HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 06 10 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes - ,.-..", - No. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEETING June 10, 1987 The meetirg was called to order at 7:30 P.M. PRESENT WERE: Richard DeFazio, V. Chairman, Present Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present Taru Joshi, Pr'E!sent Jim Hartman, Absent Michael Saporito, Present CI'IY OFFICIALS: J. Koch, City Plarmer D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator Approval of Mirmtes of May 2'1, 1987.~ .______. Del!'azio rooved to approve the mirmtes of May 27, 198'1. Seconded by Saporito. Vote: DeFazio: aye; Dorman: aye; Joshi: aye; Hartman: absent; Saporito: aye. ~tion carried. Request of Billy R. Martin to Annex 1.5 acres on south side of Florida Avenue (Lo'ts 9 am l~lock D, Flamingo Springs.LfJa't_~k 8, Page 72):_ Koch gave her presentation. She sta'ted 'that Florida Avenue is off U.S. 11-92, west of 'the Highlarris. All the property on the nor'th side of Florida Avenue is Ligh't Indus'trial proper'ty in the City. EverYthirg on the south side is in Seminole County. There is General Camlercia1 deve10pnent near US 17-92 and a residential developnent platted between 'that am the High1an:is greenbe1't to the east. Joshi asked who maintains Florida Averme. Koch stated that the CO\Ulty maintains this unpaved road. Billy Martin was there to speak for his request. He stated that the County maintains the road am that it is graded once a roonth. Dorman asked if the City 1<<JUld be takirg over the maintenance of the road. Koch stated not at this time. Koch stated that the residential developnent that includes these lots is built out only in the western sector. The lo'ts on 'the eas't are vacan't except for a few scattered houses. There are ways to develop the property without causirg further impact on the residential area near this property. She also stated that the impact is already there. Developnent under City review could actually improve the situation. DeFazio asked about the lot directly across the street fran this property, heM close the nearest residence is to this property. Miller stated that there is no residence directly across the street that the closest is about four to five lots up fran his property. Dorman asked what the County zonirg of A-l meant. Koch stated tha't i't is Agricu1 ture. She s'tated that the County has Low Density Residential larrl use classification throughout this area but nearby has contirmed permitting 'Ut'Xier Camlercial zonirg. Therefore a larrl use conflic't already exists. Sapori to am Dorman stated that concerns about 'the impac't it 1<<JUld cause to the people in the area, if the City extended Light Industrial lam use to the south side of Florida Avenue. 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"Du!,UOZ aq+ uo SlTr.::lI"'P"'O .hue a){BlI prnoo o'Hqrp alI~ aWJ'~ ~etIl ~1e pue ~uawuf5!,sse asn p:mr oIO,1 dn sauK)O .hJ.oIado.1d S~ uat{M Du!,oIBaH o!'rqIld 1e aq Ptt\ao\ a.zaq~ ~etIl pa~1e~S uew.zO(J 'Apea.zr1e oIa,1plq 1e ,10 qonw ~OU s!, CJ;\uaAlf ep!,oIOr.!l S!, u.zaouoo atI+ letll pale~s OTZle,!Ia(J 'uo!,~exauue ~ uo uo!'ssnos!'p S&M aoIat{J, ~ a6ed laSt 'Ot aun.r sa~nul'W p.zeog ful'UOZ pue Du!,uuerd ",. - """" Planning and Zoning Board Minutes June 10, 1981 Page 3 Review of Developnent_ Standards for Zone R-1AA (Sections 44~28-29, 44.~1-34)-=- LeBlanc stated that one option is to change the lot size or reduce the side yard setbacks., Another prospect is to formulate a formula for setbacks. He stated that one concem is that the people in zone R-1AA l'lCM have a 20 ft. side yard setback, people who now would move into the area would have a 10 ft. setback. He stated that you can see that there are inequities in the zoning ordinance . There was discussion on the size of the lot width and the size of home to be built. Koch stated that a canplete revamp of the zoning needs to be done. She stated that the zoning Code was adopted in 1968. Residential zones need to be devised to allow more choices and therefore better transitions bebeen developnents. "0 only reduce the R-1AA setback and make no other modifications would leave us with two almost identical zones, R-1A and R-1AA, on one erxi of the scale and the one-acre RC-1 zone on the other. The City needs more intermediate zones to avoid conflicts between residential zoning categories. DeFazio stated that sanething needs to be done to make a transitional change bebeen the zonings. Koch stated that the Staff is here to give the Board any input that they have to make a recarmendation to the City Comnission. Sapori to stated that in his opinion that houses are l'lCM being Wilt too close together. DeFazio stated that when homes are built close together this adds to the chaos on the roads. Saporito stated that a solution would be to change the minimum lot width and side yard fran 60 ft. to 65 ft. (width) and 6 ft. to 1 ft.(side yard); 15 ft. to 80 ft. (width) and 1 1/2 ft. to 10 ft. (side yard); 80 ft. to 100 ft. (width) and 20 ft. to,15 ft. (side yard); 100 ft. to 120 ft. (width) and 20 ft. to 25. There was discussion on the minimum living area allowed in each zoning category . Dorman suggested that the Board continue this discussion and get more information fran the Staff on what size of hane is being builtin the different zoning categories. Also, get input fran the builders in the area, and any information the Staff can cane up with would be helpful. He stated that the Board will cane up with a decision by the end of September. The meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M. Respectfully su1:Jnitted, Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning Board