HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 02 08 Workshop ORDINANCE NO. 450 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, TO EXTEND ITS TERRITORIAL AND MUNICIPAL LIMITS TO ANNEX THE HERElNAFI'ER DESCRIBED LANDS SITUATE AND BEING IN SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTES 171 .044 ; PROVIDING DIRECTIONS TO THE CITY CLERK; SEVERABILITY; CONFLlcrS AND EFFEcrlVE DATE. WHEREAS, Alejandro and Ramonita Baez have petitioned the City Carrunission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, to annex the property described as follows: Lot 5 West of Tuscawilla Road, Tuskawilla, D.R. Mitchell1s Survey of the Levy Grant, Plat Book 1, Page 5, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. WHEREAS, The Charter of the City of Winter Springs provides for the annexation of property into the corporate limits when enacted by an ordinance of the City, and pursuant to a petition of the landcwners; and WHEREAS, Florida Statute 171.044 of the General Laws of Florida provides that a Municipal corporation may annex property into its corporate limi ts, upon the voluntary petition of the owners, by passing and adopting a nonemergency ordinance to annex said property; and WHEREAS, the City Carrunission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida is desirous of annexing and redefining the boundaries of the municipality to include the subject property pursuant to the authority contained in the City Charter of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, and Florida Statute 171.044, General Laws of Florida, N~ , THEREFORE, THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, HEREBY ORDAINS: SEcrION I - That the City of Winter Springs, Florida, does herewith and does hereby annex and redefine the boundary lines of the municipality of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, by including that certain contiguous land lying in Seminole County, Florida, and more particularly described as follows: Lot 5 west of Tuscawilla Road, Tuskawilla, D.R. Mitchell1s Survey of the Levy Grant, Plat Book 1, Page 5, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. SECTION II - That the Ci ty of Winter Springs land use classification and zoning category of this property will be assigned in accordance with Florida Statute 163.3187. sEcrroN III - That upon passage and adoption of this ordinance the Ci ty Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this ordinance with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Seminole County, Florida, - - DuT.reaH ::JHqna pue fu1'P-eaH puo::Jas pa+sod fuTtmaH +S.IT.!I )RU['J~ AJ.I~ :.r.S3:.I..I.V BOJi.VW '3:L\mID 'W ~ VGIBO'l.!I ' S8NIBdS B3:J.NIM .!IO }iJ,I~ '6B6T JO li.-ep s1'll:+ pa+dOpB pue passed 'uondop-e pue a.6esSBd T'eU1' J S+ T uodn li.ra+~Tpa~llT +::JaJJa ~+ TT-eqs a::Ju-euTp.Io sTlI+ +-eLIJ. - IA NOI~3:S 'paTBada.I li.qa.Iall: a.r-e ll:+ TMa.Iaq +::JTTJuo::J uT sa::Ju-eurp.ro JO s+.r-ed .10 sa::JU'eUTp.ro TT-e +BlIJ. - A NOI~3:S 'a::Ju-eurp.IO sTll:+ JO +.r-ed .10 uOT+::Jasqns .10 uOT+::Jas -e JO UOT+.Iod .10 uOT+::Jas .Iall:+o li.ue JO +::JaJJa .10 'a::J.IoJ 'li.+TPTT-eh aq+ .ITl?dutT .10 a+BPH-ehuT o::t- PTall: aq ::t-ou TT-ell:s ::t- T 'TBUOT::t-n::t- T+suo::Jun .10 ' rnJMBTun 'PTT-eAUT aq 0+ saAo.Id a::JuBuTP.IO sTll:::t- JO uOT::t-::Jasqns .10 uon::Jas ~ JO uon.Iod .10 uOT+::Jas li.ue JT +BlIJ. - AI NOI.r.~3:S '-epPOT.!I JO a+-e+s all:+ JO a::t-B::t-S JO ::t-uarn+.Iedaa all:+ ll:+TM li.do::J paTJT::t-.Ia::J B aTTJ 0+ pue CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION OR CHANGE OF ZONING PLEASE PRINT IN INK OR TYPE x X Annexation X Change of Zoning Amendment to Land Use Nap Amendment to PUD Preliminary Plan Baez Last Name Alejandro First 1'1iddle Initial (If the applicant is not the owner of the subject property, the applicant must include a lett~r of authorization signed by the owner) 432 S. Buckskin Way Nailing Address Winter Springs, FL City State (407) 699-2411 Telephone Number 32708 Zip Code Legal description of the subject property (attach map): Lot 5, Tuscawilla, on Nature's Way, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 5 of ltlB Public Records of seminole County, Florida. Total No. of Acres 1+acres Total Usable Acres 1 + acres Present Zoning Category A-1 Present Land Use ClassificationJVJed. Den. Has t '-r-- General location of subject property (including names and types of roads which tract abuts): Tract located off TuscawilJa ROAd, onA hln~k PR~t n~ hwy 434 behind lot 4 (which fronts Tuscawilla Road), on Nature's Way, currently a dirt road. Present development status of Land: undeveloped, vacant land. Oilly an older wooden, nursery-type structure stands on the ground. Zoning Categories and Land Use Classification of abutting property: Lot 4 (which fronts Tuscawilla Road) is zoned C-1, the lQts across lot 5 are zoned CN,. and the remaining lots are zoned A-1 and their use is med. den. rest'l. Zoning Category requested C-1 Land Use Classification Required corn '1 Detailed information concerning purpose and intent of request: To obtain annexa tlon an rezoning as stated above, to enable owner to construct a professional office building on_the site. Date January 5. 1989 Applicant/Owner 1\:~ .a~ez I ---------------------------------------------------------------p1~---~----_!~------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEE RECEIPT Nut-mER AMOUNT Ordinance References Information Verified By Date ... o ;;e: Ch 1'" . ~. '.'" . ..~. '.' " ")>~ - .' :~. . . . . - --. .' : ,.' r:::_1 . . .... U u U .;. .;--: . .-: .. . - ",;. 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AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA STATUTES 163.3187; PROVIDING FOR THE ADDITION OF ANNEXED PROPERTY TO THE LAND USE MAP AT CavlMERCIAL CLASSIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING CATEGORY C-1 FOR THE PROPERTY ON THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP; SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS, AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs has armexed the property described below, upon petition of the owners, Alejandro and Ramonita Baez: Lot 5 West of Tuscawilla Road, Tuskawilla, D.R. Mitchell's Survey of the Levy Grant, Plat Book 1, Page 5, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. WHEREAS, the owners of the property wish to use the property in a manner consistent with the zoning category C-1 of the City of Winter Spr ings; and WHEREAS, the annexed property must carry the land use classification Commercial to allow for said zoning category C-1 and WHEREAS, The City of Winter Springs, Florida, has, considered the assignment of the Comnercial land use classification for the said property on the Land Use Map of the City in accordance with Florida Statutes 163.3187 and has determined that the addition of the property to the Land Use Map as Calm~rcial is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION I - The Comprehensive Plan of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, is hereby amended to add to the Land Use Map the property described bela-l and to assign to it the land use classification COllunercial: Lot 5 West of Tuscawilla Road, Tuskawilla, D.R. Mitchell's Survey of the Levy Grant, Plat Book 1, Page 5, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. SECTION II - The property is hereby zoned C-1 Neighborhood Commercial and shall be so specified on the Official Zoning Map of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. SECTION III - If any section or portion of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or ilnpair the validity, force or effect of any other section or portion of a section or subsection or part of the Ordinance. SECTION IV - All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict here;..vi th are hereby repealed. - - .6ur..:rnaH ::>Hqtld pue Burp-ea}! PUO::>8S DurpEaH +S.1r )lli3'J::J MI::J :J,SaLL HOXVW I :Mmm 'W :mNWl vaIHO'J.f{ I S8NHIdS H3J.NIM .f{O MI::J . uondop-e pue a.6-ess-ed TEUr; S:+ T uodn Ata:+-erpeunlq: :+::>aJJa a}{e:+ nEtlS a::>UE'1.1'j:P.10 SrlU. - f1 NOIJ,:)3:S