HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 04 11 Planning and Zoning Board Special Minutes _. SPECIAL MEETING PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1990 The Special Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, was called to order by Vice Chairman David McLeod at 7:30 p.m. Present: David Hopkins, Chairman David McLeod, Vice Chairman Attorney Clay Parker John Langelotti John V. Torcaso John Horan The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by John V. Torcaso. Tuscawilla Land Use Settlement: Attorney Parker explained what has basically happened so far and the reason for the meeting this evening. There has been a great deal of litigation and dispute over the land uses in the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development for over a year now. For many months there were hearings as to whether or not the core area of Tuscawilla PUD would allow a commercial shopping center. The developer asserted that they had vested rights to a commercial shopping center and wanted to proceed with that. The homeowners objected to it and there were many months of hearings on that issue. The City Commission voted to make findings they did not have vested rights at that time. The Developer brought an action against the City to find that there are vested rights in the commercial core area. As a result of that a mediation hearing was held on Feb. 2, 1990 with Judge Edwards. At that time the Developer presented what they thought would be an acceptable overall land use change in not only the commercial core area but other areas of the PUD as well that would be affected so that once and for all do away with the questions that we have about what is the proper land use within the PUD. After many hours the Developer came back with what the City seemed to think was a very good settlement to the lawsuit. A Public Hearing was held by the City Commission a couple weeks ago and the City Commission voted that they would like to proceed with the changes. An Ordinance will be brought to the City Commission for first reading on April 23, 1990, for these amendments. Robert Rosen, attorney with Broad & Cassel, representing Winter Springs Development Joint Venture explained the nature of this meeting tonight is to move forward with the settlement of the lawsuit which initially involved vested rights on the parcel known as the commercial core in the center of Tuscawilla known as Parcel 61. He said the basic concept is to take Parcel l4C which is currently designated commercial and change that to a single family use with 129 units. Parcel 15 which is currently single family, is going to be a mixed use now, with approximately 100.1 acres of single family which will serve as a buffer between the existing single family and more intense use located on SR 434, 67.2 acres of commercial property which will be located on SR 434 and adjacent to the Beltway; and approximately 30.5 acres of multi-family. In addition the Developer has agreed to dedicate a site consisting of l~ acres for a fire station with access on SR 434 if they can obtain that access. -. ~ )j,.lal::l An::l 'UO:l.lON OJ. 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