HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 03 07 Planning and Zoning Board Workshop Minutes ------- PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD N}RKSHOP MINUTES March 7, 1990 \........ The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS: David Hopkins, Chainnan, Present John Langelotti, Present John Torcaso, Absent David McLeod, Vice-chainnan, Present John Horan, Present CITY OFFICIAL: J. Koch, Dir.Adm./Canp. Planning SPECIAL K>RKSHOP MEETING Carments for inclusion in the developnent of the Winter Springs Cooprehensive Plan fran residents am property owners of the Ranchlards, Dunmar Estates, Tuscawilla Unit 5, am the undeveloped property East of Fisher Road. Hopkins gave the ci tizens a bac1cgrourrl of what the Board is doing. He stated that up to this point the Board has been gathering information on the existing developnent ard new projects that will have various effects on the residents, for instance the "Super Park" am the Senior Ci tizens Center. Also the Duda project which abuts our Ci ty will have an impact. He also stated that the COunty is implementing a solid waste program with should start in April. Of ubnost importance is the Expressway, which brings a major concern with traffic circulation. The major contributor is growth. He stated that the population in the City now is about 22,000 people am by the year 2010 the population will be approximately 48,000 people. Historically the. City's Population has increased an average of 1,200 people per year. Hopkins briefly went through the elements of the new Caiprehensive Plan. He stated that this plan will guide the City in. the future. Hopkins read a letter fran Frank Grasso who could not atterd the meeting, which stated a concern for paving the roads in the Ranchlarxls. Mike Sclmeider stated that he also supports road paving in the Ranchlams. He shJwed the Board pictures of the road corrlitions. Mr. Sclmeider stated that he is speaking for the residents that live in the southern portion of the Ranchlards. Sam Musgrove stated that he is extremely opposed to the paving of the roads in the Ranchlards. . Koch went over the recamnendations for collector roads fran the Staff am the traffic consultant. She stated that the plan is still being formulated and the canments from the neighborhoods involved will be incorporated in the decisions on new collector roads. . Planiling and Zoning Board Workshop Minutes March 7, 1990 Page 2 McLeod stated that the City wi 11 be looking for concerned ci tizens to sit on canni ttees to help fonrulate goals for the CCf1l>rehensive Plan, helping advise this Board. George Hail stated his concern on the traffic in the Ranchlands and stated that he would like to see the south end of the Ranchlands paved. Ilopkins read for the residents the working goal for a better understanding on what the meeting is all about. <DAL: To fos ter an env i ronnent that contributes to the roorals, health, safety, and welfare of the present residents. Md one that wi II encourage future generations to take residence and or do business in this communi ty in order that this Ci ty wi 11 grow and prosper to the extent of an ideal community. fJarry Mallory stated he would like to nnintained as it is in the Ranchlands. parks and recreation. see tha t the qua Ii ty of Ii fe lie stated that his concerns be is . John Logan stated his concerns about the roads in the Ranchlands. Kathy Lanieux also stated her concerns about the paving in the Ranchlands. The residents gave the Board ideas on where to put a collector road and what roads might be best to pave in the Ranchlands. Tan Muhler stated his concern about keeping the rustic, rural character of the Ranchlands. R. J. Risser stated his interest in whether the a collector road would provide access to his land. McLeod stated a question to the residents that today there rmy not be a problan wi th water and sewer but the day wi 11 cane that there wi 11 be a problan. The Board needs to look into the future on what the long range needs will be in the Ranchlands concerning water and sewer. Koch stated that in the water and sewer study covering the next two decades there is not proposal to put water and sewer lines in the Ranchlands. She also stated that if this is a concern with the residents, this needs to be made known so the City Adninistration can consider this in the water and sewer study. Carl Stevens, President of the Ranchlands lIaneowners Association, stated .that the residents he represents would like to preserve the country atroosphere and are opposed to any high density abutting the Ranchlands and also against any lot splits. /~ P larmi~ cm.i Zoni~ Board Workshop Minutes March 7, 1990 Page 3 Hopkins stated that one of the things that this Board will be doi~ is to look at lcm.i use cm.i try to come up with more specific codes to eliminate the glitches in the present zoning code. Koch stated that in looking at the lard uses the Board could create a maximwn lcm.i use for any specific area. McLeod stated that the City is faced with growth ard the need for improved roads and this is the purpose of these workshops wi th the residents, to hear their concerns and get their input. Horan stated that a collector road is needed not only to have other means to get in and arourxl the City but there are 98 more lots to be develoPed out in the Ranchlarrls. The meet1~ was adjourned at 10: 10 P.M. Respectfully Subni tted, Margo Hopons, Recording Secretary Planning ani Zoning Board