HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 02 21 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
February 21, 1990
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
David Hopkins, Chairman, Present
John Langelotti, Present
John Torcaso, Present
David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Present
John Horan, Present
J. Koch, Dir. Adm./Comp. Planning
Approval of the Workshop Minutes of January 24, 1990:
Torcaso moved to approve the workshop minutes of January 24, 1990. Seconded by
Mcleod. Vote: All aye.
Existing and Future Developnent in Southwest Quadrant of Winter Springs - South
of S.R. 434, west of Tuscawilla Road.
1996 Projections
Build-out of Approved Developnents
Land Available for Residential Growth
Expansion of Municipal Collector Road System
Koch stated to the Board that she wanted to up-date the Board on some other
matters before talking about the agendaed items.
The developer of Tuscawilla had filed a suit against the City oh the vested
rights issue. This went to a mediation hearing, an interim step, before going
on to a full fledged trial. During this mediation the developer's proposal was
much like what the Board came up with last year during the Board's workshop on
the land use and zoning of Tuscawilla.
The developer proposes to have single family where the shopping center was
proposed, five units per acre with buffers; this would be compatible to
Georgetowne. On the camnercial site at the east end of Winter Springs
Boulevard the proposal is to have Single-family north of Winter Springs
Boulevard and multi family to the south which would be high density. Along
S.R. 434 the developer is asking for sixty acres to be conunercial, a conunercial
center of adequate depth, with a buffer and then single-family southward to the
railroad tracks.
planning and Zoning Workshop Minutes
February 21, 1990
Page 2
Koch stated that the agreement with Tuscawilla will have an impact on the
future traffic circulation study. This study is based on the tyPe of
development in a particular location and the changes in Tuscawilla, if
approved, will need to be incorporated in the traffic study model.
Koch stated that the impact fee will improve the internal traffic circulation
in the City by funding new municipal collector roads. The fee will be based on
only new trips that affect City roads.
The new County road impact fee schedule has moved Tuscawilla Road improvements
to number 7 on the list. But with other delays, this is already behind
schedule and the whole program has moved back four to five Years, so Tuscawilla
Road has moved up only to the late 1990's.
Koch went over with the Board on the roads that will be improved in this area
from the County's impact fees.
Koch stated that the City needs to provide an alternate route besides
Tuscawilla Road. The road needs to be planned before any new developnents
~~. .
Koch stated that the traffic consultant has stated that each single family home
generates ten trips per day and the impact fee that the City is proposing will
be based on the cost per lane mile needed by nwnber of trips and distance.
Koch went over with the Board where the traffic consultant has looked at
possible collector roads within the City.
Koch stated that regarding the southwest quadrant of the City, right now there
are 3,327 housing units west of Tuscawilla Road and south of SR 434. By 1996
there will be a little over 5,000 housing units. 'lbat is a fifty per cent
increase in over five Years.
In the next six years the population will rise from 9,005 to 12,738 in this
The City knows how most of the rema~n~ng undeveloPed property will be builtin
this area and this is how the housing numbers are calculated. There are a few
undeveloped properties that are still indefinite as to their ultimate
The numbers that are before you now are based on what the City knows or
reasonably susPects how the land will .be develoPed.
Plarming and Zoning Board Workshop Minutes
February 21, 1990
Page 3
Another major concern in this area of the City is recreation. The Board needs
to propose additions to the Parks and recreational facilities for this heavily
populated residential area.
The Board not only has to look at future growth but also look at the residents
who are here and their needs.
Koch announced that the next meeting will be a workshop with residents of one
area of the southwest quadrant - the Ranchlands and other unpaved sections at
the south end of the City.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
Respectfully SU1:mitted,
Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary
P larming and Zoning Board