HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 07 15 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes e e.. PLANNING AND ZCIaNG BOARD MD<<11'ES .July 15, 1981 '!'he meeting NIB called to order at 1:30 P.M. PRESENT WERE: David Hopkins, PI ssent Gene Dorman, Chairman, Absent Taru :Joshi, Absent Terri . Donnelly, PI esent Michael saporito, Present CI'lY OFFICIALS: D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator 3. Koch, Dir. AdIn./City Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JUNE 10, 1981: Sapori to chaired the meeting as Dorman MBS absent. Sapori to suggested to approve the minutes of .June 10, 1981 at the next scheduled meeting because of the new ~. All agreed. ELECTI<>>I OF OFFICERS FOR 1981-88: Saporito suggested to hold the electioo at the next scheduled meeting as not all members of the Board are pxesent. All agreed. BRIEFING <>>I BOARD REVIEW OF DEVEUJPMENT PLANS BY LAND DEVEWPMENT COORDINATOR: LeBlanc gave a brief presentation for the new members of the Board. He stated that the POD concept has been approved in 1912. Ch::e certain areas are developed, the developer ccmes in with a preliminary final developDe1'lt plan Nlich outlines their cau::ept of the sectioo to be developed. A Staff Review is held with members of the Staff, once everyone is satisfied, then CCIIIE!!S before the Plarming and Zoning Board for rec<mnerdatioo to the City Cr-;ssian for final approval. Q1ce this ~ approved then the developer subDi ts final engineering and an to the City Camlissian for final approval. Final Developaent Plan/Preliminary Engineering of Highland Village '!Wo - Patio Heme DeveIOlDl!11t near Sheoah Boulevard and North '.lbird Street in the Hiahlands: LeBlanc stated that there will be a total of 100 units in Highland Village I and II. '!'here MBS discussion on the project. Donnelly DJVed to rec.....-td approval to the City Callnissian of the Final Developlll!llt Plan/Preliminary Engineering of Highland Village '!Wo. Seconied by Saporito. Vote: IfoPd.ns: aye; Dorman: absent; 3oshi: absent; Donnelly: aye; Saporito: aye. tlbtion carried. '!'he meeting MBS adjourned at 1:40 P.M. Respectfully SUbDi. tted Margo Hopkins, Recording Secreta1y Planning and Zoning Board