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Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
April 4, 1990
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
David Hopkins, Chairman, Present
John Langelotti, Present
John Torcaso, Present
David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Present
John Horan, Present
J. Koch, Dir. Adm./Comp. Planning
Approval of Workshop Minutes of March 21, 1990:
McLeod moved to adopt the minutes as written. Seconded by Horan. Vote: All
Hopkins asked if there was any other business to come before the Board. He
stated that the for next meeting on April 11, 1990, to hear the Tuscawilla Land
Use proposal, he would like the Board to have a packet in adequate time for the
Board to make an educated decision on this matter.
Koch stated that the City Attorney will be presenting this issue to the Board
and she doesn I t know what the Attorney plans to do.
Special Workshop Meeting to Receive Comments for Inclusion in the Development
of the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan from Residents and Property OWners of
Oak Forest in Tuscawilla:
Hopkins gave the residents present a brief smmnary of what the Board has been
doing up to this date on the Comprehensive Plan. He stated that the Board is
gathering information on the existing aspects of the City. There are new
projects that will affect the City and the residents whether directly or
indirectly. Some of the new projects are: the new senior center, the new 55
acre tract of park land, the Duda project that abuts Tuscawilla on the
southeast, and the County gearing up for solid waste recycling. Of most
concern is growth in Winter Springs, and along with the growth is the
Expressway that will be cause a lot more traffic on SR 434.
Hopkins stated that a new aspect of the Comprehensive Plan is concurrency. He
stated that in 1985 Florida passed the Comprehensive Growth Management Act,
which was intended to establish a planning frame work for Florida's expansive
growth. The legislation saw the central problem as the failure of local
governments to provide adequate services and facilities to support new
development as the development occurred. Therefore, the concurrency document
was included. Concurrency is the requirement that public facilities, meaning
roads, parks, etc., be available at the same time as the impact of the new
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Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes
April 4, 1990
Page 3
Dan Schabb asked about the purpose of concurrency management. Koch stated that
the concurrency agreement will go into effect when our Comprehensive Plan is
adopted. The City will not issue a permit if a new development would violate
the prescribed level of service on the road and other services. Koch also
stated that if a development itself paid for improvements, then the development
could commence.
Koch explained the proposed collector roads to the residents. She stated that
a municipal inner loop road system is proposed. Running south of the super
park property, it would then go behind the school bus terminal onto SR 419.
The southern loop of the public road will not go through Trotwood Boulevard. A
public Trotwood Boulevard connection is not plarmed; there will be a breakaway
gate, for emergency services only. The new collector roads will be built
without driveway cuts and not to disturb envirorunentally sensitive areas. The
concern is to build the road without violating any neighborhoods and the
John Ferring spoke about the drainage problems and about buffers along
Tuscawilla Road. He wanted the Board to be aware of these problems in the
Ferring thanked the Board and the City Plarmer for their consideration when
issues arise concerning Oak Forest.
Koch stated that the City is looking at a stonnwater management utility whereby
the City would be responsible for the repair and maintenance of all stormwater
drainage in the City. This would be paid for by the residents with new taxes.
Spencer Harris asked if the City could find a way to set a time limit for
developers if they hadn't started the development then after a certain amount
of time then the development would have to be reviewed again.
Louise Allen, Beautification Chairman for the Oak Forest Homeowners
Association, stated concerns about drainage along Trotwood Boulevard and a
buffer zone along Tuscawilla Road.
McLeod stated that he would like to see consideration of tree buffer zones
rather than walls.
Ben Pill asked about the possibility of widening SR 434 sooner than the State
has it plarmed. Koch stated that all that can be done is to lobby the State
representatives for this issue.
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