HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 03 21 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES March 21, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. fK)ARD MEMBERS: ...____________.______..___._f;l'.D'_QFFICIAL: . ____ David Hopkins, Chairman, Present J. Koch, Dir. Adm.jComp. Planning John Langelotti, Present John Torcaso, Present David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Present John Horan, Present ~oval o:t.Worksh2I?J~1inutes of February 21, 1990: Langelotti moved to approve the workshop minutes of February 21, 1990. Seconded by Torcaso. Vote: All aye. Approval of Workshop.l1inutes of March 7, 1990: Horan moved to approve the workshop minutes of March 7, 1990. Langelotti . Vote: All aye. . Second by WJRKSHOP ----,= Special Workshop Meeting to Receive Conunents for Inclusion in the Development of the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan from Residents and Property OWners of North Orlando Ranches Sections 2, 2A, 8, 9, 10 and Undeveloped Property Northward to State Road 434 Which is the Area Bounded on the West by Hayes Road, on the South by Sailfish Road, on the East by Mockingbird Lane, and on the North by State Road 434: Hopkins gave the residents present a brief background of what the Planning and Zoning Board has done up to this date. He stated that the Board has been gathering information on the existing aspects of Winter Springs. These special workshops are for residents I input as to what the future direction of the Ci ty should be. The Comprehensive Land Plan is the City's guide into the future. There are a number of different projects that are about to become reality and will have an impact on our City in one way or another. Hopkins stated that the City has purchased land for a park that abuts Lake Jesup. The new senior center, and the Duda project which abuts the City and will have an impact on our City. He also stated that the County will be implementing a solid waste recycling program. Hopkins stated that the biggest concern in the City is growth and how to manage it. A major contributor will be the expressway, which will create a serious traffic circulation problem. Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes March 21, 1990 Page 2 Koch indicated on the base map the area being discussed. There are 224 acres with 514 homes with a total value of $34,222,526. This averages to about 2.3 homes per acre and is a low density urban area. The subdivisions were platted in 1958-59 but not built until the 1970s. The entire area has central water; however, Units 2 and 2A have septic tanks while the rest of the area has sani tary sewer lines. Many of the lots in this area were left with a great deal of natural vegetation. Koch stated that there are two main concerns in this area, one being traffic circulation, the other recreation. The only way out to the north is Hayes Road and to the south through the Ranchlands. The recreation deficiency should be improved wi thin the next few years by dedication to the general public of parks in the developnent to the east of this neighborhood. Hopkins went over some of the different elements of the Comprehensive Plan that the Board has been researching: Potable Water, Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge, Recreation and Open Space, Conservation, Housing, Storm Drainage, Solid Waste, Sanitary Sewer, Traffic Circulation, as well as data on Population Projections, Build-out of Approved Developments, Additional Housing Requirements, Available Land, and Expansion of Infrastructure. He also stated that the population in the City is a little over 22,000 people; by the year 2010 the population will be approximately 48,000. During the 1980s the population in Winter Springs has grown about 1,200 people per year. The City will be doubling in size. We need to do the very best we can to plan for future traffic circulation and to plan now for environmentally sensitive land in order to protect and preserve it for the future if this is what the citizens want. Hopkins opened the meeting up to the residents to hear their concerns. Neal McCUllim stated his concern about the need for a right-turn lane on Hayes Road at SR 434. He thought that the developer of Mt. Greenwood would put in a turn lane, and this hasn I t been accomplished yet. McLeod asked why wasn I t the turning lane put in. Koch stated that additional right-of-way would need to be acquired because the right-of-way is 50 feet wide is not adequate for three lanes. The developer of Mt. Greenwood paid for the traffic light at SR 434 and Hayes Road and the sidewalk on Hayes Road. Hopkins asked about the build-out of Mt. Greenwood. Koch stated that the total build-out is 606 homes; right now there are about 150 homes and townhouses occupied. Hopkins stated that the build-out will increase the traffic problems in this area. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes March 21, 1990 Page 3 Koch went over with the residents, the possible collector road additions suggested by the City's traffic consultant. She also stated that nothing has been decided on these roads as of yet. One of the possibilities is to .extend Shore Road north to SR 434. Another possibility would be to extend and pave Shore Road south to Lake/Bird Road. Koch stated that in the large wetlands area, to the east which is protected, it will be a complicated procedure to build roads, but this option is being pursued . SR 434 will ultimately be widened to fOL~ ~anes. There is funding in 1992 for the engineering and acquisition of the right-of-way but no funding for the actual construction to four lanes even through 1996. Koch stated that the County has not scheduled the funding for widening of Tuscawilla Road until 1999. She stated that the City is in the situation in which we need to take care of our road needs by building municipal collector roads to add capacity. Horan asked if there is an inter-local agreement with the Expressway Authority and the City to get funding for our roads as our roads will be overburdened wi th the expressway. Koch stated that she is not aware of any way to get funding from the Expressway Authority. Horan asked about Hayes Road functioning as a collector road and driveways on Hayes. He also asked about driveways on Shore Road. Koch stated that Hayes Road is not a collector road but functions as a collector road and Shore Road has about twenty-five driveways. Horan stated that in the Comprehensive Plan we need to make provisions for acquiring sufficient right-of~y for a sizeable collector road. Sandy Eldrich stated that her initial reaction is to slow development. She also stated that there are at least three elementary school bus stops on Shore Road and if this may be extended, then the Board needs to look at the children I s safety along this road. She also stated her concern of the overburdened school system. Koch stated that the Ci ty needs to help itself and to do this the City has adopted impact fees to help with the road problem. She also stated that with the 434 Project, there will be a traffic light as soon as the State allows at the entrance to this project on SR 434. She also stated that the 434 Project collector road will end north of the wetlands and there is no other connection approved to any other road at this time. - Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes March 21, 1990 Page 4 There was co~nent from with the residents both in favor of and in opposition to connecting Alton Road to the east. McLeod discussed the collector road planned north of SR 434. Koch explained that the impact fee will pay for this road, which w::>uld provide access to the new park property near City Hall and behind the bus terminal, providing an exit directly to SR 419. Koch stated that the problem is where to put new roads that won't violate any neighborhoods or violate the environment. McLeod stated that the Board is looking at who will be affected the least amount in the neighborhoods with new roads. Bob Euistis asked about the location of the streets in the 434 project. Koch showed the residents a plan of the roads in the 434 project. Mike Wideman stated his concerns about Shore Road being built through to SR 434. He also stated his concern of a turn lane on Hayes Road and stated that this turn lane should be build with haste. The residents were concerned with the overcrowding of the schools with all the housing being built. McLeod stated that the Board has talked with the School Board and unfortunatel y the School Board does not consider bui lding a new school until the growth is present. Hopkins stated that a middle school is in the plarming next to Keeth Elementary and there will be a high school built in the general vicinity. Neil McCUllin asked that instead of connecting Shore Road, at the point of the power line why couldn't a road run along there, parallel to SR 434, and connect with the road for the 434 Project? He stated that this w::>uld deter traffic through their neighborhood. Koch stated that there is a problem with this because of going over two creeks. Yvonne Froscher stated that crossing the creeks w::>uld be a smaller challenge than to go through the wetlands behind the 434 Project. Allen McNullen voiced his opinion on the noise pollution if Shore Road was connected wi th SR 434. He stated that if this occurs, a noise buffer should be considered. He also stated why doesn't the State six lane 434 in the first place instead of just four laning it, to be six lanes later. .. . Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes March 21, 1990 Page 5 Sandy Eldrich stated that the more roads that are opened would relieve the traffic on just one road. Horan stated that the biggest problem is where to put roads to get in and out of the City by north and south. Bob Euistis stated his concern about the 100 year flood plane and the diversion distribution of water into No Name Creek from Mt. Greenwood. Koch stated that no additional water is being added to the Creek. There are numerous retention ponds in Mt. Greenwood. McLeod stated that any major development has to go through the St. John's Water Management District and through environmental studies. There was also a question whether there would be a future requirement to connect with sewer lines in the sections now on septic tanks. Koch stated that in the 20 year master plan there is no intent to connect the area with the central sanitary sewer system. If this is a concern and the residents want to connect, then we will need to know this so the study can reflect this. Jeff Bishop stated his concern of the overcrowding of the schools and asked if land can be set aside for schools. Hopkins stated that this issue is out of the Ci ty' s hands as the houses and population have to be present before a school will be considered. Another resident gave his oplnJ.on on extending the paving on Hayes Road so as the paving transition to dirt is further south of the last homes so cars making U turns don't drive over their lawns. Koch stated that the next conununi ty meeting will be on April 4, 1990, with the residents of Oak Forest. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, ~~ Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary Plarming and Zoning Board