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2009 02 09 Consent 201 Engineering Services for Restoration of City Waterways Damaged in Fay
COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 201 February 9, 2009 Meeting CONSENT X INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR MGR ~ /DEPT ~ '~~~ Authorization REQUEST: Public Works Department requesting authorization to enter into a contractual agreement with Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. to provide professional engineering services for the restoration of City waterways damaged during Tropical Storm Fay PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request authorization to enter into a contractual agreement with Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. to provide professional engineering services for the restoration of City waterways damaged during Tropical Storm Fay in the amount of $30,000. CONSIDERATIONS: • At the January 12, 2009 City Commission meeting, the Commission provided authorization to enter into a Project Agreement with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) for the restoration of City waterways damaged during Tropical Storm Fay. • Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM) is currently under contract with the City for Continuing Civil Engineering Services. CDM was recommended by Staff and approved by the City Commission for athree-year Continuing Services Agreement at the August 11, 2008 Commission meeting. CDM's selection was based on an advertised Request for Qualifications and Staff's subsequent review of 18 firms who submitted their qualifications in stormwater engineering. • CDM has provided engineering services on past NRCS projects, and they have provided a project approach for this project that meets the project's schedule and budget constraints. 020909_COMM_Consent_201_CDM Design Consulting Services NRCS Projects February 9, 2009 Agenda Item #201 Page 2 of 2 FUNDING: In accordance with the City's Project Agreement with NRCS, the City will front the design costs and NRCS will reimburse the City the full $30,000 upon design completion and NRCS approval. A supplemental appropriation from the Stormwater Fund Balance is requested for $30,000 to advance fund the design costs. The projected FY 09 Fund Balance is $429,253. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that authorization be granted to enter into a contractual agreement with Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. to provide professional engineering services for the NRCS funded restoration of City waterways damaged during Tropical Storm Fay in the amount of $30,000, advance funded by a supplemental appropriation from the Stormwater Fund Balance. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Exhibit A - CDM Proposal for NRCS Erosion Control Projects COMMISSION ACTION: 020909_COMM_Consent_201_CDM Design Consulting Services NRCS Projects EXHIBIT A CONTINUING ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS EROSION CONTROL PROJECTS JANUARY 2009 I. PURPOSE This is a task authorization that references the Continuing Engineering Services Agreement dated September 10, 2008 between Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (ENGINEER) and the City of Winter Springs (CITY) to provide consulting services for the design of five stream bank erosion control projects within CITY limits. The CITY experienced varying degrees of erosion and sedimentation at five locations along: 1. Gee Creek at Moss Road (Site 1) and Edgemon Avenue (Site 2); 2. No Name Creek at the powerline easement (Site 3) 3. Howell Creek at Northern Way (Site 4); and 4. Bear Creek at Winter Springs Boulevard (Site 5). The project locations are shown in Figures 1 through 4. In order to repair the erosion problems the improvements will consist of bank stabilization measures, sediment removal and culvert replacement (at Site 3 only). II. SCOPE OF SERVICES Task 1 -Data Collection The CITY shall provide the following information that is available for the project including existing record drawings, or as-built drawings, plat maps, GIS data, photos, permits, and any other pertinent project data that has not already been provided to the ENGINEER. Subtask 1.1 Site Visits -The ENGINEER will perform a total of one (1) site visit to each of the five (5) project locations to evaluate the conditions at each site. The ENGINEER will compare the site survey (Subtask 1.2) with observed field conditions and contact the CITY in the case of significant discrepancies that would require a modification to this scope of services. Subtask 1.2 Survey Coordination and Review -This task includes coordination with a professional land surveyor to obtain needed topographic survey information. The ENGINEER will contract for the services of a professional land surveyor, Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation (SSMC) to collect detailed survey for Sites 1, 3, 4 and 5. No survey is anticipated at Site 2 at this time. Based on the site visits and collected data, the ENGINEER will prepare a survey plan outlining the topographic data needs for the four sites. The ENGINEER will provide the City with the project limits for the work at each of the five sites. The CITY will be responsible for confirming that all work to be done by a contractor will be within CITY-owned property and that access will be provided to project sites. 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'' '". -; w ~"~y ~ ~' ~ .~'"~,~! k ~~ ~ ~t ~~ Sheets > M. ~~~ "~~ ~ s.- ~~~ ''`:f ,~ \~ P ~`° y` _~ -~ ~~".'~~ ~ ~a~nty Boundary u~ ~~ ' ~ .v, ~ > ~. ~ ~ ~` =`r ~. ~~ -= t~hajor Roads ~~- ~. ~ ~ x:r ~ ~ ~~~.~ ~ ~ Howe!! creek at Northern Way ~ ~~ ~ ~: . ~ ~i .. T ~ ,b" y . .. ~ ~ ~' 3 ~ ~~,r<~gt ~,~~,, ~ i~,;~ ~~a- , a r~k• , k ' r yd~~ `'tom "'~~ ~ ~ ~L~~ ~ : 3f` ' yam. ' ~,,, '. •~ • n ~~~- 4~: +~'A'~'~iL _,~e^'S` , 'B. ~~ ~.d'Y~~.~ _.~~+T,"~'6~•3``..^t~ ~ ~. w. . ~~'k`rrn~`''1!c"'^~AK`J~~-~"' , ., ~_ p ~~ > ~ ~, ~~ J 0 100 200 ~~ Feet r~r.~~^ Figure Site 4 - Howeq Creek at Northern Way Task 2 -Final Engineering Design Work Plans Subtask 2.1 Contractor Work Plans - In lieu of design drawings, the ENGINEER will develop separate work plans for each of the five (5) project sites that require simple repair and can be performed by the Contractor. The work plans wi11:1) identify the approximate project limits and the areas in need of repair (including figures and available survey where applicable); 2) clearly identify the approach and methods for construction; 3) reference FDOT Specifications and Design Standards where applicable; and 4) provide estimates of bid tab quantities for each of the sites. The work plan will not consider vehicular traffic and loads. The ENGINEER shall submit the five (5) work plans and corresponding bid tabs to the CITY. The CITY shall use them along with the CITY's Division 0 and Division 1 specifications for advertisement to contractors. The ENGINEER shall provide a digital copy of each work plan for review and comment by the CITY. Review comments received from the CITY will be incorporated into the final work plans as mutually agreed upon by the CITY and the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER will prepare the bid documents for all project sites. Subtask 2.2 As-Built Certification -The work plans will require the Contractor to develop as-built plans for each of the five projects. Developing the as-built plans will require additional survey and drafting effort. The ENGINEER will review the as-built plans for the five projects and when the work plans are in substantial conformance to the intent of the work plans, will certify the as-bunts. Should multiple reviews and/or substantial coordination with the Contractor be required to certify the as- builts, the ENGINEER will prepare an additional scope of services as an amendment to this task authorization. Task 3 -Permit Assistance As the erosion control projects included in this scope of services are considered maintenance activities and the culvert replacement will be in-kind, it is assumed at this time that permitting will not be required by the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) or the US Army Corps of Engineers (ACE). It is assumed that the CITY will coordinate with the SJRWMD and ACE to confirm that no permit is required. If it is determined that significant coordination by ENGINEER or a permit application is required by the SJRWMD and/or the ACE, the ENGINEER will prepare an additional scope of services as an amendment to this task authorization. Task 4 -Meetings and Coordination Subtask 5.1 Meetings and Coordination -The ENGINEER will participate in one progress meeting following the CITY's design review for comment of the draft work plans. ~r~ S:\0000\BWMNB\Winter Springs\Scope_09Jan26.docx Task 5 -Bidding and Construction Services No bidding or construction services are included within this scope of services. It is anticipated that the CITY will be responsible for all bidding services. Any services rendered by the ENGINEER during the bidding or construction phases of the project shall be considered outside the Scope of Services and negotiated separately. III. SCHEDULES AND TIME CONSTRAINTS The ENGINEER will complete Tasks 1, 2 and 4 within seven (~ weeks after anotice- to-proceed is issued from the CITY. Within ten days after the Notice to Proceed, the ENGINEER shall provide the CITY a project schedule. IV. COMPENSATION Payment will be in accordance with the CITY's Continuing Engineering Services Agreement. Total Compensation for services, materials, supplies, and any other items or requirements necessary to complete the work, will be on a Lump Sum basis. The ENGINEER shall perform the design and construction services defined in this authorization for $30,000 as set forth in Table 1. C~ S:\0000\BW MNB\W inter Springs\Scope_0&Ien28.docx Table 1 City of Winter Springs, Florida Erosion Control Projects Cost Buildup January 2009 Task Subiask Officer in-charge 5180 Principal/ Associate 5160 Senior Prof. 5130 Prof. 11 5115 Prof. II 5100 Sr. Support Services 5110 Staff Support Services S75 Project Admin. S70 Activity Total Total Labor ODC's OP's No. Descri lion No. (hours) (hours) Hrs Hrs Hrs Hrs Hrs Hrs Hrs S S S 1 Data Collection 1.1 Sne Visns U u 4 4 0 u U 2 1U $ 1,12u $ 120 $ 4,350 1.2 Survey Coordination and Review 0 0 2 8 4 0 0 2 16 $ 1,720 $ 100 2 Final En ineerin Desi n Work Plans 2.1 Contractor Work Plans 2 6 20 36 48 8 48 10 178 $ 18,040 $ 350 $ 2.2 AsBuiltCertification 2 2 4 4 0 0 0 2 14 $ 1,800 $ 50 $ 3 Permit Assistance 3.1 Permit Assistance 4 Meetngs and Coordination 4.1 Meetings and Coordination a t o o t~ 5 2 23o g i 20 5 5 Bidding and Construction Services 5.1 Bidding and ConsWCtion Senrices Pro~ect TotalrF: n 10 '4 58 54 H 4R 18 S ~4 91 U $ i 40 $ 4 350 Pro' Totals Labor Cost Other Direct Cost Outside Prof. Cost (Southeastern Surveying) $ $ $ 24,910 740 4,350 Total Cost $ 30,000