HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 05 24 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES REGULAR MEETING May 24, 1989 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. BOARD MEMBERS: David Hopkins, Present Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present John Torcaso, Present David McLeod, Absent Michael Saporito, Vice-Chainnan, Present CIIT OFFICIAIS: ------ J. Koch, Dir.Adm.;Comp. Planning D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator ~oval of Minutes of May 17, 1989: Torcaso moved to approve the minutes of May 17, 1989. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. -,-- Seconded by Hopkins. Woodstre~ Adc!:g.io!l._::...Pr~liminary Engineer~!:1g, Final Developll!en!..1')an: LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated the Board has received the comments of the department heads concerning this project. He also stated that Robert White, engineer for the development, and Sabah Blaney, owner, are present for any questions. Dorman asked about the comments from the Staff that certain items that weren't qui te right. LeBlanc stated that everYthing met the Code, there were questions on some amenities and lot sizes. Dorman asked White if they have gotten together with the homeowners. White stated that they have met with the homeowners on several occasions. They have adjusted that lot line on Lot 5, Blk A, which is the lot at the end of the cul- de-sac, at the end of the existing Nancy Circle; this is one of the things the homeowners has asked us to do, and this is satisfactory to them. There were some items that were brought up at the Staff Review, a concern of tbree lots that were too small for swimming pools, and we have stipulated in the covenants amendments that those three lots not have swimming pools on them. Those lots are: 5-A, 2-B, and 9-G, this means that three out of seventy-nine lots will not be able to have a swimming pool. Whi te stated that the homeowners were concerned about access to the golf course. We have provided a double purpose utility easement by Court C for this purpose. The area behind the existing duplexes has been dedicated as common area for the residents who belong to the homeowners association. White also stated that there is two and a half acres along the golf course for off-si te stormwater, this has been contracted and consummated with the golf course. This meets the St. John's Water Management District requirement. Hopkins asked about the off-si te retention areas. Whi te stated that tbey are in the northeast corner of block B, they are an odd shape so they will blend in with the golf course, the retention area will not be seen from the golf course because there are trees along this area. There will be three earth dikes. There is an existing out-fall along the creek. .",,- - ...... ,- '6861: '61: g.Idl;f uo :+uawaa..I.6e aq:+ pauBTS s.IatIMOawoq aq:+ :+eq:+ pa:+e:+s 03:+ p.IM ':+uawaa..I.6e aq:+ pauBTS Aaq:+ a.Io;:j:<::lq suerd Mau aq:+ uaas peq s.IaUMoawoq aq:+ J T pa){se q=>o)l 'uOTsTATpqns aroqM aq:+ .IoJ sa=>ueTIeh ou aq nTM a.Iat{:+ :+eq:+ s:+ueuaAo=> aq:+ uT sT :+ T :+eq:+ pa:+e:+s 03:+ ItIM 's:+or news aq:+ uo :+ gnq aq ue=> .5uTq:+ou :+eq:+ s:+ueuaAO=> aq:+ uT pa:+sH Ar.Iear=> SEM :+ T se .5uor se 'sazTs :+or rrews aq:+ q:+TM warqo.Id e aAeq :+.UPTP aq :+eq:+ pa:+e:+s uew.:rOQ 's:+Or MaJ e a:+Inb q6no.ItJ::+ DuT:+:+n=> :+uawasea ue osre sT a.IaqI 'asnoq aq:+ 0:+ asor=> A.IaA sT 86 :+or .&t :+uaUlasea 4 nnn aq:+ pauonuaw ueuUO(] 'sTseq :+=>e.I:+uo=> uo aqAew .IO srapow =>ads aq nIM a.Iaq:+ pue 's.Iapgnq JO sadA:+ uTe:+.Ia=> aq rgM a.Iaq:+ :+e(n pi3:j.e:+s ':+=>aCo.Id aq:). 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JO a.IeMe a.Ie Aaq:+ saA pa:j.e:j.s 03:+ ftIM ' sea.Ie uOT:j.ua:+a.I aq:+ JO daa~n aq:+ JO a.IEMe a.IE s.IaUMOaUloq aq:+ JI pa){SE osre SUT){doH c:: aBed 6861: IVC:: ABW 6unaaw .Iern6aH sa:+nuTW p.Ieoa DuTuoZ pue DuIUUEtd ./ Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Regular Meeting May 24, 1989 Page 3 White stated that the plan is dated April 20, 1989, but the homeowners have seen this new plan, these new plans were made on that date, and the homeowners had seen this same plan. Dorman asked about the setbacks along the creek. Whi te stated that the City Code stated the setback is fifty feet from the high water line. There is a flood plane along the creek so the developer has a seventy-five foot setback, plus or minus. Hopkins asked how the Arbor Ordinance affects this project. White stated that only the R-O-W will be cleared, just enough for the house pads. They will not clear the whole area. Hopkins also asked about a recreation area. Whi te stated there is none planned. Hopkins asked where is the nearest recreation area. Whi te stated he didn't know. Dorman stated the nearest recreation is about one and a quarter miles away. Hopkins asked about sidewalks. White stated that no sidewalks are proposed, and the developer will ask for a waiver for sidewalks. Hopkins stated that with only one common area for a total of 79 homes, the children will have no place to go and will either be in the streets or on the golf course or even perhaps in the retention areas. Hopkins also asked if there was any access to the retention areas from the back lots. Whi te stated that there are three accesses. Sapori to stated his concern for the size of lot 3-A, and with an easement running through, lots 3 and 9 may better serve to be a park or common area. Dorman also stated his concern for children's facilities, and with Howell Creek, the drainage ditch, and the golf course there may be hazards. Torcaso moved to recommend approval of Woodstream Addition, preliminary engineering, Final development plan. Motion died for lack of a second. There was discussion on this request. Dorman moved to recommend approval of the preliminary engineering, final development plan for the Woodstream Addition except for Lot 3, Block A, and Lot 9, Block G, be changed to common ground vice buildable lots. Seconded by Torcaso. Vote: Torcaso: aye; Saporito: nay; Hopkins: aye; Dorman: aye. Motion carried. 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