HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 03 22 Regular ....--,.'-.-_._-1 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION OR CHANGE OF ZONING PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE X Annexation X rt:;;:sKW nI G,IJT' Gi.aI.~~ of Zoning X Amendment to Land Use Map Amendment to PUD Preliminary Plan Sandsr-s, Last Name Lee First Jr. Middle Initial % Robert E. Seigler P.O. Drawer 1238 (If the applicant is not the owner of the subject property, the applicant must include a letter of authorization signed by the owner) l-1ailing Address Sanford, Fl. City State 32772-1238 Zip Code 321-0640 Telephone Number Legal description of the subject property (attach map) :Lot 14, Blk. B of D.R. Mitchell's Survey of the Moses E. Levy Grant in Plat Book 1, Page 5, Seminole County. Fl. Total No. of Acres 10 Total Usable Acres 10 Present Zoning Category A-1 (County) Present Land Use Classification Groveland ~ () 8 j) I'<.BIt JJ 13~T'ff'r'eS General location of subject property (including names and types of roads which tract abuts): South side of Orange Avenue (south of Lake Jessup) and north of railroad. Clay Roads north and south side of property. Present development status of Land:Undeveloped Zoning Categories and Land Use Classification of abutting property: A-1 County and C-1 Winter Springs Zoning Category requested C-1 COMM e.e..c-t tl- L Land Use Classificat10n Required Detailed information concerning purpose and intent of request: Request by Winter Springs to square off boundaries and future development compatible with the area. Date March 17, 1989 APPlicant@;ter -------------------------------------------------------- /_~ -----------------------------------~------------------------ --- FEE 0 AMOUNT RECEIPT NUMBER ~J(!,umPJ.JS o~ FILe, Ordinance References Information Verified By ~ Date 3-1 J -8''1 APPLICATION ITY OF WINTER SPRINGS lOR ANNEXATION OR C~GE OF ZON~ j V Annexation PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE 4~~~MEJJr ~ of Zoning ~Amendment to Land Use Map Amendment to PUD Preliminary Plan J11ea.de..- Last Name JA"Yies First Middle Initial (If the applicant is not the owner of the subject property, the applicant must include a letter of authorization signed by the owner) po, .be x Mailing Address 13'1 c (",."" ;~+Mo...~ City I F/ / State 52~ 709 Zip Code LiD 7 - c;0P5 - (; Z~ Telephone Number if) '" ~~ D - ~ 11"'~ Legal description of the subject property (attach map): Lor I!) J'I C)~ f-J..€- /" P. R, t7l'+L~ e I 5u {'ue"; ( o+' i-t.e_ Lp v I' G ro..h 'f. . '5e""','hC"J/e.. co fl, Total No. of Acres R,0 Total Usable Acres l/.G. Present Zoning Category Il- / COtJlJrY Present Land Use Classification ~ E: 5vfI/JeeAf-J E$r~ General location of subject property (including names and types of roads which tract abuts): ()e-tv.Jeen ..)es5V f H ,'~J:- /}u f Oro.jCO jJv. So v+~ Cl.p )...Q~ Present development status of Land: \ I ALa'" -t""" . Zoning Categories and Land Use Classification of abutting property: <:00"1/- 5. f. -J C1+1 - COVV'>\YI -r- L; '3~-T T\,-)tL c- l ~ C-~ Zoning Category requested (;-{ (l 0 f'H'1f e;e (!.(I/ <- Land Use Classification~equired Detailed information concerning purpose and intent of request: -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Date OPI3J./ ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- FEE tJ AMOUNT RECEIPT NUMBER Ordinance References Information Verified By ;;t) Date 3- I?-g, '" ~fl.. II ~ ~ "'( @ ot ~'4\ '" '" C\) ... ~ .. ~ . .. . I ~ '\ '" \ '~~' J":' .~..........:...._----_.-..:....:.- . uJ t- Z 3'; _ _ - -It: - - - - . Err <> ---~-- t-l 0 ~ ... ... @/2) C'I ~ "_.:l---.--'- _0__" 0 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ,ICATION FOR ANNEXATION OR CHANGE OF ZONING AS,H~v",eA,)1'" -P-Annexation (:.llAh}lt of Zoning ~Amendment to Land Use Map PLEASE PRINT IN INK OK ~YPE , r: JlsscelLS Last Name MA~(tl:.T 5.0 (2. . Z- . A (\ I'1e. S . w ~(U) "'JIL First Middle Initial Amendment to PUD Preliminary Plan ':)-S'6lo ~~L~ Mailing Address (If the applicant is not the owner of the subject property, the applicant must include a letter of authorization signed by the owner) P oV..N11 Ac City MO State ?J)~I- Zip Cude 30)-q~3-0\qY Telephone Number Legal description of the suhject property (attach map): LDrs \ '2- ,,(\Q \fr., {Lwr-, Q.iqht ()f--~ ') Sec-rioYl 5 ,-lDlVVl5~ 2\'S~, ~e 3\ 2:.15t) pL:.II,p /Z. i~<09"j~. ~q,r.l1'~ :to-fL ~LA~ ~ 1\5 k"",-~d ,,, PL...T~ l \ ? AcJ e- 2:> cO , j) vb \ I t l'.e~ c5b "'" (1'\ I" 6 \ p U:it-"-1-:t, l'o-L.,;,t. LdA . Total No. of Acres LOT \1..: \O.'SAC(<!~ l.cT II!}: \O.5"cI~ Total Usable Acres-2..\ Present Zoning Category G\l".,r.)\~ Present Land Use Class1ficationAdTv-t CaueP COlhJI'i( A-l ~(')1Jrr 5I1Bv.e.BAt-I b:srPr.-eS General location of subject property (including names and types of roads which tract abuts): 1hP~ IAJWI".a.vl b61<" AoJ/- (2:, -tk- ~ 11~ fllNl <; B \~ ---1k t"'~ 5~ '" I <to Jb _.~:,,~ -Auet1'~1 stA,z.-t,Yl,r M?:> J ,.., ~ ;;.tzd:P UrAd '--Ii", ~d ct>t:h;'u:~ ~ \?o3 I up ~{I~'1 Atren,ve. -\n.DM.d~ . LAka. J~SS0f. Present development status of Land: ~D% tfMC&.JS O-re (YW..I1P~ ~ I )SQd .AS ACsh~ D~--AY)9 e 9 tLIJt,re~ Zoning Categories and Land Use Classification of abutting propertY:~D~ ~~~~ ~ t ~ :;~ AcJrl~l:lvoD ~ -~ I" ~l:.ol<> ~:T<?~ e~+a..J _ LI~-(l-----gQ" _g 9rWJcLruDi1<-1d G/lQ \..,1MCcbohw,;J:o.;S~ Zoning Category reqnested fvD R-U . /lWer-alJ' u'?xg;::~t~R/R~~.:rred~ Detailed information concerning purpose and intent of request: LUe \.;UlS h -+n C\.A;vN)./X) fS\.A- pA~~ 1D -fie r ~ . Date J-/3-8"~ Applicant/Owner ~/~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEE 0 AMOUNT RECEIPT NUMBER Ordinance References Information Verified By ~ Date 'J '"'' . ".,(.)~ ~.t ~~ .<. .' ...... c:;::::l ~ ..' ~ . " '@S ; \.. ~. .~ .~, , :,';g ~ '~O\ ~,'. " ~~ './.,:. :.. ,," ~ .,' ... .) ." ."~' ~' -:' " o ~ 'I.l . ,. ~! ,1 ' :. '.~ :, 1'1' , I,. ,"! . " " ... <J. '" ... .... '''~ , . ~ :- ." I I \' "', ; .~.......-.- _._'.~- ..- I .. '!' I~'':,:.; . ~;~;:., ; \, ~.." c:;::::l >:,><i,.::.. ~. > '\ ~\' '.~~'. , I.,' ~ , , ,:.::':' . ," ". " , .. ". . i:'~~"~':"'.~:.:_:':"i..,..J '. \. . --' - --- -- .- ------. ~ '" ~ ~ COUNTY OF SEl\IINOLE FLOHIDA L"'NNING OFFICE "~ONE: (~07! 321-113D 1101 EAST FIRST STP[E; SM~FOFiD, FLOR;[>; '!-in; April 26, 1988 Jacqueline Koch, Planner City of winter Springs 1]26 East S.R. 434 winter Springs, FL 32708 SUBJEC'T' : Proposed I.mendments City of winter and Rezonin'gs springs plan Dear t1S Koch: As authorized by the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners, the following comments regarding the subject amendments and rezonings are provided: A. Amendment from Light Industrial to Planned Unit Development and rezoning from C-2 to POD on approximately 6 acres located, east of U.s. 17-92, north of Florida Avenue. This land use request will incorporate this property into the adjacent Wild~ood Light Industrial PUD (Walt Dittmer). STR 33-29-30, BCC District 2. The County has no objection to the requested amendment; however, the following improvements should be addressed prior to the issuance of any development permits: a. Installation of a six foot masonry wall to buffer the residential uses south of Florida Avenue from this site; b. Only one access should be permitted to Florida Avenue; c. Dedication of any necessary additional right-of-way and improve Florida Avenue to County standards; d. Installation of cross access and joint access easements; e. Payment of Road Impact Fee; Jacqueline Koch, Planner April 26, 1988 Page 2 f. Secure County driveway permits when accessing County roads; g. Any drainage to be acconmodated by Seminole County will have to be reviewed and approved by the County; and h. All access to County or state roads shall require approval from County Traffic Engineer. B. Amendment from Suburban Estates to Light Industrial and rezoning from A-I to C-2 on approximately 8 acres, located south of Orange Avenue, west of Brantley Avenue (David Joyce). STR 31-29-31, Bec District 2. The County objects to the amendment request as Light Industrial would not be compatible with Suburban Estates and Low Density Residential land uses and would represent encroachment of non-residential uses north of the existing Light Industrial. However, if the City approves the development the following improvements should be addressed prior to the issuance of any development permits: a. Dedication of any necessary right-of-way to meet County standards; b. Improve Brantley Avenue and Orange Avenue to County stondar~s; c. Turn lahes will be required on Brantley Avenue; d. Any drainage to be accommodated by Seminole County will have to be reviewed and approved by the County; e. Installation of cross access and joint access easements; f. All access to County or state roads shall be approved by the Seminole County Traffic Engineer; g. Payment of Road Impact Fees; h. A one hundred foot buffer to protect adjacent rural development; and i. Designate property below the 10~ year flood elevation and wetlands as a conservation area/easement. Jacqueline Koch, Planner Apr i 1 26, 1988 page 3 C. Amendment from General Rural to Commercial and rezoning from A-I to C-2 on approximately 4 acres located on the south side of S.R. 434, east of the intersection of S.R. 434 and C.R. 419 (Gene Duffy). 8TR 35-2g-30, BeC Oistrict 2. The County has no objection to the subject land use amendment; ho~ever, due to S.R. 434 currently operDting at level of service D/E (on and eff pec:::k hours) the staff does ob:iect to the issuance of development orders and permits prior to the programmed 4-laning of S.R. 434. However, if approved, the fo1lo\<11Al9 improvement shoc.ld be aucressed prior to the issuance of any development permits: c. Payment of Road Impact Fee; b. Left turn lane and taper on S.R. 434; c. Any drainage to be accommodated by Seminole County will have to be reviewed and approved by the County; d. Dedication of right-of-way to meet FDOT design requirements; e. Installation of cross access and joint access easements; f. All acces~ to County or State roads shall be approved by the Seminole County Traffic Engineer; g. Installation of a five foot sidewalk on S.R. 434; h. Dedicate property below the 100 year flood elevation and wetlands as a conservation area/easement; and 1. Coordinate requirements for right-of-way dedication on S.R. 4 34 wit h FD 0 T . D. Amendment from Rural Residential to Commercial on approximately 49 acres located on the north side of S.R. 434, west of Spring Avenue "(steven Schrimsher). STR 5-21-31 BCC District 1. The County has no objection to the subject land use amendment; however due to S.R. 434 currently operating at level of service D/E (on and off peak hours) staff does object to the issuance of development orders and permits prior to the Jacqueline Koch, Planner Apr i 1 26, 1988 Pag e 4 progra~med 4-laning of S.R. 434. In addition, due to the amount of buildable acres end proposed land use intensity, this site may be required to undergo Development of Regional Impclct review prior to site plan approval. If approved, the following improvements should be addressed prior to the issuance of any development permits: a. Payment of Road Impact Fee; b. Steps taken to mitigate the impacts from development to the wetlands on site; c. Left turn on S.R. 434; d. Any drainage to be accommodated by Seminole County will have to be reviewed and approved by the County; e. Dedication of right-of-way to meet FDOT design standards; f. Installation of cross access and joint access easements; g. All access to County or State roads shall be approved by the Seminole County Traffic Engineer; h. Installation of a five foot sidewalk on S.R. 434; i. Designpte property below the 100 year flood elevation and wetlands as a conservation area/easement; and j. Coordinate requirements for right-of-way dedication on S.R. 434 with FOOT. E. Amendment from General Rural to Light Industrial outside proposed expressway right-of-way and' Rural Residential within proposed expressway right-of-way and rezoning from A- I to C-2 outside expressway right-of-way and R-U within expressway right-of-way on approximately 54 acres located south of the S.R. 434 and proposed expressway interchange (Kenneth McIntosh). STR 4-21-31, BCC District 1. The County objects to the amendment and rezoning for the following reasons: 1. The change is premature until the expressway is programmed to handle increased land use intensity. .' Jacqueline Koch, planner Apr i 1 2 6, 198 8 Page 5 2. It should also be noted that rezonIng may not occur that would authorize any additional level of development beyond County A-I (Agriculture) within the Seminole County Expressway Authority right-of-way as per Florida Statues, Chapter 337.241. If rezoned, the following improvements should be addressed prior to issuance of any development permits: a. Payment of Road Impact Fees; b. Dedication of right-of-way to FOOT standards; c. Installation of cross access and joint access easements; d. All access to County or State roads shall be approved by the Seminole County Traffic Engineer; e. Installation of a five foot sidewalk on S.R. 434; f. Any drainage to be accommodated by Seminole County will have to be reviewed and approved by the County; g. Coordinate requirements for right-of-way dedication on S.R. 434 with FOOT; and h. AnY access to S.R. 434 must be restricted to prescribed limits to be determined from the proposed expressway right-of-way. Your consideration of these comments during the development permit process is appreciated. If you have any questions on the above, please contact me at (407) 321-1130, extension 370. Sirlt~ ~. TOny~nDerWorp, AICP Planning Director TM: TV: :i wj (apri126.4) cc: Seminole County Board of County Commissioners