HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 04 18 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes Planning and Zoning Board Minutes April 18, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 P. M. BOARD MEMBERS: David Hopkins, Chairman, Present John Langelotti, Present John Torcaso, Present David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Present John Horan, Present CITY OFFICIAL: J. Koch, Dir.Adm./Comp. Planning WJRKSHOP Discussion with Richard Wells of the Seminole County School Board Regarding Anticipated Additional Schools in Winter Springs and Coordination with New Collector Roa~stem: Hopkins stated that this is a workshop and will be held informally. In the process of developing the Comprehensive Plan there are a number of various e18nents; although education is not one of these elements, the Board believes that this is a major concern to be considered. Hopkins stated Mr. Richard Wells is here tonight to give the Board input and to listen to the Board I s concerns. Torcaso stated that the Board has heard that there are three proposed new schools planned for Winter Springs and asked what will be built first: elementary, middle or high school? Mr. Wells stated that there had been five schools proposed to be buil t in the County by August 1991, but failure of the bond issue will cut back the schedule. There is a plan to build a middle school next to Keeth Elementary. The developer of Tuscawilla has conuni tted a site for another e18nentary school but the problem is the location of this site is only about one and a half miles away from Keeth. The Staff at the School Board would like to see a school site at the southern end of Tuscawilla which could save having bus service, whereas many children could walk to school. Wells stated that there are no funds now to build any school in the City next year. Wells stated that he is looking at approximately forty acres located on Tuskawilla Road across from Hi-Flavor Meats, fronting part of Seminole Pines Mobile Home Park, for a high school. This won't be needed until 1993 to 1995. Hopkins asked if the School Board has a choice as to where new schools are built. Wells stated that their Staff suggests sites and then the proposals are sent to Tallahassee to review and approve. The Federal Court needs to look at these also in regard to desegregation. - ......... .. p.IBOg fuTUOZ puB fup.meT d .&.u:q.a.I=:>as fuTP.Io=:>aM I sup[dOH OD.1EW ~'P~~ ~Zt;0 'pa~~Twqns AIIn;):~=:>~jsaM . W" d 00: 6 ~B paU.:rnOrpB SBM fupaam att1 . fun-aam a'll~ oUTPUa~~B .Io;): SnaM pa~~ SUPPOH . puBI ;):0 sra=:>.IBd asaq~ ;):0 a.1B.MB ~ I USBM a'll SB p.reos: a'll~ ~~ puB UOPl:!UL.l:o;):uT ST'll~ 2{oo~ SHaM . SIOO'll=:>s .Io;): sa~ TS pooo aq ~'llOTm 'll=:>TttM 4 T8 . a'll+ UT pa~B=:>OI saq.Iado.Id amos SnaM 'll~ TM passn=:>sTP p.IBOg attL . TOO'll=:>s 'llOT'll B .Io;): Sa.I=:>B A~nJ puB 'IOOtJ::JS aTPPTm B .Io;): Sa.1~B a1\.TJ-4uaM:\. 'IOOll~S A.:rB~UaUIaTa liB .Io;): Sa.I=:>B uaa~;):T;): paau PInOM p.IBOg IOO'll=:>S a'll~ ~Btt~ pa+B~S SIIaM 'fuTUUBTd .Io;): 4T8 a'll~ llHM 2{.IOM o~ a2{H PTnoM a'll puB U1aIGo.Id ou aq p[nOM ST'll~ ~Btt~ pa~B~S SHaM . BS.Ia1\. a~T1\. puB p.l:BOg [OO'll~s a'll::j. C[:+ TM 2{.IOM PTno=:> A~ T8 aq~ os a.Iaq paUUB[d sT IOOtJ:~s Mau B uatJ:M A~ T8 a'lll l=:>B~UO~ p[no=:> p.Irog [OO'll=:>S a'lll ;):T pa2{SB SUPPOH 'ProM BTHMB=:>STIJ, uo STOO'll=:>s pasodo.1d a'll~ 'll~ TM a~BUTp.100~ PIno:) uOTsap sT'lll ;):0 ~.IBd sT ~Bttl UIa~sAS dOOT [BU.1a+uT UV . ~8~ MS uo puB PBOM HTnMB~STIJ, uo =:>n;):B.I~ all+ ;):0 amos a~BT1\.aHB dIa'll 0+ ~da~uo~ UIa+sAs pBO.I .Io~~aHO~ B fuTdo[a1\.ap ST 4 T8 a'll::j. ::j.Btt+ pa::j.B::j.S 1l~0)I l aBed 066! 'S! IPdV sa::j.nuTW p.Irog fuTUOZ puB fuTUUBTd