HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 10 18 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES October 18, 1989 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS: David Hopkins, Vice-Chairman, Present Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present John Torcaso, Present David McLeod, Present Joseph Ehardt, Present CITY OFFICIALS: J. Koch, Dir.Adm./Comp. Planning D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator L. Kozlov, City Engineer Attorney Clay Parker Torcaso asked that the approval of the minutes be postponed until the end of the meeting. All Board members agreed. Chestnut Ridge - Final Development Plan/Preliminary Engineering (Tuscawilla): LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated that the Board has received the packet with Staff cormnents. The developer is present to answer any questions. Dorman asked that someone representing the developer explain the plan more so the residents present can become better acquainted with the development. Jim Willard, from SWann & Haddock, present on behalf of Pioneer Savings Bank, spoke on the development. Willard stated that this property is part of the Tuscawilla POD. This property was subject to 1i tigation between the prior owner and the City of Winter Springs. The bank took the property back in July 1987. In May of 1988 the property was redesigned to a 55 lot subdivision. Willard stated that they have been working with the City Staff for over a year on the layout and he stated that the Staff connnents will be addressed in the final engineering. Ehardt asked about the Building Official r s corrunents regarding the consistency of the setbacks. LeBlanc stated that the developers are aware of the Building Official's corrunents and these will be addressed in final engineering. Dorman stated that this is not an advertised public hearing but there are several residents in the audience and that he feels it would be appropriate that the residents be given the opportunity to ask questions or make canments. He said the Board will hold off their questions until after the residents have a chance to speak. Richard Conniff, Alan Lindell, and Earl Roberts spoke on the request. There were questions on the fence surrounding the property, questions on the retention ponds, and the maintenance of these ponds, and the depth of the ponds . Wes Blount, representing the developer, stated that the wall along Northern Way will be brick and the wall along Greenbriar Lane will be block. Steve Sanders, retention ponds . part owner of the Tuscawilla Country Club, spoke on the He stated that the retention ponds will not affect the ,-... ........ 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'+aaJ 9 JO UIIU1lTXEW e 0+ +aaJ E: JO q+dap e UIO~J aq THM spuod aq+ +eq+ pa+e+s +unoTS: 'pauTe+uTeuI ^r~ado~d +ou a~ spuod asaq+ JT as.:mo~a~ aAeq rUM 4T:) aq.r. 'qnro A.I+uno:) aq+ JO 4 nTqTsuodsa~ aq+ aq nTM spuod aq+ JO daa:>J:-dn aq+ +eq+ pa+e+s P~THM , aoeuTe~ aq+ aAo~dUlr TUM spuod aq+ +'E'lt+ pa+e+s aq ~as~o~ JToO aq+ uo aoeuTe~p ~ aoed 6S6I 'SI ~aqo+oo .6unaaw ~rt1..f5aH sa+nuTW p~eog .6uruoz pue ouruuerd Planning and Zoning Board Regular Meeting October 18, 1989 Page 3 Ken Steeves, representing the developer for the Board of Adjustment meeting on the variances, stated the reasons the variances were requested. Dorman asked about the five foot landscape easement. Blount stated that it is alongside the right-of-way to accommodate the screen walls. Attorney Parker read Section 20-381 of the City Code in regard to the Chairman I s concern about the contractual agreement between the developer and the golf course. Attorney Parker reiterated that the Board at this stage can either recommend approval, approval with modifications, or disapproval; this is the scope of the review at this time. Section 5-20-3 states this and a public hearing is not correct at this time. Willard stated that the developer will address the Staff's concerns and these will be resolved before the final plat is recorded. Dorman stated his concern that having the retention ponds on the golf course property will be setting a precedent. Koch stated that this is not setting a precedent; there are other developments that have off-site retention. Hopkins asked about the clearing of trees. Ordinance will be enforced. LeBlanc stated that the Arbor There was discussion on the request. Ehardt moved to recommend approval of the Chestnut Ridge final development plan/preliminary engineering based on the condition that as many as possible of the Staff comments be incorporated into the final engineering drawings. Seconded by Hopkins. Vote: Torcaso: aye; McLeod: aye; Ehardt: aye; Hopkins: aye; Dorman: nay. Motion carried. - "'" p.reog fuTuoZ pue fuTUtIetd &[l:qa.I~as fuTP.IO~aH ' SUPPOH 0.f5.:rEw ~~ 'pa++TWQns AttnJ+~adsaH - paT.I.IB:> uOT+OW - ake rrv : a+oA - at\oqB at{+ a+B+S 0+ papuawe 5a+nuTUl at{+ a}{H ptnOM at{ +Bt{+ pa+B+S at{ ~.Iade::IsMau at{+ uT +uaUla~unOUtIe tie at\Bt{ uat{+ spoot{.IoqqBTau uTB+.Ia~ uT suonBT~sse S.IauMOaUlOt{ ou a.IB a.Iat{+ :H pue sfunaaUl asat{+ JO paUT+oU aq PTnot{s suonBT~osse S.IaUMOawot{ at{+ +Bt{+ pa:}.B:}.S at{ funaaUl at{:}. JO uOT+.Iod +nduT uazT:}. T~ at{+ JO uOTS~sTP at{+ uT +Bt{:}. pa+B+S 0~.I0.r. : dOt{S}{.IOM I 6a6! I V .Iaqo+~O JO sa:}.nuTW JO TBM).IddV -paT.I.IB:> Uonow -<:lAB rrv :a+oA -POCl'J~W ht papuo~as - BUnaaUl .IeTnfia.I ' 6a6! ' V .Iaq.o+~o at{:}. JO 5a+nuTUl att+ at\o.IddB 0+ PaJ\OUI :}.p.ret.tH :ouT+aaw .IeTnBaH '6a6! 'v .Iaqo:}.~O JO sa:}.nuTW JO TBM).IddV v aBBd 6a6! 'a! .Iaqo+~O funaaw .IeTnDaH 5a+nuTW p.reog BUTUOZ pue fuTUUBTd