, to review the
neighborhood and what can be done to restore the area; and the conunercial area
along SR 434 west of SR 419.
Koch announced that there will be a special meeting on June 27 on parks and
The Board decided to meet on July 18 and 25, 1990, since their regular meeting
date July 4 is a holiday.
McLeod adjourned the regular meeting and opened the workshop.
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Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes
June 6, 1990
Page 3
Another concern of the City is when the Expressway is built and opened; this
will create more traffic for SR 434 and the City is hoping that DOT will move
up the construction schedule to accommodate this additional traffic.
Koch stated that the City is in the. process of creating a master design and
development criteria for the civic-conunercial area. Horan explained
performance zoning to the residents and property owners.
Koch also stated that a good option would be to have a feasibility study for
the entire area and find out what would work in this area and what wouldn 't
work, so that our ultimate long-range plan would be valid.
There was discussion on the potential school sites in this area.
Frank Scrimsher, representative of several property owners in the area being
discussed, stated that his area is a significant part of the central business
district. He stated that the property at the northwest corner of Tuscawilla
Road and Brantley Avenue is envisioned as neighborhood cOlIUllercial. It is
anticipated that the property towards the creek would likely be a conununi ty
shopping center; he is negotiating with a local bank, and a childcare center.
He stated that it will take about 15 to 20 years to develop the property he
represents. He stated that the developnent would be timed as the market
Scrimsher also stated that there is a good possibility of a regional shopping
mall on part of his property.
Barbara Lutrell, Orange Avenue resident, asked what the advantages would be if
the homeowners on Orange Avenue wanted to annex into the City. Koch stated
that the City taxes are less, you would not have to pay the County road and
f ire taxes which are higher than the Ci ty I S taxes. The Ci ty would maintain the
road. McLeod stated that the Plarming and Zoning Board and Commission would
protect the residents of the City in any zoning matter etc. Horan stated that
the residents would have more of a say with what goes on in the City. You as
residents of the City could vote for the elected officials.
Ruth Smith, Chairman of the Winter Springs COlIUllerce and Industry Developnent
Board, stated that the Board is working to enhance services to the residents of
the City of Winter Springs.
Respectfully Submitted,
'lM<;P ~A~.x.r'
Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary
Plarming and Zoning Board