HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 11 01 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES November 1, 1989 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. !30ARD MEMBERS: David Hopkins, Chairman, Present John Langelotti, Present John Torcaso, Present David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Present Joseph Ehardt, Present CITY OFFICIAL: J. Koch, Dir.Adm./Comp. Planning Hopkins stated that Mr. Ehardt will be late; the Board decided to postpone the selection of the Chairman until Mr. Ehardt arrives. Ap~roval of Minutes of October 18, 1989, Regular Meeting: McLeod moved to approve the minutes of the October 18, 1989, regular meeting. Seconded by Torcaso. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Approval of the Minutes of October 18, 1989, Workshop: Torcaso moved to approve the minutes of the October 18, 1989, workshop. Seconded by Mcleod. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Hopkins closed the Planning and Zoning Board meeting and opened the Public Hearing. Amendment to Comprehensive Plan - Addition of Property to Land Use Map - Pt. Lot 147, Blk. D, Mitchell Survey of the Levy Grant, Plat Book 1, Page 5, Seminole County - 2.5 Acres East of Fisher Road, South of Dunmar Estates - Add to Winter Springs Land Use Map as Rural Residential (Zone R-U) (Prior County Land Use Suburban Estates): Hopkins asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the request. Mr. Brodfuhrer, owner of the property, was present for any questions. There was no one present to speak for or against the request. Hopkins closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Planning and Zoning Board meeting. Torcaso stated that the Board recently annexed the property and the zoning requested is compatible with the present zoning in that area, with that in mind, Torcaso moved to recol1Unend approval of the request. Seconded by McLeod. Discussion. property. Langelotti asked about the emergency services serving this ...... 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SUBrd 1i.:t.uno:J all=\. a.InlnJ alll UI 'Ba.IB =\.BtI=\. .IO;] IT~ kJuaB.IaUla ue =\.aB 1i.rqBqo.Id prnOM sDuT.IdS .Ia=\.uTM ;]0 1i.:t.T:J all=\. pue 1i.:t.uno:J alll III TM luawaa.;rf5'e asuodsa.I lS.IT J alll uo sT 1i.:t. T:J alll SB '1i.:t..Iado.Id alll BUPTA.Ias warqo.Id ou aABtI sJaTlI:J a.IT.iI pue a~HOd alll lBtIl pa=\.BlS 1l~0)l ~ aBBd 686t 't .IaqUlaAoN Ounaaw p.IBOg OuTuoZ pue OuTuuer d Planning and Zoning Board Meeting November 1, 1989 Page 3 Torcaso moved to nominate David McLeod as Vice-Chairman. McLeod moved to nominate Joseph Eha:-dt as Vice-Chairman, Vote for David McLeod as Vice-Chairman: Langelotti: aye; Torcaso: aye; McLeod: nay; Ehardt: aye; Hopkins: aye. Motion carried for David McLeod as Vice- Chairman. Hopkins adjourned the Planning and Zoning Board Meeting and reconvened the Workshop. Natural Features of Winter Spr.;ngs - Potable Watl:!r SUpply and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge: Terry Zaudtke, Consulting Engineer '.,Jith Conklin, Porter and Holmes, the City's Consulting Engineering Firm, was prf~sent to speak to the Board about the water availability and where the water cornes from for the City of Winter Springs. Zaudtke showed the Board a map from the United States Geological SUrvey on the aquifer. Zaudtke stated that the City of Winter Springs is on the edge of a recharge/discharge area. He stated that most of the water supply for the City comes from the Mt. Dora ridge; this is the recharge area. An example of the recharge/discharge area here in Winter Springs 13 the w-lter treatment plant on Bahama Road, when this well was first drilled it was considered an artisan well and now with the aquifer level dropping down the City now has a ten foot draw down on that well. Zaudtke stated that a master water and se.wer plan has been develoPed for the Ci ty addressing the future needs -:0 meet the growth elements. The growth elements have been implemented into the City's budget and the City will maintain for the population growth the necessary improvements for water and sewer to maintain growth for twenty years. Zaudtke stated that the aquifer consists of a limestone formation with various pockets that contain water. The quality of the water is classified by the EPA as primary and secondary. The EPA heavily regulates the water quality. Hopkins asked that by this area being a recharge/discharge area, how it affects the development of the City. Zaudtke stated that it doesn't hinder the development. Zaudtke stated that the City is cautious in the location when drilling a well. Zaudtke stated that when drilling a well there are setbacks to consider. TI1e DER sets standards that a water well has to be 100 feet from a sewer line, stack line, or storm lines; and 200 feet from retention basins, septic tanks; and also 400 feet from any public access of effluent disposal sites. /"'" ....... p.reog .BUl'UOZ puB .BUl'uueTd A.::n:qaoI:)as .BUl'poIo:)aH I SUPldoH ofuEW 'pa~~Twqns ATTTIJ~:)adSaH 'W'd SO: 6 ~e pawnorpe seM Dunaaw attL 's~uawaAOoIdwT paTnpatps q~ TM Oto~ .xea};. aq~ Tnun 4 T:)OOe:) q.Bnoua set{ 4l'O aq~ DuTTnoI ~UaoI.In:)UO:) aq~ q~l'M ~eq~ pa~eoIa~ TaoI a}{~pnez 'oIaJrnDe aqldTaq PTnOM asn :)naq~sae oIOJ oIa~eM JO asn aq~ lImTT OJ. 'q~uow oIad suoneB puesnoql 000 I vI sT asn aq~ eaoIe and eTHMe:)sn.:t aq~ uT aoIaqM 'q~uow oIad suoneB puesnoq~ 8-L ~noqe sT oIa~eM JO asn uondwnsuo:) a~ IllIMOJ. PTOII uT ~eq~ pa~e~s a}{~pnez wa~sAs asnaoI e uT ~nd o~ slUaurloTahap MaU ne saoITnDaoI q:)TqM a:)uetlTPoIO oIaleM pawTeT:)aoI e seq MOU 4l'O attr. 's~:)arooId asnaoI paS8n:)sl'P oSTe a}{~pnez , 4 T:)OOe:) aoIOW apTnooId nTM ~T 4TTnn aTouplllaS saseq:).Ind 4TO aq~ uaqM ~eq~ pa~e~s a}{~pnez v aBed 686I I I oIaq1llaAoN DuT~aaw poIeog DuTuoZ pue DuTuueTd