HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 10 04 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
October 4, 1989
The meeting was called to order il1D1lediately after the regular meeting.
David Hopkins, Vice-Chairman, Present
Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present
John Torcaso, Present
David McLeod, Present
Joseph Ehardt, Present
.1. Koch, Dir . Adm. /Comp. Planning
OVerview of Public Participation Program to Ensure Awareness and Elicit Camnent
fran Citizens on Proposed Elements of 1991 Comprehensive Plan:
A. Staff, Consultant, and Agency Informational and Technical Sessions
with Board.
B. Open Houses, Exhibits, Publications, Speakers, Questionnaires, and
Similar OpPortunities to Acquire Citizens COl1D1lents.
The Board received a preliminary draft schedule of the topics and dates for the
review of the Comprehensive Plan. Koch stated that some may shift to different
times because of the speakers availability.
Koch stated that during the next few months staff will provide as much
information as possible to the Board on various topics prior to presenting
elements for review. We will begin with the natural envirornnent to examine the
undeveloped land and evaluate how well the envirornnent was treated in prior
developmen"t;s. Then we will look at existing development, demographic
projections, and housing needs for anticipated growth. Then at the capital
improvements needed to provide for that growth. Traffic is the main element
where there are difficulties to make recol1D1lendations to the Col1D1lission because
there are so many questions in the State requirements.
Starting in January the Board will have draft framework of the elements.
Simul taneously in the public participation schedule, presentations will be
scheduled at different times and dates to make it possible for as many citizens
as possible to participate in the public input.
In the review schedule, the topics are grouped in themes, with a variety of
topics and activities to create the greatest public interest.
Koch stated that many of the elements are interrelated and their review will be
over lapped with each other.
Ehardt stated that the outline is excellent the way the groups are mixed
together with the cOllDllOn identity.
Planning and Zoning Board Workshop Minutes
October 4, 1989
Page 2
Hopkins asked if the public participation aspect will be more of an open house
concept at City Hall with the citizens notified by public notice in the
newspaper. Hopkins also stated that he thought the outline schedule and topic
groups were excellent. Koch stated that some of the sessions will be open
houses with specific times that the different events will be happening.
Koch stated that if the Board has different ideas for the workshops to feel
free to give their input.
Torcaso stated that the Homeowners Associations should be notified of these
meetings and if there are no Homeowners Associations, a notice in the newspaper
announcing the workshops.
McLeod stated that he didn't feel that the general public would cane in on a
Saturday to give their input. He stated that he feels that these open houses
should be held on the regular meeting nights of the Planning and Zoning Board.
Koch she did not want to limit the open houses to one specific day because some
of the public may not be able to make it on the nights of the regular meetings.
She stated that the Comprehensive Plan needs to have the input from the general
public, giving them the opportunity to cane in for information and to give
Dorman stated that he agreed wi th McLeod with the method of this type of
participation. He stated that he thinks i t ~d be more appropriate to have
these meetings at night maybe not particularly on Wednesday evenings.
Koch stated these meetings need to be held at different times as some of the
public cannot make the evening meetings.
Ehardt asked about Staff input. Koch stated that the Staff will be available
to the public to answer any questions they may have. She stated that the Staff
will have a draft plan for the Board's review and the draft will also be
available to the public so they will kn.ow the direction the City will be going
in, wi th opportuni ty to have input into the elements also as they are
finalized .
Ehardt asked if the Board could have the first two months outline in detail of
the upcoming events. Koch stated that wi thin the next couple weeks she planned
to do just that.
Koch stated that Citizen's review camnittees might be chosen from among people
... ~~
Planning and Zoning Workshop Minutes
October 4, 1989
Page 3
Koch stated that Citizen's review ccmnittees might be chosen from among people
who participate in the public input meetings and from response to a notice
placed in the newspaper stating that the City is looking for volunteers for
this specific purpose.
Koch stated that she discussed the issue of citizen boards with the Mayor last
year, suggesting that there be a ccmni ttee on each element, then wi thin each
caroni ttee to have representation from different areas of the City and she
agreed this is a good idea. The issue of how to choose the conuni ttee members
is what is the question.
Donnan stated that the Board should make a list of people they know to make up
the citizen conunittees just in case there is a need for them, a list of the
people that the Board thinks might be good. Donnan stated that if the
caroni ttees are made up of citizens who volunteer by just knowing the City needs
people for these conuni ttees, he could envision some of the people that would
volunteer would be the ones we would least like to have on the ccmnittees.
Koch stated that the whole point of the law is for the whole City's citizens
input. Ehardt agreed.
Koch said she would check with the Mayor on how to select conuni ttee members and
report back to the Board.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M.
Respectfully SUbnitted,
Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary
Plarming and Zoning Board