HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 02 08 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
February 8, 1989
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M.
David Hopkins, Present
Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present
John Torcaso, Present
David McLeod, Present
Michael Saporito, Vice-Chairman, Present
D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator
J. Koch, Dir. Adm.;Comp. Planning
Approval of Minutes of JanuaEY-26, 1989:
Torcaso moved to approve the minutes of January 26, 1989. Seconded by Hopkins.
Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
Dorman recessed the Planning and Zoning Board Meeting and opened the Public
Hearing of the Local Planning Agency.
Assignment of Commercial Land Use Classification (Zone C-1) to Property Being
Annexed by Alejandro and Ramonita Baez - Lot 5 of Tuskawilla in D.R. Mitchell
Survey - One acre southwest of Intersection of SR 434 and Tuscawilla Road:
Koch gave her presentation. She stated this is the Public Hearing under
Chapter 163 for Land Use assignment under the small-scale amendment procedure.
The property is Lot 5 of Tuskawilla. The question before the Board now is what
land use and zoning are appropriate for this property. The applicant is
requesting Commercial Land Use and zone C-1. She stated that the applicant is
present for any questions.
Dorman asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the request.
There was no one present to speak for or against the request.
Dorman closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Planning and Zoning Board
Hopkins asked if the primary access to this property is Natures Way. Koch
stated that yes, it is the only dedicated access.
Hopkins stated his concern that Natures Way is a dirt road and the only primary
access to this property. Koch stated that this is a County road and the County
has the same requirement as the City, and that is the developer is required to
pave from the development to the nearest paved road.
Dorman stated that he has a problem with this request. He stated that
imnediately to the west of this is an undeveloPed lot and one lot beyond is a
residence and to the northwest more residences which are in the County.
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Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
February 8, 1989
Page 3
Jim Amerine and Roger OWen spoke on the request. They were concerned about the
lot sizes.
Dorman stated that the only concern before the Board tonight is the change of
land use designation, not to approve the lot sizes.
Koch stated that it is within the power of this Board, when considering this
request for change of land use, to set conditions such as density.
Saporito asked if the Board finds this inconsistent what the build-out would be
for the present land use. White stated that there would be twelve per acre if
condominium and less than three per acre for single-family homes.
There was discussion on the request.
Sapori to moved that the Board make a finding of fact that the proposed change
of land use designation of condominium to single-family is consistent with the
previously approved development plan. Seconded by Torcaso. Vote: All aye.
Dorman stated that the Board is concerned with the size of the lots.
Sapori to suggested to the residents present and Mr. White that the Homeowners
Association meet with the developer to try accomplish what the developer and
residents find compatible for the area.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully SUbmitted,
~t4 4J~
Marg~pkins, Recording Secretary
Planning and Zoning Board