HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987 05 27 Planning and Zoning Board Regular Minutes -- ~. PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD May 27, 1987 The meetil'YJ was called to order at 7:35 P.M. PRESENT WERE: Richard DeFazio, V. Chairman, Present Gene Dorman, Chairman, Present Taru Joshi, Present Jim Hartman, Absent Michael Saporito, Present CITY OFFICIAL: J. KOch, Dir. Adm./C.Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF APRIL 22, 1987 : DeFazio made the motion to approve the minutes of April 22, 1987. Seconded by Sapor i to. Vote: DeFazio: aye; Dorman: cr;{e; Joshi: aye; Hartman: absent; Saporito: aye. Motion carried. ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF OFFICIAL ZONING MAP (SECTION 44.26 ( 3) ): KOch gave her presentation. She stated that armually before the end of May the Board needs to make a reccmnenda.tion to the City Camnission to approve the updated Official Zonil'YJ Map. Accordil'YJ to the City Code 44.73, charYJe the coloril'YJ and put a number on each property that has been changed; listil'YJ the ordinance and the date it passed. She stated that she has added a new color which is grey listil'YJ two properties that have been annexed into the City but are Pendil'YJ amendments to our Canprehensive Land Use Plan, lmtil our map is officially amended those properties are still under Seminole County's land use map, she stated that these properties are listed as temporary. She also stated that there is one deannexation, a road right-of-way, which is fran S.R. 419 to US 17-92 to the eastern boundary of OViedo. Koch reviewed the properties with the Board that have been annexed and rezoned wi thin the past year. She stated that there has been a total of 34 annexations, 12 rezonings, and 1 deannexation since 1982. Sapori to moved that accordil'YJ to Section 44.26 (3) of the Winter Spril'YJS City Code that the official zonil'YJ map as updated be approved and reccmnendation be made to the City Camlission to be adopted. Seconded by Joshi. Vote: Dorman: cr;{e; Joshi: aye; Hartman: absent; Saporito: aye; DeFazio: aye. Motion carried. The meetil'YJ was adjounled at 7:50 p.m. ResPectfully suJ:mi tted, Margo Hopkins, Recordil'YJ Secretary P lanni.ng and Zonil'YJ Board.