HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 04 27 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
April 27, 1988
The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 P.M.
BOARD MEMBERS: __._.__.___.____
David Hopkins, Present
Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present
John Torcaso, Present
David McLeod, Present
Michael Saporito, Vice-Chairman, Present
J. Koch, Dir. Adm./Comp. Plarming
D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator
Approval of Minut~__of April 6~88:_
Torcaso moved to approve the minutes of April 6, 1988.
Vote: All Aye. Motion carried.
Seconded by McLeod.
Dorman armounced that the Plarming and Zoning Board is the City's official
Local Plarming Agency and will sit as such to consider requested amendments to
the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element.
Amendment 1. Pt. Lot 25, Entzminger Farms Add. No. 3/Reclassify Land Use from
Light Industrial. to PUD...J.?:one PUQJL~_ acres North of Florida Avenue :..
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that this property is adjacent to the
Winter Springs Commerce Center, which extends from Shepard Road down to Florida
Avenue. That 30 acre development has PUD zoning, wi th commercial and light
industrial land use designation on the master plan of the PUD. The request is
to add this 6 acre property to the PUD and bring it under the same restrictions
and requirements as the Winter Springs Commerce Center.
Dorman asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the proposed
amendment. There was no one present to speak for or against the request.
Dorman recessed the Local Plarming Agency Public Hearing and reconvened the
Plarming and Zoning Board meeting.
There was discussion on the request.
Torcaso moved to recorrnnend approval of the change to the Land Use Map.
Seconded by Saporito. Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
Amendment 2. Lot 9B, Blk. D, Mitchell Survey of Levy Grant/Add to Winter
Springs Land Use Map as Light Industrial (Zone C-2) (Reclassification from
Seminole County Suburban Estates)/8 acres North of S.R. 434 - Tuscawilla Road
Dorman recessed the Plarming and Zoning Board and reconvened the Local P larming
Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes
April 27, 1988
Page 2
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that this property is across from the
County School Bus Terminal. Koch also stated that the agent for the applicant,
Gene Duffy, had raised a question on the request before the meeting, asking
whether Light Industrial land use would be appropriate at this location. She
stated that Conunercial allows neighborhood professional, retail, and service
uses, which is consistent fOr the area. She stated that the Conunercial
classification allows C-1 zoning which has 80 permitted uses. The Light
Industrial classification allows the more intense General Commercial and Non-
polluting Light Industrial uses in zone C-2, which would not be appropriate
near the residential developments adjacent to this property.
Duffy conceded that the C-1 zoning would be appropriate for this property as it
is consistent with the surrounding area.
Dorman asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the request.
There was no one present to speak for or against the request.
Dorman recessed the Local Planning Agency and reconvened the Planning and
Zoning Board.
There was discussion on the request. Koch stated that the Staff has reviewed
this request and has no objections.
McLeod moved to recommend approval of the change to C-1 zoning and Carmnercial
land use as outlined in the application. Seconded by Torcaso. Vote: All Aye.
Motion carried.
Amendment 3. Lot 17, Blk. B, Mitchell Survey of Levy Grant/Add to Winter
Springs Land Use Map as Light Industrial (Zone C-2) (Reclassification from
Seminole County SUburban Estates)/8 acres north of S.R. 434 Tuscawilla Road
Dorman recessed the Planning and Zoning Board and reconvened the Local Planning
Koch gave her presentation. The applicant is asking to change the land use to
be compatible to the property to the south, which is Light Industrial. She
stated that the County land use for the property to the north is SUburban
Estates, which is 1 acre home sites.
Koch stated that the area is changing over with the urbanization both of the
Ci ty and County. There will be requirements for buffering between the rural
and commercial areas.
Dorman asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the request.
There was no one present to speak for or against the request.
Dorman recessed the Local Planning Agency and reconvened the Planning and
Zoning Board.
Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes
April 27, 1988
Page 3
Dorman recessed the Planning and Zoning Board and reconvened the Local Plarming
There was discussion on the request. There was concern about having C-2 zoning
on the property. Dorman moved this request to the end of the hearing so Mr.
Joyce could look over the C-1 zoning code to see if he might want to change his
request, if what he intends to do with the property will fit under the C-1
Amendment 4. Pt. Lot 14 and Pt. Lot 21, P.R. Yonge Grant/Reclassify Land Use
from Rural Residential to Commercial (Zone C-1)/40 Acres North of S.R. 434 East
of Howell Brancll=..
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that this Schrimsher property is 40
acres just east of the larger piece of his property that the Board had dealt
with before. The property is mostly outside the flood prone area. She stated
the request is Commercial rather than Light Industrial because of the proximity
of the residential developments in Tuscawilla to the south. Vistawilla Road,
when completed, will provide access for those areas to S.R. 434 and this
Dorman asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the request.
There was no one present to speak for or against the request.
Dorman recessed the Local Planning Agency and reconvened the Planning and
Zoning Board.
There was discussion on the request. It was determined that the property will
generally be used for retail, services, and offices.
Hopkins moved to recommend approval of the reclassification of the land use
from Rural Residential to Commercial as presented on the application. Seconded
by Torcaso. Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
Dorman recessed the Planning and Zoning Board and reconvened the Local Planning
Amendment 5. W 1/2 of SW 1/4 (less Parcels 2-B and 2-U) of Section 4, T 21, R
31/Add to Winter Springs Land Use Map: Light Industrial for that Portion of
Property OUtside Right-of-Way Reserved for Seminole County Expressway and Rural
Residential Wi thin Expressway Right-of-Way Reservation Boundary (Zones C-2 and
R-U) (Reclassification from Seminole County General Rural) /56 Acres South of
S.R. 434 Adjacent to Eastern City Limits:
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that the request is to assign the Light
Industrial classification to the portions of the property west and east of the
right-of-way reserved by the Expressway Authority. The land use classification
of Rural Residential is to be applied to the right-of-way property, consistent
with its current use in accordance with State statutes.
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
April 27, 1988
Page 4
Mr. McIntosh, agent for the owners, was there to speak for the request. He
presented a proposed map of what would likely be done with the property.
Dorman asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the request.
There was no one present to speak for or against the request.
Dorman recessed the Local Planning Agency and reconvened the Planning and
Zoning Board.
There was discussion on the request as to whether Conunercial classification
instead would be sufficient, given the proposed uses shCMn on the map, if a
motel fit into the C-l zoning category.
Sapori to moved to reconunend approval to the City Conunission to grant the
Conunercial land use, with the condi tion being that the Conunission agrees that a
motel be a permitted use in zone C-l (amending the Ordinance to do so); and in
the event the Conunission cannot, that they reconsider to grant Light Industrial
Land Use with zoning of C-2. Seconded by Hopkins. Vote: All aye. Motion
Amendment 3. Continuation of this item from earlier in th~ meetlng~
Dorman asked the applicant, David Joyce, if he had considered changing the
application to Conunercial Land Use and zoning at C-l.
Joyce stated that he would like to keep the request as presented.
Torcaso moved to reconunend approval of the reclassification of the Land Use to
Light Industrial. Seconded by Dorman. Vote: McLeod: aye; Saporito: aye;
Hopkins: nay; Dorman: aye; Torcaso: aye. Motion carried.
End Of Local Planning Agency Public Hearing
Tuscawil1a Unit 16, Final Development Plan, Preliminary Engineering:
LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated that the property is located at the
junction of Winter Springs Boulevard and Northern Way. He stated that Brian
Austin and Linda Taylor, from Donald W. McIntosh Associates, are here to
answer any questions.
Dorman asked how close were the nearest lots from the 100 year flood line from
Bear Creek. Taylor stated that it varies and stated that a few lots are right
on it. LeBlanc stated that there is a setback of 40' to 50' from the mean high
water line.
LeBlanc stated that on the final plan it will show the footprint of the houses
and this will be looked at at that time.
Planning and Zoning Board
April 27, 1988
Page 5
Torcaso moved to reconunend approval of Tuscawilla Unit 16, Final Development
Plan, Preliminary Engineering. Seconded by McLeod. Vote: Dorman: aye;
Torcaso: aye; McLeod: aye; Saporito: abstain; Hopkins: aye. Motion carried.
Dorman asked when will there be a formal notification system to the school
board from the City. Koch stated that the City Manager is working on this
matter now and that there will be three different situations when the school
board will be notified. One being when there is a change of land use to
residential, second when residential zoning will be altered to increase the
number of homes, third when development plans are reviewed wi thin an approved
zoning category.
The meeting was adjourned at 9: 25 P.M.
Respectfully SUbmitted,
~~~ng Secretary
Planning and Zoning Board
April 27, 1988
The meeting was called to order at 7: 30 P. M.
David Hopkins, Present
Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present
John Torcaso, Present
David McLeod, Present
Michael Saporito, Vice-Chairman, Present
J. Koch, Dir. Adm./Comp. Planning
D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator
Approval of Minutes of April 6, 1988:
Torcaso moved to approve the minutes of April 6, 1988.
Vote: All Aye. Motion carried.
Seconded by McLeod.
Dorman announced that the Planning and Zoning Board is the City's official
Local Planning Agency and will sit as such to consider requested amendments to
the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element.
Amendment 1. Pt. Lot 25, Entzminger Farms Add. No. 3/Reclassify Land Use from
Light Industrial to PUD (Zone PUD)/6 acres North of Florida Avenue:
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that this property is adjacent to the
Winter Springs Corrnnerce Center, which extends from Shepard Road down to Florida
Avenue. That 30 acre development has PUD zoning, with conunercial and light
industrial land use designation on the master plan of the PUD. The request is
to add this 6 acre property to the PUD and bring it under the same restrictions
and requirements as the Winter Springs Commerce Center.
Dorman asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the proposed
amendment. There was no one present to speak for or against the request.
Dorman recessed the Local Planning Agency Public Hearing and reconvened the
Planning and Zoning Board meeting.
There was discussion on the request.
Torcaso moved to reconunend approval of the change to the Land Use Map.
Seconded by Saporito. Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
Amendment 2. Lot 9B, Blk. D, Mitchell Survey of Levy Grant/Add to Winter
Springs Land Use Map as Light Industrial (Zone C-2) (Reclassification from
Seminole County Suburban Estates)/8 acres North of S.R. 434 - Tuscawilla Road
Dorman recessed the Planning and Zoning Board and reconvened the Local Planning
Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes
April 27, 1988
Page 2
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that this property is across from the
County School Bus Terminal. Koch also stated that the agent for the applicant,
Gene Duffy, had raised a question on the request before the meeting, asking
whether Light Industrial land use would be appropriate at this location. She
stated that Conunercial allows neighborhood professional, retail, and service
uses, which is consistent for the area. She stated that the Conunercial
classification allows C-1 zoning which has 80 permitted uses. The Light
Industrial classification allows the more intense General Commercial and Non-
polluting Light Industrial uses in zone C-2, which would not be appropriate
near the residential developments adjacent to this property.
Duffy conceded that the C-l zoning would be appropriate for this property as it
is consistent with the surrounding area.
Dorman asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the request.
There was no one present to speak for or against the request.
Dorman recessed the Local Planning Agency and reconvened the P larming and
Zoning Board.
There was discussion on the request. Koch stated that the Staff has reviewed
this request and has no objections.
McLeod moved to recommend approval of the change to C-l zoning and Conunercial
land use as outlined in the application. Seconded by Torcaso. Vote: All Aye.
Motion carried.
Amendment 3. Lot 17, Blk. B, Mitchell SUrvey of Levy Grant/Add to Winter
Springs Land Use Map as Light Industrial (Zone C-2) (Reclassification from
Seminole County Suburban Estates)/8 acres north of S.R. 434 Tuscawilla Road
Dorman recessed
the Planning and Zoning Board and reconvened the Local Planning
Koch gave her presentation. The applicant is asking to change the land use to
be compatible to the property to the south, which is Light Industrial. She
stated that the County land use for the property to the north is SUburban
Estates, which is 1 acre home sites.
Koch stated that the area is changing over with the urbanization both of the
Ci ty and County. There will be requirements for buffering between the rural
and commercial areas.
Hopkins statd that in the Comprehensive Plan it states that areas around lakes
and other environmentally sensitive areas shall be utilized for recreational,
open space and or low density residential land use only, so that the adverse
effects of development upon natural resources are minimized.
Dorman asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the request.
There was no one present to speak for or against the request.
Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes
April 27, 1988
Page 3
Dorman recessed the Local Planning Agency and reconvened the Planning and
Zoning Board.
There was discussion on the request. There was concern about having C-2 zoning
on the property. Dorman moved this request to the end of the hearing so Mr.
Joyce could look over the C-1 zoning code to see if he might want to change his
request, if what he intends to do with the property will fit under the C-1
Dorman recessed the Planning and Zoning Board and reconvened the Local Planning
Amendment 4. Pt. Lot 14 and Pt. Lot 21, P.R. Yonge Grant/Reclassify Land Use
fram Rural Residential to Commercial (Zone C-1)/40 Acres North of S.R. 434 East
Q.L_Howell Branch: ______. _______.________ _____________
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that this Schrimsher property is 40
acres just east of the larger piece of his property that the Board had dealt
with before. The property is mostly outside the flood prone area. She stated
the request is Commercial rather than Light Industrial because of the proximity
of the residential developments in Tuscawilla to the south. Vistawilla Road,
men completed, will provide access for those areas to S.R. 434 and this
Dorman asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the request.
There was no one present to speak for or against the request.
Dorman recessed the Local Planning Agency and reconvened the Planning and
Zoning Board.
There was discussion on the request. It was determined that the property will
generally be used for retail, services, and offices.
Hopkins moved to recommend approval of the reclassification of the land use
fram Rural Residential to Conunercial as presented on the application. Seconded
by Torcaso. Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
Dorman recessed the Planning and Zoning Board and reconvened the Local Planning
Amendment 5. W 1/2 of SW 1/4 (less Parcels 2-B and 2-U) of Section 4, T 21, R
31/Add to Winter Springs Land Use Map: Light Industrial for that Portion of
Property OUtside Right-of-Way Reserved for Seminole County Expressway and Rural
Residential Wi thin Expressway Right-of-Way Reservation Boundary (Zones C-2 and
R-U) (Reclassification from Seminole County General Rural)/56 Acres South of
S. R.:.. 434 Adjacen!_:!=o ~tern g.tt::~~mi ts,.~..__.. ._.._._____.___
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that the request is to assign the Light
Industrial classification to the portions of the property west and east of the
right-of-way reserved by the Expressway Authority. The land use classification
of Rural Residential is to be applied to the right-of-way property, consistent
with its current use in accordance with State statutes.
Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes
April 27, 1988
Page 4
Mr. McIntosh, agent for the owners, was there to speak for the request. He
presented a proposed map of what would likely be done with the property.
Dorman asked if there was anyone present to speak for or against the request.
There was no one present to speak for or against the request.
Dorman recessed the Local Plarming Agency and reconvened the P larming and
Zoning Board.
There was discussion on the request as to whether Conunercial classification
instead would be sufficient, given the proposed uses shown on the map, if a
motel fit into the C-l zoning category.
Saporito moved to reconunend approval to the City Commission to grant the
Commercial land use, with the condi tion being that the Conunission agrees that a
motel be a permitted use in zone C-l (amending the Ordinance to do so); and in
the event the Corrunission cannot, that they reconsider to grant Light Industrial
Land Use with zoning of C-2. Seconded by Hopkins. Vote: All aye. Motion
Amendment_~~__Continuation of ""this. itel!!._.from earlier in _ the _meetil}g"~.
Dorman asked the applicant, David Joyce, if he had considered changing the
application to Commercial Land Use and zoning at C-l.
Joyce stated that he would like to keep the request as presented.
Torcaso moved to recommend approval of the reclassification of the Land Use to
Light Industrial. Seconded by Dorman. Vote: McLeod: aye; Saporito: aye;
Hopkins: nay; Dorman: aye; Torcaso: aye. Motion carried.
End Of Local Plarming Agency Public Hearing
Tuscawilla Unit 161 Final Developnent PlanLPreliminary Engine~ring: _
LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated that the property is located at the
junction of Winter Springs Boulevard and Northern Way. He stated that Brian
Austin and Linda Taylor, from Donald W. McIntosh Associates, are here to
answer any questions.
Dorman asked how close were the nearest lots from the 100 year flood line from
Bear Creek. Taylor stated that it varies and stated that a few lots are right
on it. LeBlanc stated that there is a setback of 40' to 50' from the mean high
water line.
LeBlanc stated that on the final plan it will show the footprint of the houses
and this will be looked at at that time.
Plarming and Zoning Board
April 27, 1988
Page 5
Torcaso moved to recommend approval of Tuscawilla Unit 16, Final Development
Plan, Preliminary Engineering. Seconded by McLeod. Vote: Dorman: aye;
Torcaso: aye; McLeod: aye; Saporito: abstain; Hopkins: aye. Motion carried.
Dorman asked when will there be a formal not if ication system to the school
board from the City. Koch stated that the City Manager is working on this
matter now and that there will be three different situations when the school
board will be notified. One being when there is a change of land use to
residential, second when residential zoning will be altered to increase the
number of homes, third when development plans are reviewed wi thin an approved
zoning category.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
P larming and Zoning Board
Plannin and Zonin Board
Hinter Springs
Sa orito
607 j\1or
Hinter Springs
April 27, 1988
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A person holding appointive county, municipal, or other local public office MUST ABSTAIN from voting on a measure which
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. You should complete and file this form (before making any attempt to influence the decision) with the person responsible for
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. A copy of the form should be provided immediately to the other members of the agency.
. The form should be read publicly at the meeting prior to consideration of the matter in which you have a conflict of interest.