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::e, the residents of SmHNOLT; FnH;S Iv;OBILE HOl'iE PARtC (the parl~) do
her.ceby express ourselves with reEard to the request from the management/
owners of saild Park to the Ci ty of VIin tel' springs Planning and zoning
Board/Local Planning Agency for a reclassification of 1.5 acres at the
entrance to the Park from l~ural Besidential Land Use--II rp ;,joLlle Hum'e
I2.ark nist~ to C-l Neighborhood Commercial District as follows:
1. We approve of the proposed plan to move the Sales Office and
display model homes from their present location to the 1.5 acres at the
entrance to the Park.
2. The proposed location of the sales cffice and model homes ~t
the Park entrance is the logical location for prospective purchasers to
seek information and view model homes as/they enter the Park.
3. .o/conducted tour of the park for interested prospective pur-
chasers accompanied by :parlc representatives is preferable to the \'land-
ering, self-conducted driving thru the Park which can be hazardous to
the safety of residents and property within the park.
4. ft.i.tholJp..;h "-fe approve of the location of the offj.ce and fllOdels _~
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at tlw entr~mce we object to the reclassification from R-TT-Iobilc Huwe
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Park D~~trict to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District for the folloWing
A. There are sixty-three uses for the 1.5 acres under C-l
Zoning many of which are not compatable with a residential community
such as we now enjoy. ~e do not want our park entrance to be possibly
situated by a
"31 full service gas station, requiring that mechanical repair
service be provided.1I
"33 Grocers, retail: those Vlhose business includes and are lim-
ited tithe retail sale of groceries including produce, meats and house-
hold goods--etc--"
"3 Alcoholic beverage sales (iJackage)"
"4 Alcoholic bevera.ge on presises consumption"
"16 Bowling alley"
with the possibility of increased traffic, parking problems and in-
creased nazard of egress or exit to or from 419/434.
E. We object to the possibility that sometime in the future
the present owners or possible future owners of the 1.5 acres can sell
the proposed site and divert it from the present intended use to any of
the sixty-three uses allowed for C-l Neighborhood Commercial Districts.
C. We object to the proposed reclsssification on the grounds
that the proposed use of the 1.5 acres as a n office and model home
display is not one of the sixty-three uses approved for C-l Neighbor-
hood Commercial Districts.
\1e recommend to the '~~linter Springs Planning and Zoning Board/
Local planning Agency that the 1.5 acres be approved for 10cati010f
the mobile home sales office and mOdeidiSPlay by a varience from the
curront H-T Zoninc and that the current R-T zoning be maintained for
Page No.2
the entire Seminole Pines Mobile Home Park.
We have attached a petition signed by residents of Seminole
Pines l,jobile Home Park vlhich vie request be filed by your Boar:i as
part of the hearing for this reclassification and a part of the re-
The Residents Committee
seminole Pines Mobile Home Park Residents.
'Page No. I
',/e, the undersigned residents of ,sEI'HNOLE PINES NOBILE HOt.].": PARr~,
on pages 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5
1. Approve the l)lanned move of the office and model homes to the
1.5 acres at the entrance to the Park.
IV 2. We object to the reclassification of the 1.5 acres from ~
I?Er~'d-\i 1'1[ l{~~1.l~rl~ 'Bf/t/l\; LUtf~_l Neigt.borhood Commercial District as
the land uses for C-l are not compatable with our residelltial liVing.
3. Mobile home office and display Homes is not one of the sixty-
three approved land uses of C-l zoning.
4. \//e recommend that the Winter Springs Planning and zoning Board
allow the location of the office and clodel homes at tl1e parlytntrance by
a variance from the current R-T zoning.
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'.Ie, the undersl.gned residents of SEMINOLE FINES 1'10BILE Em.IE PARK,
on pages 1,2, 3, 4, & 5
1. Approve the planned move of the office and model homes to the
1.5 acres at the entrance to the Park.
2. We object to the reclassification of the 1.5 acres from R-T
Mobile Home park District to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District as
the land uses for C-I are not compatable with our residential living.
3. Hobile home office and display Homes is not one of the sixty-
three approved land uses of C-I zoning.
4. Vie recommend that the Viinter Springs Planning and Zoning Board
allow the location of the office and model homes at the parY~ntrance by
a variance from the current R-T Zoning.
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. :Page No. .3
'He, the undersigned residents of SEIvJINOLE PINES MOBILE HOI'.i.E PARK,
on pages 1,2, 3, 4, & 5
1. Approve the planned move of the office and model homes to the
1.5 acres at the entrance to the Park.
2. We object to the reclassification of the 1.5 acres from R-T
Mobile Home Park District to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District as
the land uses for C-I are not compatable with our residential living.
3. Hobile home office and display Homes is not one of the sixty-
three approved land uses of C-l zoning.
4. Vie recommend that the Winter Springs Planning and zoning Board
allow the location of the office and model homes at the parY~ntrance by
a variance from the current R-T Zoning.
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.' . -Page No. c;..
He, the unciersigned residents of SEMINOLE PINES l'10BILE HOl'.IE PARK,
on pages 1,2, 3, 4, & 5
1. Approve the planned move of the office and model homes to the
1.5 acres at the entrance to the Park.
2. We object to the reclassification of the 1.5 acres from R-T
Mobile Home Park District to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District as
the land uses for C-I are not compatable with our residential living.
3. Mobile home office and display Homes is not one of the sixty-
three approved land uses of C-I zoning.
4. Vie recommend that the ~'jinter Springs Planning and Zoning Board
allow the location of the office and model homes at the parY~ntrance by
a variance from the curreut R-T Zoning.
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',-/e, the undersfgned residents of SEHINOLE PINES HOBILE HOl'.lE PARK,
on pages 1,2, 3, 4, & 5
1. Approve the planned move of the office and model homes to the
1.5 acres at the entrance to the Park.
2. We object to the reclassification of the 1.5 acres from R-T
Mobile Home Park District to C-l Neighborhood Commercial District as
the land uses for C-I are not compatable with our residential living.
3. Mobile home office and display Homes is not one of the sixty-
three approved land uses of C-I zoning.
4. Vie recommend tllat the 'Ninter Springs Planning and zoning Board
allow the location of the office and model homes at the parY~ntrance by
a variance from the current R-T Zoning.
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