HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 10 26 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
October 26, 1988
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David Hopkins, Present
Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present
John Torcaso, Present
David McLeod, Present
Michael Saporito, Vice-Chairman, Present
Torcaso moved to approve the minutes of September 14, 1988.
Hopkins. Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
Seconded by
Dorman read the changes to the code as follows:
Section 44.06 - In the fourth line from bottom,
attend three (3) meeting wi thin any twelve month
failure to attend three (3) consecutive regular
month period of time".
change ".... for failure to
period of time" to ".... for
meetings wi thin any twelve
Section 44.10 - The Planning and Zoning Board shall serve as the Planning and
Zoning Commission. The Board shall, in its application and interpretation of
this Code, act at all times in accordance with the provisions of Section 44.02.
In addition the Board shall:
(a) Act as the Local Land Planning Agency pursuant to the Seminole
County Comprehensive Planning Act and the Local Government
Comprehensive Planning Act of the State of Florida.
(b) Recommend to the City Commission approval, approval wi th
modification(s), or disapproval, of property annexation proposals.
(c) Recommend to the City Commission the boundaries for land use
classifications and zoning districts within the City, the regulations
to be enforced therein, and when deemed appropriate modifications
(d) Be cognizant of laws, regulations and best practices of federal,
state I county, and other jurisdictions that affect City planning and
zoning to the end that it may be qualified to act on measures
affecting the present and future movement of traffic, the segregation
of the various residential I commercial and industrial districts and
the convenience and safety of persons and property in any way
dependent on City planning and zoning.
(e) When considering matters relating to Planned Unit Developments
act in accordance with the additional requirements of Article XIV I
part A or part B, as appropriate.
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
Page 2
October 26, 1988
(f) Take such other actions as prescribed by other sections of this
Code. When considered necessary make reconunendations to the City
Camnission on matters not otherwise covered in the Code.
Section 44. 11
(a) When it appears that approval of an application pending before
the Planning and Zoning Board may have an adverse impact on the goals
set forth in Section 44.02, adversely impact surrounding properties
or adversely impact an environmentally sensitive area within the
subject property or abutting properties, the Board may request the
applicant to provide the Board with additional information with
respect to such effect. The Board may adjourn consideration of the
application pending receipt of such information and such adjournment
shall toll all applicable time periods for action by the City on such
(b) The failure of the applicant to furnish the requested
information within sixty days fram the request therefore, or upon the
refusal to do so as stated by the applicant at the time of the
request, shall render the application incomplete and the Board may
recamnend disapproval of the application, provided that for good
cause shown the Board may grant additional time for the submission of
the information.
(c) The adjournment of an application pursuant to suWivision (a)
hereof shall not constitute a failure of the Board to act, nor shall
it constitute a recormnendation by the Board.
Section 44.13 - The recormnendations of the Planning and Zoning Board to the
Ci ty Cormnission shall be in writing and in the form of the approved minutes of
the Board's meeting at which the matter was considered. (Remainder of this
paragraph as written except change "City Council" to "City Cormnission" where
appear ing) .
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
October 26, 1988
Page 3
Section 44.16
(b) The City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, is
authorized to proceed without the reconnnendations of the Planning and
Zoning Board if said recommendations are not forwarded to the City
Commission within fifteen (15) days from the date that the Planning
and Zoning Board made such recommendation, provided that the City
Commission shall not proceed on any matter in which the Planning and
Zoning Board shall have requested the applicant to furnish additional
information pursuant to Section 44.11 until fifteen days after the
time fixed by said Board for the subnission of said additional
Torcaso moved that the Board reconnnend the changes to the Ci ty Corronission.
Seconded by Hopkins. Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.
Respectfully SUbmitted,
Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary
Planning and Zoning Board