HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 03 09 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES March 9, 1988 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. BOARD MmeERS: CITY OFFICIAL: David Hopkins, Present D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator Gene Donnan, Chairman, Present Taro Joshi, Present David M=Lecxi, Absent Michael Saporito, Vice-Chairman, Present APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 10, 1988: Hopkins moved to approve the minutes of February 10, 1988. Seconded by Saporito. Vote: Donnan: aye; Joshi: aye; M=Lecxi: absent; Saporito: aye; Hopkins: aye. toDtion carried. Request of Robert C. Bixler to rezone property fran R-1, One-Family Dwelling, to C-1, Neighborhood Camnercial, Lot 14, Block 8, North Orlando TCMllSite, Fourth Addition - Property at 2 Sherry Avenue: LeBlanc gave his presentation. He stated that this property is on the corner of S.R. 434 and Sherry Avenue, the applicant is requesting to rezone the property fran R-l to C-1, the land use for this property is C-1. He stated that Mr. Bixler was present for art'f questions. Hopkins asked what is the intended use of this property. LeBlanc stated that the property is being rezoned to C-1 and there will be a mobile license issued. There is no business being done out of the bane just the use of the telephones. Hopkins asked if there was adequate area for the ~king that is needed. LeBlanc stated that there was. Dorman asked about the application, where it states that the request was for C- 1 zoning with exception. LeBlanc stated that the applicant just wanted to be assured that he could maintain his residence on the property. He stated that he has checked with the City Attorney, Linda Barnby, and the answer was that he could with the ~king of his vehicles. Hopkins asked if there were any concerns frcm the surrounding residents. LeBlanc stated that letters were sent out to the adjoining property owners and stated that there were no inquiries about the request. Sapori to moved that the Plarming and Zoning Board reccmnend approval of the application. Seconded by Joshi. Vote: Joshi: aye; Saporito: aye; Hopkins : aye; Donnan: aye; McLeod: absent. M:>tion carried. Dorman asked if there was any other business to cane before the Board. Hopkins asked if a ~rkshop could be scheduled to discuss the implications of setting a time 11mi t on matters that cane before this Board such as rezoning. Hopkins stated that recently a matter came before the Board and in December this same Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes March 9, 1988 Page 2 matter was brought before the Camnission and was rejected. Then again in January it was brought before this Board again. He stated that he feels that this is creating apathy with the residents. Dorman stated that he had requested a workshop with the Conmission last May and this has not been honored yet. Hopkins also stated that another concern he had was at the last Camnission meeting the Planning and Zoning Board I S recc:mnenda.tions were not presented. He stated that he would like to have Staff present the Boards recamnendations publicly, so the voice of the Plarming am Zoning Board is also heard. Saporito stated that he is in agreement with this, he stated that it is time that the Commission either abolish this body or present the recOJJll1endations and find out the reasons why the decisions were made as they were. Dorman stated that he feels the same way also; he stated that there is no camnunication with this Board and the City Camnission. Saporito stated that this is an advisory Board and the Board takes the time to listen to all the input presented to them fran the interested parties and this Board makes a preliminary decision based on the information brought before us am advises the Ci ty Ccmni.ssion of our determination based on the information we are given. Saporito stated that all the information we provide the Camnission should be presented to them in order for them to make an educated decision. Joshi stated that the members should speak to the Camnissioners who appointed them and ask as a joint body to hold a workshop with the Conunission. LeBlanc stated that he would speak with the City Manager and ask him to put this on his agenda item before the Camnission. Dorman also stated that he would like the Board to meet with a representative of the School Board. LeBlanc stated that Mayor Grove is talking about holding a workshop with a representative of the School Board. Dorman stated that the Board has asked to hold a workshop with a representative of the School Board tack in October and nothing has happened as yet. All members present were in agreement that a workshop should be scheduled with the City Ccmnission. The meeting was adjourned at 1: 50 P.M. Respectfully SUbni tted, Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary P larming and Zoning Board