HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 05 16 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes May 16, 1990 The Board members present met at 6:30 p.m. with J. Koch and toured the present and potential commercial areas of the City. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS: David Hopkins, Chairman, Present John Langelotti, Present John Torcaso, Present David McLeod, Absent John Horan, Present CITY OFFICIAL: J. Koch, Dir.Adm.jComp. Planning Approval of Minutes of April 18, 1990: Torcaso moved to approve the minutes of April 18, 1990. Langelotti. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Seconded by Approval of Minutes of May 2, 1990: Langelotti moved to approve the minutes of May 2, 1990. Seconded by Torcaso. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Hopkins asked if there was any other business to come before the Board. Koch asked the Board if they wanted to have the next meeting on May 23 or May 30. She stated that LeBlanc will be presenting the updated zoning map which needs to be certified before the end of May. The Board discussed the dates and decided to meet on May 23, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. Hopkins closed the regular meeting and opened the workshop. Workshop Discussion of Area North and South of SR 434 from Howell Branch Eastward to Future Expres~nterchange. Koch described the area being highlighted and stated that the property owners from this area are present tonight, so the Board can hear what they have in mind for their property. Also the Board can provide the developers updates on public projects in the area that will affect their property. Koch stated that Jerry Brinton, from the Expressway Authority, had planned to be present here tonight but could not make it as he stayed in Tallahassee to meet with the bond company for the expressway. By June 12, 1990 the bond resolution should be passed. There will be no State funds involved; the bonds are based on future tolls and there should be no objections from the State. They expect to start construction on December 1, 1990 and be completed October 1992. .-.. -"'" 'St..tlUOIU ~ lXeu aLll Up-tl TM l.mls prno:> uOTsu.:qxa ErnM1:qsT^ aLll JO uOTl:>n.llSuo:> aLll lEtIl aumSSE Ol arqaroSEa.l sT IT lEtIl palElS uT~ 'Ea.m TET:>.laUlUlO:> sP..{l UIO.lJ HJeuaq HTM AlTO at.{l saAaTTaq pUE rTaM AlTunururO:> at.{l aA.laS HTM UOTlE:>OT STt.{l saAaTTaq at.{ pue asn pueT aLll uo UOn:>E 8a}{el uOTssTUIUIOO aLll Tnun l TEM Ol SEt{ .ladoraAap at.{l lEtIl palElS UTJ\..lEW '17817 HS fiunlnqE pueT rET:>.laun.uo:> pasodo.ld at.{l .loJ luaurdoTaAap TET:J.launno:> Al nEnb t.{BTl.{ E ale:1T:>nUE AaLll lEtIl palElS " ^' r UIEa.llSJrnD - EHTME:Jst1J, fiunuasa.lda.l 'UTA.lEW uarD 'a.laLldSOUIl E rETuOro:> E aA-et..{ l EtIl sfiuTPnnq t.{l TM ' pooMfuO'l uT l:>a C o.ld S'}{eO UMO.lO at.{l JO saun aLll fiuOrE ' EEla.l auras t.{l TM fiuOTE fiunlas IDITPI.Ie:1 E uT sa:JTJJo suoTsTAua at.{ '~aa.l:J aLll Ol ~:JEq saoB lEtIl Sa.l:>E AlUaMl .laLllDUe t.{lIM sa.l:>E arqEsn Al.loJ 't.{:>UE.lB: HaMOH JO lSEa pueT SIt.{ uo l-et..{l palElS .laLlSUIT.ll.{:>S 'luauruO.lTAua lUESEard E t.{lTM Alrunwwo:> a:>rJ\..las pue l:Jr.llSrp ssaursnq TE.llua:J rapoUI E adEtIS Ol Al r~.loddo aUInaHT E ur a:>uo E SE sfur.lds .lalUrM SMarA at.{ lEtIl palElS aH 'Al ro at.{l t.{l rM fiur~.lOM anunuo:J Ol paSEeTd sr pue fuplUErd l.{l rM sl:>aCo.ld lse:1 ur Al ro aLll t.{l TM pa~.lOM SEt{ aLl lEtIl palElS .lat.{SUIr.ll.{:Js ~~ 'UETd aArsuaLla.ldUIOO S.AlTO at.{l JO alEpdn aLll ur SUETd asot.{l alEPOWWo:J:JE Ol MOt.{ .laprsuo:J UE:> a'v\ os S.laUMO Al.lado.ld at.{l JO SUOrlEl:>adxa aolnlnJ al.{l uo SEepr aA-et..{ Ol a~Tr prnOM p.lEOg at.{J, 'arOl.{M E SE AlTO at.{l pue Ea.m Srt.{l JO san nEa.l aLll pue SUIaTqO.ld at.{l t.{l TM .lapTsuo:J Ol SEt{ p.mos: aLll lEtIM JO EapT UE S.laUMO aLll aA rB OsrE pue , aolnlnJ at.{l .loJ UErd p.mos: al.{l drat.{ Ol sT fiunaaUI STl.{l Ol UIat.{l pal TAUT SEt{ AlTO aLll UOSEe.l al.{l lEtIl lUasa.ld S.laUMO Al.lado.ld aLll Ol palElS sup[doH 'l:>aJJa UI.lalfuor pa.lTsaP at.{l alEa.l:J Ol ATpaldn.r.laluTun UIal.{l a:>.loJua pue MOU SP.IEpuelS las Ol spaau AlTO at.{l lEt.{l palEls t.{:>0)l 'AEp .lad 000' vor paleurnsa UE O'[Q~ .maA al.{l Aq pt..IE AEp .lad S.lE;J 000' l.9 Aol.lE:J rEM OOOl .l'eaA aLll Aq 17817 HS Ol PEOH Bns: paM UIO.lJ uOTl:>as AEMSSa.lCi'x'3 at.{J, 'AEp.lad S.lE;J 000' 88 aq Ol pal:>aCo.ld sr lunO:> :>UJE.ll aLll OrOl .l'eaA aLll uT pue AEp .lad S.lE:J 000' r8 AraleurTXO.lddE aq rnM lunO:> :JTJJE.ll aLll 'OOOl .maA at.{l ur '9lv HS ol lSEa PEOH ErrTME:Jst1J, UIO.lJ 17817 HS UO 'spEO.l TET.lal.lE aLll uo :>TJJE.ll JO uOTl:JaCo.ld aLll t.{lTM p.mos: aLll paluasa.ld t.{:>~ '17817 HS JO fiuruapTM at.{l uT lJTt.{s E aq prnot.{s a.lat.{l ArrnJadOt.{ pue l.66! .loJ lno aq TEM UETd at.{l .lEaA lxau aUIn Srt.{l };q pue .l'eaA t.{:JEa paMaTAa.l sT UErd .l'eaA aAU at.{J, 'g66! t.{DnO.ll.{l UOn:>n.rlSUO:> .loJ papunJ lOU sT fuTUap1'M at.{l l-et..{l pauTErdxa t.{:>O)l '17817 HS JO fiuruaPTM at.{l t.{lTM uT l1'J PTnOM sTt.{l JT ~ UE.lOH 'anuaAV euroTv/9lv HS lE l.mlS HTM UOn:Jn.IlSUO:J 'pua P.lOJUES al.{l UIO.lJ a:>IEr aLll PolEMOl ~.lOM nTM pue l.{l.lOU aLll Ol anunuo:> HTM l:JaCo.ld AEMSSa.ldxa al.{l 'UOSEeS fiuTlseu al.{l fiur.:rna 'uoSEas fiuTlseu-uou at.{l ur ~.lOM Ol pallTuuad s1' Al T.lOl.{lnv AEMSsa.l~ al.{l ~Ea.m letIl uT ~.lOM al.{l alErnBa.l HTM uOTssTUIUIO:J t.{s1'.!l .lalEM qsa.l.!l pue aUIED aLll puB , MOU dnsar a){E'l .meu lSetl arBEa .laLllOUE sT a.lat.{J, l aBEd 066t '9t AEW salnUrW p.mos: fuTUOZ puB furuu-erd Planning and Zoning Board Minutes May 16, 1990 Bob Goff, representative for the property owners of Tuscawilla Pines, stated that the developnent of this property depends upon the right-of-way for the Expressway. The plans will include a small shopping center and professional offices with a colonial style. There is also a plan for a restaurant. 'Ihis all depends on the access the Expressway all~. Goff also stated that the Expressway will need up to 4.64 million cubic yards of fill for the building of the expressway and, depending on where they get the fill, this will add more truck traffic on SR 434 or SR 426. Missy Cassells-Hamby spoke about her property. She stated that the plans for her land also depend on the R-Q-W acquisition for the Expressway and all she can say now is this will be a high quality development. She added she will not know anything until July and will be happy to come back and inform the Board as to the plans after that date. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 P.M. Respectfully SUbmitted, Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning Board ---r