HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 05 23 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes " ~ PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES May 23, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 P. M. BOARD MEMBERS: David Hopkins, Chairman, Present John Langelotti, Present John Torcaso, Absent David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Present John Horan, Present CITY OFFICIALS: D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator J. Koch, Dir.Adm./Comp. Planning Annual Update of Official Zoning Map per Section 20-102(c) of City Code: LeBlanc reviewed with the Board where annexations and rezonings have occurred within the past Year. There were five new parcels added to the map. Horan moved to recommend approval of the annual update of the Official Zoning Map of the City of Winter Springs per Section 20-102(c) of the City Code. Seconded by Langelotti. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Hopkins asked if there was any other business to come before the Board. There was no other business to come before the Board. Hopkins adjourned the meeting and opened the workshop. Developnent of Comprehensive Plan SR 434 Corridor - Future Land Use and Future Traffic Circulation a. Presentation by FOOT District 5 Planning Coordinator Bryan Gaines. 1. State Regulations Providing for Access Management along Arterial Roads . 2. Adopted Level of Service for SR 434 wi thin Winter Springs. 3. Compliance with Concurrency Provision of Growth Management Act. b. Discussion with City Staff on Impact of Camnercial Developnent on SR 434. 1. Police Chief 2. Fire Chief and Fire Marshal Hopkins gave a brief sununary to Mr. Gaines as to what the Board has been doing up to now. He stated that the Board has been gathering existing information on traffic circulation, land use, and a number of other elements of the Comprehensive Plan. The Board has been examining the existing conditions and exploring some of the possibilities that it may developnent to encourage and maintain the character of the community. The Board was given a tour of SR 434 and reviewed the land use possibilities it needs to consider along with the opening of the expressway and the widening of SR 434. ,~ . ... Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes May 23, 1990 Page 2 Koch told the Board that she wanted them to have first hand information on the new regulations that will be involved in complying with concurrency. This will help the Board wi th trying to control access on SR 434 and encourage alternatives to make the road safer. Mr. Gaines presented a video, "Access Management Control Classification Systems and Standards." to the Board to help them better understand his presentation. Gaines stated that the Access Management RO.le, Chapter 14-96, which was explained in the video, is a three step process. This rule was adopted on April 18, 1990. The administrative rule includes an access -permit application and fee. The cost of the permit will depend on the trips generated by the particular development. FOOT is encouraging local governments to develop their CMIl standards close to FOOT's. They hope that the local government will send a developer to FOOT for permits before they themselves review the development. Gaines stated that these fees will start being collected on July 1, 1990. Another aspect of the rule is conceptual review; this is basically for larger developments and will require a performance bond. Also any changes in the land use type or intensity of existing developments will require reapplication. One problem with implementing the rule is the FOOT has no way of lmowing when a significant change in use occurs. They are asking the local governments to send the developers to them when there is a significant change. Gaines stated that the Access Management Rule Chapter 14-96 will be published in the Administrative Weekly within the next two to three weeks. It should be adopted in mid to late July. The next step of the process for DOT will be the development of access standards. This was explained in the video. These also will apply to existing uses when they are modi f ied. Gaines passed out a hand-out explaining the statewide m~n~mum acceptable operating level of service standards for the State highway system and reviewed this with the Board. Gaines also passed out a hand-out explaining controlled access facilities and went over this with the Board. Gaines stated that one way to help the road system is to require strip commercial centers to tie together their parking lots, thus creating internal circulation. Gaines stated that the level of service will be based on standards set by the Department of Camnunity Affairs and will in the long run limit development. ~ e . . " Planning and Zoning Board Minutes May 23, 1990 Page 3 Gaines stated that building parallel roads will relieve traffic on existing roads. Koch explained about the loop road that the City is considering, to connect the two halves of the City. Gaines agreed these bypasses would benefit the situation on SR 434. Gaines stated that a big help the City could provide is future right-of-way protection by increasing setbacks on state roads. Hopkins thanked Mr. Gaines for the presentation to the Board. Chief Holzman and Chief Govoruhk both stated that with the growth and the expressway there will be a tremendous impact on both departments. Chief Holzman stated that with the first response system, Winter Springs Fire Department will be responsible for the northbound lanes of the expressway from Winter Springs to Sanford and the southbound lanes fran Winter Springs to Aloma Avenue. Chief Govoruhk stated that he didn I t have much input now but stated that wi th only one Ttlay around the City his department is limited. If there is an accident on SR 434 the only other Ttlay to get to the other side of the City is to go dCMn Tuscawilla Road to Lake and then out that Ttlay. The Public Works department is working on detour signs so motorists will be aTtlare and can take the alternate route. The meeting TtIaS adjourned at 10:40 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning Board