HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 02 09 Consent 205 Approval of the January 20, 2009 CC Workshop MinutesCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA
JANUARY 20, 2009
The Workshop of Tuesday, January 20, 2009 of the City Commission was called to Order
by Mayor John F. Bush at 6:00 p.m. in the East Training Room of the Municipal Building
(City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708).
Roll Call:
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor Joanne M. Krebs, present
Commissioner Jean Hovey, present
Commissioner Rick Brown, present
Commissioner Gary Bonner, present
Commissioner Sally McGinnis, absent
Interim City Manager Kevin L. Smith, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Gazganese, absent
Attorney Catherine D. Reischmann, present
Mayor John Bush handed out a document dated January 9, 2009 from the (former) City
Manager Ronald W. McLemore related to the City of Winter Springs planting a tree and
purchasing a granite type plaque honoring former Mayor Philip A. Kulbes.
Discussion ensued on the Funds falling under the City Manager's discretionary spending
Interim City Manager .Kevin L. Smith noted, "The Manager has twenty-five thousand
dollazs ($25,000.00) of spending authority without bringing an item to the Commission."
Deputy Mayor Joanne M. Krebs said, "That needs to go to Charter too."
Mayor Bush said to the City Commission, "Why don't you think about it at talk about it
at the'next Meeting." Mayor Bush added, "I just wanted you to know and -don't want to
put Kevin .(Smith) in the hot seat over this." Commissioner Rick Brown added, "No, he
didn't do it." Deputy Mayor Krebs also agreed and said, "No." Commissioner Brown
also suggested that perhaps City Attorney Anthony A. Gazganese could give a ruling on
this and thought they could modify the Agreement.
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Mayor Bush said to Attorney Catherine D. Reischmann, "Would you ask Anthony
(Gazganese) to reseazch this?" Attorney Reischmann stated, "Certainly will." Mayor
Bush added, "At the next Meeting, maybe under his Seat he could give us a briefing."
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Next, Mayor Bush then spoke of the successful Scottish Highland Games and remarked
that Seminole County Commissioner Bob Dallari suggested that Seminole County would
like to see a hotel near the GreeneWay, especially as Seminole County is planning to
build a softball complex at Jetta Park. Deputy Mayor Krebs asked how Seminole County
Commissioner Mike McLean felt about this.
Commissioner Brown mentioned that he and Attorney Garganese were discussing
economic stimulus packages and incentives and how other cities were using them, and
that Attorney Garganese might have some input for them at the next Meeting.
Interim Manager Smith commented about an email he sent the City Commission related
to Investments and Bank of America and explained, "I immediately consulted with our
new Financial Advisor Steven Alexander, which I will do on all cases with any
Investment processes going forward, and although he was confident that the money was
safe in Bank of America; for a few reasons, he still thought it was a good idea that we
proceed by getting that money out of there and comply with the Temporary Investment
With further discussion, Interim Manager Smith noted, "I have asked Steven (Alexander)
to come back with along-term Investment strategy and a revised Investment Policy to the
extent that it is needed, which it will be, for your February 9~' (2009) Meeting to develop
a long-term strategy that he and everyone is comfortable with."
Mayor Bush added, "I appreciated the email [from Interim Manager Smith]." Deputy
Mayor Krebs added, "Yes." Interim Manager Smith then explained, "That is my plan for
the future. I trust that's okay with the Commission." No objections were voiced.
Interim Manager Smith then noted, "Again, all the Investment decisions in my mind -
will be reportedly with the blessing of Mr. Alexander." Commissioner Gary Bonner said,
"Very good. Thank you."
Mr. Randy Stevenson, ASLA, AICP, Director, Community Development Department
commented further on discussions about a possible hotel facility, possibly near the
GreeneWay Interchange District. Commissioner Brown asked if such a hotel would have
conference facilities. Discussion.
Mayor Bush reported that Seminole County Commissioner Dallari said it took six (6)
months to get Permits from the City of Winter Springs. Interim Manager Smith
commented, "They won't have that problem."
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Additionally, on the issue of the proposed softball complex, Mayor Bush asked if the
Commission had any objections to stadium seating in the softball complex? No
objections were noted.
Further discussion.
Commissioner Brown spoke of his concern about lighting in residents' back yards.
Mr. Stevenson welcomed everyone and turned the discussion over to Ms. Eloise
Sahlstrom, ASLA, AICP, Senior Planner, Community Development Department.
Newly Appointed Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Member Justin C.
Reviczky was introduced. Next, Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency
Vice Chairman Bill Poe was recognized.
Mayor Bush said, "One thing that has come up in the past is on these densities - to take
the land, and let's say it has got developable land and wetlands and they will apply our
densities so that it includes the wetlands. Is that the way it is set up now?" Ms.
Sahlstrom stated, "Yes, it is set up as gross." Mayor Bush added, "That seems to be
something that always comes up as an issue -that might be something the Commission
wants to take a look at?"
Deputy Mayor Krebs noted, "Didn't we ask about that?" Mayor Bush suggested,
"Making it so that density is based on developable land, not gross." Deputy Mayor Krebs
said, "I think we asked about that, but I do not think that the Commission at that time was
receptive to that." Continuing, Mayor Bush remarked, "This would be the time that we
could put something like that in?" Ms. Sahlstrom said, "Right."
Further discussion ensued on density, wetlands, developable land, and Zoning.
Deputy Mayor Krebs said to Ms. Sahlstrom, "When you present things to us, when
Developers come and present -items to us, they always express it in terms of gross
density. When they ask for anumber - it is based on gross. How do we get it so that
when we are all listening to it..." With additional comments, Mr. Stevenson stated, "In
the definition of maximum density and intensity, it uses the term gross acres."
Continuing, Deputy Mayor Krebs then inquired, "That Policy is made by whom?" Ms.
Sahlstrom and Mr. Stevenson responded by saying, "By the Commission." Mr.
Stevenson then added, "It's in our Comp[rehensive] Plan." Interim Manager Smith then
said, "The question is Randy (Stevenson), how can we change it if they wanted to?" Mr.
Stevenson then added, "That would have to be a Text Amendment, as part of the
Comp[rehensive] Plan."
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Attorney Reischmann noted, "And I think the point being, that you necessarily further
one of these major issues you might identify - I think that is what Eloise (Sahlstrom) is
trying to say is that it may need to be a separate -than one of your twice a year
Amendments, as opposed to part of the EAR (Evaluation and Appraisal Report). I think
that is what we're trying to say." Deputy Mayor Krebs then noted, "So, you are saying,
some other time, we would make that Policy change?" Deputy Mayor Krebs added,
"Some other time, not with the EAR (Evaluation and Appraisal Report) -okay, well then
can you -bring that up during that period of time?" Ms. Sahlstrom stated, "Okay."
Deputy Mayor Krebs continued, "Unless you are willing to bring it to us and the
Developers are willing to bring it to us with clear understanding that everybody is clear in
what exactly that means, with examples that say, just like that ten (10) acre example; then
make the change. We will all understand it a lot easier. If it is part of a big change, then
we need to have that clearly represented, which -has not been happening in the past."
Tape 1/Side B
Next, six (6) story buildings and density in the Town Center were discussed.
Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRA's) were addressed next and Mayor Bush
said, "Wouldn't it make more sense on -the CRA's (Community Redevelopment
Agencies) in this CrreeneWay Interchange/SeminoleWAY that we adopt whatever the
County does. Because the problem is the Developer comes in and says well, `I am in
Winter Springs', or `I am in the County'. You have got two (2) different rules, two (2)
different people to deal with, and it discourages development." Commissioner Brown
said, "I think we ought to be supporting whatever the Master Plan is for the CRA
(Community Redevelopment Agency)."
Mr. Stevenson spoke of a survey related to going North US Highway 17-92 and noted,
"That will be coming to us through the RPA (Regional Planning Agency), of which we
can react and begin to determine our level of integration with that. And I would think -
that property in Winter Springs is going to be much more attractive if we get on board
and monitor what the County is doing. Even though it may necessitate some changes in
our Comp[rehensive] Plan to be compatible with that."
Mayor Bush added, "We can do that in the Comp[rehensive] Plan, right - we set up these
corridors and treat them differently." Mr. Stevenson explained, "I believe we -can just
put an Overlay District in. I'll have to check into that. I want to make sure I'm on firm
ground before I commit to it."
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Discussion followed that US Highway 17-92 should transition to high density;
environmentally sensitive lands; timing and the Comprehensive Plan; and how to best
preserve land for conservation. With comments on City-owned land, Commissioner
Bonner suggested we "Trade some of the City-owned land that doesn't fit that definition
of environmentally sensitive to key folks who have environmentally sensitive land, and
make it awin-win." ~
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Further discussion followed on lands owned by the City, and Mr. Stevenson stated,
"Public Works; the spray fields; those things that -could be developable, but they already ~:ae~,~y
have a purpose." Commissioner Brown mentioned that the old Public Works property ~~~ ~-°
was to become a park. Mr. Stevenson noted, "I've got to look back into that - I don't ~,;L`"~
know that we ever acquired - I believe the last recommendation was to acquire the ~tin~
services of a Landscape Architect for the layout of that -Kevin (Smith) - I need to check ~~.'"
on that." Ms. Sahlstrom noted, "I believe that's been done and there's a Concept Plan."
Deputy Mayor Krebs suggested offering incentives to leave green space and adding in
smaller parks.
Discussion ensued on the land across from Layer Elementary School and Mayor Bush
suggested this land would make a nice park.
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and Green principles were
discussed next. Mayor Bush suggested deleting the word "Certified" and using
"Principles" instead. Deputy Mayor Krebs added there are many things that can be done
which cost nothing. Commissioner Bonner commented that the Mayor was right, in
terms of not using the word "Certified".
Deputy Mayor Krebs suggested, "Perhaps we could come up with something with our
own designation, `Winter Springs Green' designation and certify our buildings `Winter
Springs Green' to a certain point -that should not cost them anything for LEED
(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), but we aze doing it ourselves, making
sure they aze following the principles." Mayor Bush, commented, "That is a good idea."
Mr. Stevenson stated, "We will certainly look into it - it could be something implemented
into our normal everyday inspection process as the building is going up."
Commissioner Bonner said, "The Mayor's point, right now LEED (Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design) is a definition. It is one that we embrace but not necessarily
all the way to the point of incurring the expense of being officially `Certified'."
The City's west side was discussed next; followed by the reference to a Seminar
scheduled for the 29~'. Commissioner Bonner then commented on the US Highway 17-
92 CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency), and suggested "It is almost as though we
need a new version of that -for our historic Winter Springs (State Road) 434 section."
PAGE 6 OF 10
With further comments, Mayor Bush inquired, "Why can't you do exactly what
Commissioner Bonner just said -the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) on
(State Road) 434?"
Ms. Sahlstrom responded, "I think that we could put Policies in place in the
Comp[rehensive] Plan that give direction in that way." Deputy Mayor Krebs suggested,
"I think if we aze going to do a vision, and I think we should. That should be one of the
points that we discuss, whether or not we want to do what it means." Mr. Stevenson said,
"If that's the direction of the Commission and they want to pursue that,- then we'd
certainly be willing to do it." Deputy Mayor Krebs added, "I do not think we know if we
want to pursue it or not, but I think we need to have the information to make that
Mr. Stevenson noted, "I believe we can undertake that effort independent of some of the
things we talked about in the Comp[rehensive] Plan, at this point." Commissioner
Bonner and Deputy Mayor Krebs stated, "Right." Commissioner Bonner added, "The
frame of reference is the (LTS Highway) 17-92 CRA (Community Redevelopment
Further discussion.
Tape 2/Side A
Discussion followed on Lynx transit and Ms. Sahlstrom suggested agreements be with
owners of pazking lots to provide pazk-n-rides or places to pazk be considered.
Ms. Sahlstrom noted, "We have no Policy relating to Trails" [In our Comprehensive
Plan]. Continuing, Ms. Sahlstrom explained, "We have the Cross Seminole Trail -it's
discussed in the `Recreation and Open Space Element', but we have no Policy relating to
Trails." Furthermore, Ms. Sahlstrom said, "It was a real oversight. It wasn't intentional."
Ms. Sahlstrom then suggested that the City Commission, "If you - aze agreeable to this, I
think that is one thing we really could do is -it's in support of the State Road 434 issue
and then also the green space issue is look at Trails as a big component of one of our
directives for the future' adding Policies - a whole section, an Objective and Policy
related to Trails." With no objections, Mayor Bush stated, "Put it in."
Discussion followed next on the reduction of speed along State Road 434.
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Planning And Zoning Boazd Member Rosanne Karr asked, "Is there anything written in
there about lighting along Tuskawilla (Road) and (State Road) 434?" Boazd Member
Karr added, "Can we?"
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Ms. Sahlstrom answered, "I think that could be a different question. I don't think it has
to be a Comp[rehensive] Plan question; I think it could be a -Land Development
Regulation question." Mr. Stevenson added, "It is being addressed with individual
Developers now in terms of providing that Element -we're trying to standardize that."
Ms. Sahlstrom then noted, "In the Town Center, especially, we will be looking at that."
Furthermore, Mr. Stevenson explained, "I think those azeas where there is no
development needs to be a matter of looking at, probably outside of the Comp[rehensive]
Plan; but, we could certainly take a look at it, if that's your direction - to begin to explore
how to do it. How to fund it, I think is one of the big things that we have to look at. But,
I think we can do that outside of the confines if you will, of the Comp[rehensive] Plan."
Mr. Stevenson suggested, "It's certainly a goal." Mayor Bush asked why wouldn't
Lighting be included?
Mr. Stevenson responded, "I think it could certainly be in as a Goal. It could be
addressed outside the Comp[rehensive] Plan, but if it's the Commission's desire Eloise
(Sahlstrom), I don't know any reason why we can't put it in as a Goal, maybe in
`Transportation'." Ms. Sahlstrom said, "I think especially in the Town Center -our
Town Center section and Urban Central Business District section of the Comp[rehensive]
Plan has more specifics on how the development should proceed." Commissioner Brown
then mentioned "Pedestrian access, and not having lighting as a deterrent to that." Mr.
Stevenson suggested, "Put it in that section." Ms. Sahlstrom remazked, "It could be
Continuing, Mr. Stevenson pointed out, "Understand the process -once we get the
`GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES', Staff is to implement the EAR (Evaluation
and Appraisal Report). Now we have the Comp[rehensive] Plan, and Staff has to turn
around and take a look at the next level which aze making sure that the text of our Code
of Ordinances reinforces and allows us to implement those development principles that
foster the `GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES' of the Comp[rehensive] Plan. So,
that's what we're going after -this is the first stage, is you get the Comp[rehensive] Plan
to make sure it says and puts forth the `GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES' that -
fosters the vision of this Commission. So, we -can certainly add that language in and
then look at -how we make it happen."
With further discussion on lighting for pedestrians rather than "To try to light the street"
the City Commission was asked, "Is that the direction that this Commission perceives as
the most important -light for the pedestrian?" Commissioner Brown stated, "Yes, for
safety." Deputy Mayor Krebs suggested, "Use those lights that come straight down - in
residential areas." No objections were noted.
"Elderly Housing & Medical Caze" and "Communities for a Lifetime" was discussed
next and Commissioner Brown asked if we were in Compliance with "Communities for a
Lifetime" standazds. Discussion followed on standazds and whether this should be
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Commissioner Brown mentioned a case study related to developing incentives for the
construction of these "Communities for a Lifetime" residences.
Mr. Stevenson said, "We get questions all the time about - `How can you help us
incentivize this?' - `Can you give us a break on Impact Fees'?" Mr. Stevenson noted,
"Those aze directions that we need to consider or that you need to consider."
Furthermore, Mr. Stevenson explained, "There aze all kinds of things that we probably
need to take a look at as a comprehensive matter to incentivize -these types of facilities -
density, things of that nature that we really need to look at." Mr. Stevenson added, "I
want to take a look at the language Oviedo has."
In further discussing incentives, Attorney Reischmann suggested, "There are a lot of
possibilities -economic development, the Statutes." Further, Attorney Reischmann
added, "Under economic development, there aze a lot of things that you can do that you
wouldn't think that you're able to do."
Regarding Assisted Living Facilities, Staff suggested there has been some interest from
Developers as to putting in new Policy language that would help support facilities
coming into the City; and to have a map of potential locations that we would be
supportive of.
Discussion followed on Avery Park; Accessory Dwelling Units; Workforce Housing;
Commercial Vehicles; and "Granny Cottages."
Tape 2/Side B
Deputy Mayor Krebs suggested that "Granny Cottages" needed to be considered and
regulated; and said to Ms. Sahlstrom, "You are asking - is this the time to discuss it or do
you need further discussion on where we need to go with this? Then we would need to
bring this up." Mayor Bush recommended that with Accessory Dwelling Units, that there
needs to be specific criteria.
Discussion continued on compatibility, and conformity. Furthermore, Mr. Stevenson
noted, "There aze ways to do Accessory Dwelling Units that aze totally compatible within
the neighborhood."
Planning and Zoning Boazd/Local Planning Agency Chairman Charles Lacey remazked,
"The LPA (Local Planning Agency) could really use guidance from the Commission on
where you want to go on this."
Commissioner Brown and Commissioner Bonner suggested citizens or a volunteer group
could assist with compatibility. Planning and Zoning Boazd/Local Planning Agency
Member Karr suggested a set of guidelines related to chazacter of neighborhoods.
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Further discussion followed that "Trails" should definitely be included.
PAGE 9 OF 10
Ms. Sahlstrom noted, "We will be talking about Housing on the 29~' (of January) at the
LPA (Local Planning Agency) [Meeting], if any of you want to come and listen in or be
there. The way I have worked it is there is actually a copy of that `Draft' in the Lobby
and there is also a -hard copy of it in the Commission Chambers. So, if we have
Commissioners that come, we should have extra copies. If you want a copy of the
`Draft', we could email you a copy as well." Mayor Bush suggested to Ms. Sahlstrom,
"email it to everybody."
Ms. Sahlstrom added, "If you do plan to attend and you want a copy of the `Draft',
(Deputy City Clerk) Joan (Brown) will have acopy - and an electronic copy she can send
you, if you want to have it ahead of time."
Planning and Zoning Boazd/Local Planning Agency Chairman Lacey remazked, "So, we
get a sense of the process; you have a Meeting for each of these items -some combined -
and then the LPA (Local Planning Agency) team will take a deep dive into each of these
areas, foster any final feedback suggestions/modifications, and then bring that back to us
for recommended Final Approval."
Ms. Sahlstrom agreed and stated further, "Right. What will happen is the LPA (Local
Planning Agency) will review it. The Consultant will make the recommended changes to
that `Draft', then you will be provided a copy of all `Elements', all together in Mazch,
prior to the April Joint Meeting and that `Draft' will have been revised based on the
LPA's (Local Planning Agency) comments; and then they will meet with you, will go
through it." Ms. Sahlstrom added, "And that will be prior to the Public Hearings."
Planning and Zoning Boazd/Local Planning Agency Member Karr inquired, "Will we get
a copy of the Minutes?" City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces responded, "Absolutely."
Planning and Zoning Boazd/Local Planning Agency Member Karr added, "Before we
meet on the 29~' (of January 2009)?" City Clerk Lorenzo-Luaces noted, "We will do our
With fuurther comments, Ms. Sahlstrom commented, "We will provide you a notebook
and then a hazd copy for the April Joint Meeting."
Planning and Zoning Boazd/Local Planning Agency Chairman Lacey asked, "As we go
through each `Element' and make suggested changes, will you be able to provide that
`Draft' back then to the Commission; so, they can get it in small chunks as we go, or do
they have to get it all in one big set at the end?" Ms. Sahlstrom responded, "The intent
was to have a Joint Meeting for you to introduce the Recommendations to them all at the
Planning and Zoning Boazd/Local Planning Agency Chairman Lacey stated, "Is there any
way for each Meeting's work product to be available - it would be easier to digest."
Mayor Bush said, "I like the small chunks." Deputy Mayor Krebs agreed and said,
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Mr. Stevenson said "This way you have the ability to look at them prior to the Meetings
of April -and when it comes forward, you've akeady had the chance to review it." Ms.
Sahlstrom then added, "Assuming we aze able to get through the `Housing Element', and
the Recommendations aze made; and then the Consultant makes that revision. As soon as
that revision is ready to go, we'll provide you with a hard copy of that." Furthermore,
Mr. Stevenson pointed out, "As long as you understand that your changes won't be
implemented until we do get to the end."
Attorney Reischmann explained, "I'm sure the new Commissioners aze aware there can't
be communication on that except at public meetings between you a11." Continuing,
Attorney Reischmann noted, "One (1) LPA (Local Planning Agency) Member can speak
with one (1) Member of the Commission." Furthermore, Attorney Reischmann
remazked, "The Sunshine Law applies to two (2) Members of the same Boazd."
Mayor Bush adjourned the Workshop at 8:37 p.m.
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NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the , 2009 Regular City Commission Meeting.
JANUARY 20, 2009
The Workshop of Tuesday, January 20, 2009 of the City Commission was called to Order
by Mayor John F. Bush at 6:00 p.m. in the East Training Room of the Municipal Building
(City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708).
Roll Call:
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor Joanne M. Krebs, present
Commissioner Jean Hovey, present
Commissioner Rick Brown, present
Commissioner Gary Bonner, present
Commissioner Sally McGinnis, absent
Interim City Manager Kevin L. Smith, present
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, absent
Attorney Catherine D. Reischmann, present
Mayor John Bush handed out a document dated January 9, 2009 from the (former) City
Manager Ronald W. McLemore related to the City of Winter Springs planting a tree and
purchasing a granite type plaque honoring former Mayor Philip A. Kulbes.
Discussion ensued on the Funds falling under the City Manager's discretionary spending
Interim City Manager Kevin L. Smith noted, "The Manager has twenty-five thousand
dollars ($25,000.00) of spending authority without bringing an item to the Commission."
Deputy Mayor Joanne M. Krebs said, "That needs to go to Charter too."
Mayor Bush said to the City Commission, "Why don't you think about it at talk about it
at the next Meeting." Mayor Bush added, "I just wanted you to know and -don't want to
put Kevin (Smith) in the hot seat over this." Commissioner Rick Brown added, "No, he
didn't do it." Deputy Mayor Krebs also agreed and said, "No." Commissioner Brown
also suggested that perhaps City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese could give a ruling on
this and thought they could modify the Agreement.
Mayor Bush said to Attorney Catherine D. Reischmann, "Would you ask Anthony
(Garganese) to research this?" Attorney Reischmann stated, "Certainly will." Mayor
Bush added, "At the next Meeting, maybe under his Seat he could give us a briefing."
PAGE 2 OF ] 0
Next, Mayor Bush then spoke of the successful Scottish Highland Games and remarked
that Seminole County Commissioner Bob Dallari suggested that Seminole County would
like to see a hotel near the GreeneWay, especially as Seminole County is planning to
build a softball complex at Jetta Park. Deputy Mayor Krebs asked how Seminole County
Commissioner Mike McLean felt about this.
Commissioner Brown mentioned that he and Attorney Garganese were discussing
economic stimulus packages and incentives and how other cities were using them, and
that Attorney Garganese might have some input for them at the next Meeting.
Interim Manager Smith commented about an email he sent the City Commission related
to Investments and Bank of America and explained, "I immediately consulted with our
new Financial Advisor Steven Alexander, which I will do on all cases with any
Investment processes going forward, and although he was confident that the money was
safe in Bank of America; for a few reasons, he still thought it was a good idea that we
proceed by getting that money out of there and comply with the Temporary Investment
With further discussion, Interim Manager Smith noted, "I have asked Steven (Alexander)
to come back with along-term Investment strategy and a revised Investment Policy to the
extent that it is needed, which it will be, for your February 9`" (2009) Meeting to develop
a long-term strategy that he and everyone is comfortable with."
Mayor Bush added, "I appreciated the email [from Interim Manager Smith]." Deputy
Mayor Krebs added, "Yes." Interim Manager Smith then explained, "That is my plan for
the future. I trust that's okay with the Commission." No objections were voiced.
Interim Manager Smith then noted, "Again, all the Investment decisions in my mind -
will be reportedly with the blessing of Mr. Alexander." Commissioner Gary Bonner said,
"Very good. Thank you."
Mr. Randy Stevenson, ASLA, AICP, Director, Community Development Department
commented further on discussions about a possible hotel facility, possibly near the
GreeneWay Interchange District. Commissioner Brown asked if such a hotel would have
conference facilities. Discussion.
Mayor Bush reported that Seminole County Commissioner Dallari said it took six (6)
months to get Permits from the City of Winter Springs. Interim Manager Smith
commented, "They won't have that problem."
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Additionally, on the issue of the proposed softball complex, Mayor Bush asked if the
Commission had any objections to stadium seating in the softball complex? No
objections were noted.
Further discussion.
Commissioner Brown spoke of his concern about lighting in residents' back yards.
Mr. Stevenson welcomed everyone and turned the discussion over to Ms. Eloise
Sahlstrom, ASLA, AICP, Senior Planner, Community Development Department.
Newly Appointed Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Member Justin C.
Reviczky was introduced. Next, Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency
Vice Chairman Bill Poe was recognized.
Mayor Bush said, "One thing that has come up in the past is on these densities - to take
the land, and let's say it has got developable land and wetlands and they will apply our
densities so that it includes the wetlands. Is that the way it is set up now?" Ms.
Sahlstrom stated, "Yes, it is set up as gross." Mayor Bush added, "That seems to be
something that always comes up as an issue -that might be something the Commission
wants to take a look at?"
Deputy Mayor Krebs noted, "Didn't we ask about that?" Mayor Bush suggested,
"Making it so that density is based on developable land, not gross." Deputy Mayor Krebs
said, "I think we asked about that, but I do not think that the Commission at that time was
receptive to that." Continuing, Mayor Bush remarked, "This would be the time that we
could put something like that in?" Ms. Sahlstrom said, "Right."
Further discussion ensued on density, wetlands, developable land, and Zoning.
Deputy Mayor Krebs said to Ms. Sahlstrom, "When you present things to us, when
Developers come and present -items to us, they always express it in terms of gross
density. When they ask for anumber - it is based on gross. How do we get it so that
when we are all listening to it..." With additional comments, Mr. Stevenson stated, "In
the definition of maximum density and intensity, it uses the term gross acres."
Continuing, Deputy Mayor Krebs then inquired, "That Policy is made by whom?" Ms.
Sahlstrom and Mr. Stevenson responded by saying, "By the Commission." Mr.
Stevenson then added, "It's in our Comp[rehensive] Plan." Interim Manager Smith then
said, "The question is Randy (Stevenson), how can we change it if they wanted to?" Mr.
Stevenson then added, "That would have to be a Text Amendment, as part of the
Comp[rehensive] Plan."
PAGE 4 OF 10
Attorney Reischmann noted, "And I think the point being, that you necessarily further
one of these major issues you might identify - I think that is what Eloise (Sahlstrom) is
trying to say is that it may need to be a separate -than one of your twice a year
Amendments, as opposed to part of the EAR (Evaluation and Appraisal Report). I think
that is what we're trying to say." Deputy Mayor Krebs then noted, "So, you are saying,
some other time, we would make that Policy change?" Deputy Mayor Krebs added,
"Some other time, not with the EAR (Evaluation and Appraisal Report) -okay, well then
can you -bring that up during that period of time?" Ms. Sahlstrom stated, "Okay."
Deputy Mayor Krebs continued, "Unless you are willing to bring it to us and the
Developers are willing to bring it to us with clear understanding that everybody is clear in
what exactly that means, with examples that say, just like that ten (10) acre example; then
make the change. We will all understand it a lot easier. If it is part of a big change, then
we need to have that clearly represented, which -has not been happening in the past."
Tape 1/Side B
Next, six (6) story buildings and density in the Town Center were discussed.
Community Redevelopment Agencies (CRA's) were addressed next and Mayor Bush
said, "Wouldn't it make more sense on -the CRA's (Community Redevelopment
Agencies) in this GreeneWay Interchange/SeminoleWAY that we adopt whatever the
County does. Because the problem is the Developer comes in and says well, `I am in
Winter Springs', or `I am in the County'. You have got two (2) different rules, two (2)
different people to deal with, and it discourages development." Commissioner Brown
said, "I think we ought to be supporting whatever the Master Plan is for the CRA
(Community Redevelopment Agency)."
Mr. Stevenson spoke of a survey related to going North US Highway 17-92 and noted,
"That will be coming to us through the RPA (Regional Planning Agency), of which we
can react and begin to determine our level of integration with that. And I would think -
that property in Winter Springs is going to be much more attractive if we get on board
and monitor what the County is doing. Even though it may necessitate some changes in
our Comp[rehensive] Plan to be compatible with that."
Mayor Bush added, "We can do that in the Comprehensive) Plan, right - we set up these
corridors and treat them differently." Mr. Stevenson explained, "I believe we -can just
put an Overlay District in. I'll have to check into that. I want to make sure I'm on firm
ground before I commit to it."
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Discussion followed that US Highway 17-92 should transition to high density;
environmentally sensitive lands; timing and the Comprehensive Plan; and how to best
preserve land for conservation. With comments on City-owned land, Commissioner
Bonner suggested we "Trade some of the City-owned land that doesn't fit that definition
of environmentally sensitive to key folks who have environmentally sensitive land, and
make it awin-win."
Further discussion followed on lands owned by the City, and Mr. Stevenson stated,
"Public Works; the spray fields; those things that -could be developable, but they already
have a purpose." Commissioner Brown mentioned that the old Public Works property
was to become a park. Mr. Stevenson noted, "I've got to look back into that - I don't
know that we ever acquired - I believe the last recommendation was to acquire the
services of a Landscape Architect for the layout of that -Kevin (Smith) - I need to check
on that." Ms. Sahlstrom noted, "I believe that's been done and there's a Concept Plan."
Deputy Mayor Krebs suggested offering incentives to leave green space and adding in
smaller parks.
Discussion ensued on the land across from Layer Elementary School and Mayor Bush
suggested this land would make a nice park.
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and Green principles were
discussed next. Mayor Bush suggested deleting the word "Certified" and using
"Principles" instead. Deputy Mayor Krebs added there are many things that can be done
which cost nothing. Commissioner Bonner commented that the Mayor was right, in
terms of not using the word "Certified".
Deputy Mayor Krebs suggested, "Perhaps we could come up with something with our
own designation, `Winter Springs Green' designation and certify our buildings `Winter
Springs Green' to a certain point -that should not cost them anything for LEED
(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), but we are doing it ourselves, making
sure they are following the principles." Mayor Bush, commented, "That is a good idea."
Mr. Stevenson stated, "We will certainly look into it - it could be something implemented
into our normal everyday inspection process as the building is going up."
Commissioner Bonner said, "The Mayor's point, right now LEED (Leadership in Energy
and Environmental Design) is a definition. It is one that we embrace but not necessarily
all the way to the point of incurring the expense of being officially `Certified'."
The City's west side was discussed next; followed by the reference to a Seminar
scheduled for the 29a'. Commissioner Bonner then commented on the US Highway 17-
92 CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency), and suggested "It is almost as though we
need a new version of that -for our historic Winter Springs (State Road) 434 section."
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With further comments, Mayor Bush inquired, "Why can't you do exactly what
Commissioner Bonner just said -the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) on
(State Road) 434?"
Ms. Sahlstrom responded, "I think that we could put Policies in place in the
Comp[rehensive] Plan that give direction in that way." Deputy Mayor Krebs suggested,
"I think if we are going to do a vision, and I think we should. That should be one of the
points that we discuss, whether or not we want to do what it means." Mr. Stevenson said,
"If that's the direction of the Commission and they want to pursue that, then we'd
certainly be willing to do it." Deputy Mayor Krebs added, "I do not think we know if we
want to pursue it or not, but I think we need to have the information to make that
Mr. Stevenson noted, "I believe we can undertake that effort independent of some of the
things we talked about in the Comp[rehensive] Plan, at this point." Commissioner
Bonner and Deputy Mayor Krebs stated, "Right." Commissioner Bonner added, "The
frame of reference is the (US Highway) 17-92 CRA (Community Redevelopment
Further discussion.
Tape 2/Side A
Discussion followed on Lynx transit and Ms. Sahlstrom suggested agreements be with
owners of parking lots to provide park-n-rides or places to park be considered.
Ms. Sahlstrom noted, "We have no Policy relating to Trails" [In our Comprehensive
Plan]. Continuing, Ms. Sahlstrom explained, "We have the Cross Seminole Trail -it's
discussed in the `Recreation and Open Space Element', but we have no Policy relating to
Trails." Furthermore, Ms. Sahlstrom said, "It was a real oversight. It wasn't intentional."
Ms. Sahlstrom then suggested that the City Commission, "If you -are agreeable to this, I
think that is one thing we really could do is -it's in support of the State Road 434 issue
and then also the green space issue is look at Trails as a big component of one of our
directives for the future' adding Policies - a whole section, an Objective and Policy
related to Trails." With no objections, Mayor Bush stated, "Put it in."
Discussion followed next on the reduction of speed along State Road 434.
Planning And Zoning Board Member Rosanne Karr asked, "Is there anything written in
there about lighting along Tuskawilla (Road) and (State Road) 434?" Board Member
Karr added, "Can we?"
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Ms. Sahlstrom answered, "I think that could be a different question. I don't think it has
to be a Comp[rehensive] Plan question; I think it could be a -Land Development
Regulation question." Mr. Stevenson added, "It is being addressed with individual
Developers now in terms of providing that Element -we're trying to standardize that."
Ms. Sahlstrom then noted, "In the Town Center, especially, we will be looking at that."
Furthermore, Mr. Stevenson explained, "I think those areas where there is no
development needs to be a matter of looking at, probably outside of the Comp[rehensive]
Plan; but, we could certainly take a look at it, if that's your direction - to begin to explore
how to do it. How to fund it, I think is one of the big things that we have to look at. But,
I think we can do that outside of the confines if you will, of the Comp[rehensive] Plan."
Mr. Stevenson suggested, "It's certainly a goal." Mayor Bush asked why wouldn't
Lighting be included?
Mr. Stevenson responded, "I think it could certainly be in as a Goal. It could be
addressed outside the Comp[rehensive] Plan, but if it's the Commission's desire Eloise
(Sahlstrom), I don't know any reason why we can't put it in as a Goal, maybe in
`Transportation'." Ms. Sahlstrom said, "I think especially in the Town Center -our
Town Center section and Urban Central Business District section of the Comp[rehensive]
Plan has more specifics on how the development should proceed." Commissioner Brown
then mentioned "Pedestrian access, and not having lighting as a deterrent to that." Mr.
Stevenson suggested, "Put it in that section." Ms. Sahlstrom remarked, "It could be
Continuing, Mr. Stevenson pointed out, "Understand the process -once we get the
`GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES', Staff is to implement the EAR (Evaluation
and Appraisal Report). Now we have the Comp[rehensive] Plan, and Staff has to turn
around and take a look at the next level which are making sure that the text of our Code
of Ordinances reinforces and allows us to implement those development principles that
foster the `GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES' of the Comp[rehensive] Plan. So,
that's what we're going after -this is the first stage, is you get the Comp[rehensive] Plan
to make sure it says and puts forth the `GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES' that -
fosters the vision of this Commission. So, we -can certainly add that language in and
then look at -how we make it happen."
With further discussion on lighting for pedestrians rather than "To try to light the street"
the City Commission was asked, "Is that the direction that this Commission perceives as
the most important -light for the pedestrian?" Commissioner Brown stated, "Yes, for
safety." Deputy Mayor Krebs suggested, "Use those lights that come straight down - in
residential areas." No objections were noted.
"Elderly Housing & Medical Care" and "Communities for a Lifetime" was discussed
next and Commissioner Brown asked if we were in Compliance with "Communities for a
Lifetime" standards. Discussion followed on standards and whether this should be
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Commissioner Brown mentioned a case study related to developing incentives for the
construction of these "Communities for a Lifetime" residences.
Mr. Stevenson said, "We get questions all the time about - `How can you help us
incentivize this?' - `Can you give us a break on Impact Fees'?" Mr. Stevenson noted,
"Those are directions that we need to consider or that you need to consider."
Furthermore, Mr. Stevenson explained, "There are all kinds of things that we probably
need to take a look at as a comprehensive matter to incentivize -these types of facilities -
density, things of that nature that we really need to look at." Mr. Stevenson added, "I
want to take a look at the language Oviedo has."
In further discussing incentives, Attorney Reischmann suggested, "There are a lot of
possibilities -economic development, the Statutes." Further, Attorney Reischmann
added, "Under economic development, there are a lot of things that you can do that you
wouldn't think that you're able to do."
Regarding Assisted Living Facilities, Staff suggested there has been some interest from
Developers as to putting in new Policy language that would help support facilities
coming into the City; and to have a map of potential locations that we would be
supportive of.
Discussion followed on Avery Park; Accessory Dwelling Units; Workforce Housing;
Commercial Vehicles; and "Granny Cottages."
Tape 2/Side B
Deputy Mayor Krebs suggested that "Granny Cottages" needed to be considered and
regulated; and said to Ms. Sahlstrom, "You are asking - is this the time to discuss it or do
you need further discussion on where we need to go with this? Then we would need to
bring this up." Mayor Bush recommended that with Accessory Dwelling Units, that there
needs to be specific criteria.
Discussion continued on compatibility, and conformity. Furthermore, Mr. Stevenson
noted, "There are ways to do Accessory Dwelling Units that are totally compatible within
the neighborhood."
Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Chairman Charles Lacey remarked,
"The LPA (Local Planning Agency) could really use guidance from the Commission on
where you want to go on this."
Commissioner Brown and Commissioner Bonner suggested citizens or a volunteer group
could assist with compatibility. Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency
Member Karr suggested a set of guidelines related to character of neighborhoods.
Further discussion followed that "Trails" should definitely be included.
Ms. Sahlstrom noted, "We will be talking about Housing on the 29th (of January) at the
LPA (Local Planning Agency) [Meeting], if any of you want to come and listen in or be
there. The way I have worked it is there is actually a copy of that `Draft' in the Lobby
and there is also a -hard copy of it in the Commission Chambers. So, if we have
Commissioners that come, we should have extra copies. If you want a copy of the
`Draft', we could email you a copy as well." Mayor Bush suggested to Ms. Sahlstrom,
"email it to everybody."
Ms. Sahlstrom added, "If you do plan to attend and you want a copy of the `Draft',
(Deputy City Clerk) Joan (Brown) will have acopy - and an electronic copy she can send
you, if you want to have it ahead of time."
Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Chairman Lacey remarked, "So, we
get a sense of the process; you have a Meeting for each of these items -some combined -
and then the LPA (Local Planning Agency) team will take a deep dive into each of these
areas, foster any final feedback suggestions/modifications, and then bring that back to us
for recommended Final Approval."
Ms. Sahlstrom agreed and stated further, "Right. What will happen is the LPA (Local
Planning Agency) will review it. The Consultant will make the recommended changes to
that `Draft', then you will be provided a copy of all `Elements', all together in March,
prior to the April Joint Meeting and that `Draft' will have been revised based on the
LPA's (Local Planning Agency) comments; and then they will meet with you, will go
through it." Ms. Sahlstrom added, "And that will be prior to the Public Hearings."
Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Member Karr inquired, "Will we get
a copy of the Minutes?" City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces responded, "Absolutely."
Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Member Karr added, "Before we
meet on the 29th (of January 2009)?" City Clerk Lorenzo-Luaces noted, "We will do our
With further comments, Ms. Sahlstrom commented, "We will provide you a notebook
and then a hard copy for the April Joint Meeting."
Planning and Zoning Board/Loca1 Planning Agency Chairman Lacey asked, "As we go
through each `Element' and make suggested changes, will you be able to provide that
`Draft' back then to the Commission; so, they can get it in small chunks as we go, or do
they have to get it all in one big set at the end?" Ms. Sahlstrom responded, "The intent
was to have a Joint Meeting for you to introduce the Recommendations to them all at the
Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Chairman Lacey stated, "Is there any
way for each Meeting's work product to be available - it would be easier to digest."
Mayor Bush said, "I like the small chunks." Deputy Mayor Krebs agreed and said,
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Mr. Stevenson said "This way you have the ability to look at them prior to the Meetings
of April -and when it comes forward, you've already had the chance to review it." Ms.
Sahlstrom then added, "Assuming we are able to get through the `Housing Element', and
the Recommendations are made; and then the Consultant makes that revision. As soon as
that revision is ready to go, we'll provide you with a hard copy of that." Furthermore,
Mr. Stevenson pointed out, "As long as you understand that your changes won't be
implemented until we do get to the end."
Attorney Reischmann explained, "I'm sure the new Commissioners are aware there can't
be communication on that except at public meetings between you all." Continuing,
Attorney Reischmann noted, "One (1) LPA (Local Planning Agency) Member can speak
with one (1) Member of the Commission." Furthermore, Attorney Reischmann
remarked, "The Sunshine Law applies to two (2) Members of the same Board."
Mayor Bush adjourned the Workshop at 8:37 p.m.
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NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the February 9, 2009 Regular City Commission Meeting.