HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988 01 13 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes
January 13, 1988
The meeting was called to order at 7:32 P.M.
David Hopkins, Present
Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present
Taru Joshi, Present
David McLeod, Present
Michael Saporito, Vice-Chairman,
J. Koch, Dir.Adm./Comprehensive Planning
Approval of Minutes of December 9, 1987:
Sapor i to moved to approve the minutes of December 9, 1987. Seconded by
Hopkins. Vote: Dorman: aye; Joshi: aye; McLeod: abstain; Saporito: aye;
Hopkins: aye. l\Ibtion carried.
Request of Frank and June Sobotka to Annex Lot 9-B, Block D, Mitchell SUrvey -
5 Acres on South Side of State Road 434 Just East of State Road 419
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that this property is just east of the
419/434 intersection and east of the County Service Compound on the opposite
side of the road. Lot 9 is divided up into a number of parcels and this
request is for lot 9-B. The property is just under 5 acres, this will become
one of our spring amendments, this is a two part process. We will be dealing
wi th the armexation at this time. The property will keep the county zoning of
A-1 until we formally amend our Land Use Map, which will be around May, to add
this property. The requested land use is Camnercial.
Gene Duf fy, of Duffy and Harvey Consultants, was there to speak for the
applicants. He stated that the applicants had been invited into the City
several years ago.
Dorman asked what the land to the east is zoned. Koch stated that the land to
the east is zoned R-U, the land to the south is zoned R-1A and the property in
the county is zoned A-1 - General Rural. Koch also stated that there is a
Florida Power easement to the rear of the property and a park buffering the
nearest homes fran the property in question.
Dorman asked if there were any plans for the property. Duffy stated not at this
There was discussion on the request.
Joshi moved to recamnend approval to the City Conunission to annex Lot 9-B,
Block D, Mitchell SUrvey - 5 acres on south side of State Road 434 just east of
State Road 419 intersection. Seconded by Saporito. Vote: Dorman: aye; Joshi:
aye; McLeod: aye; Saporito: aye; Hopkins: aye. l\Ibtion carried.
Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes
January 13, 1988
Page 2
Request of David M. Joyce to Annex Lot 17, Block B, Mitchell SUrvey - 8 Acres
North of State Road 434 West of Brantley Avenue on North Side of Railroad R-D-W
Koch gave her presentation. She stated that this property is behind City Hall.
Mr. Joyce has property already in the City where there is an operating saw
mill. The property in question is on the other side of the railroad track.
There is an existing bane on the property and he would like to use this as an
office for his business. He would like to change the land use to light
industrial to be consistent with the property he has in the City.
Koch stated that the County has changed their land uses for the area north of
this property fran general rural to low density residential because the land
was developed with lakefront banes a long time ago. The 'Ul'D!veloped County
land in this general area has been reclassified to suburban estates a minimum
of one acre in size. The County has revised its previous pesi tion that all the
lani along the lake be rural.
She stated that this annexed property will also be one of the spring amendments
to our Iand Use Map and the land use will be formally adopted at that time.
TIlis will be a full scale amendment.
David Joyce was present to speak for his request. He stated that he was
invi ted to annex into the City.
There was discussion on the request.
Saporito moved to recamnend approval to the City COIIIJli.ssion to annex the
property of David M. Joyce into the City of Winter Springs. Seccn:ied by
Hopkins. Vote: Joshi: aye; McLeod: aye; Saporito: aye; Hopkins: aye; Dorman:
aye. [\t)tion carried.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 P.M.
Respectfully subnitted,
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Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary
Plarming and Zoning Board