HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 04 12 Planning and Zoning Board Workshop Minutes
April 12, 1989
The meeting was called to order at 7: 32 P. M.
David Hopkins, Present
Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present
John Torcaso, Present
David McLeod, Present
Michael Saporito, Vice-Chairman, Absent
D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator
J. Koch, Dir.Adm./Comp. Planning
Dorman stated, for the record, that Vice-chairman Saporito will not be here for
same time because his father is terminally ill.
LeBlanc stated that he spoke with Mr. Glen Marvin, representative of Gulf
Stream, who was here at the last workshop, and said with the Board's
consideration of the land use change for the Tuscawilla POD, that they do not
want to discuss the disputed property but as for the other undeveloPed parcels
they had the following comments: The area that is now designated apartments
that they would be amicable to single family. In parcel 15 they will be
amicable to commercial along SR 434 and multi-family to the south as a buffer.
In the these cases they feel they will be downgrading the zoning. The
developers are amicable to have apartments in the property designated
commercial at the end of Winter Springs Boulevard.
Marvin stated that shifting land uses might be appropriate based on the Board's
past discussions.
Dorman stated that as result of the last Conunission meeting, the Board should
not discuss any changes to the eastern portion of Winter Springs Boulevard
pending the decisions made on what will happen to the Duda property wi th
regards to the road.
Dorman gave the Board a list of the different units in Tuscawilla with
comparison to the City's present zoning district of R-1AAA.
The comparison is as follows:
Unit 2 - doesn't meet lot size
Unit 3 - only with front and rear setbacks, also does not allow horses.
Unit 4-14B - not any criteria for R-1AAA, does meet R-1AA for side set-
Unit 5 - is an eight lot section, southwest corner of Oak Forest; does
meet R-1AAA with the exception of the side setback.
Unit ll-B - meets only lot size.
Carrington Woods - only fit into R-1A
Glen Eagle - meets only R-1AA
Oak Forest - meets only R-1A
None Of Multi-Family
Dorman stated that with this comparison," it would be difficult to rezone the
Tuscawilla POD to R-1AAA.
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